Angela Goethals

Angela Goethals

Nacimiento : 1977-05-20, New York City, New York, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Angela Bethany Goethals (born May 20, 1977) is an American film, television and stage actress. Goethals made her acting debut in the Broadway production of Coastal Disturbances in 1987, and later became known for her role in Home Alone (1990) playing the sister of Macaulay Culkin's character in the film. Throughout the 1990s, Goethals went on to star in several independent films and television shows, including a leading role on the sitcom Phenom (1993), as well as a small role in Jerry Maguire (1996). In 1999, Goethals graduated from Vassar college with a B.A. in French before returning to acting. In 2005, she landed a recurring guest appearance on 24, and also gained recognition and critical acclaim for her starring role in the black comedy horror mockumentary, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006).


Angela Goethals


Before the Mask
The Reporter
Deaths begin again as a body returns.
Long Day's Journey Into Night
Eugene O'Neill's semi-autobiographical masterpiece pulls back the curtain on the Connecticut home of the Tyrone family, where deep-seated resentments and bourbon-fueled tirades cause a family to expose their darkest natures. Starring Alfred Molina as James Tyrone and Jane Kaczmarek as Mary Cavan Tyrone, this powerful production depicts a single day that begins as any other, only to become a night from which they will never recover.
Detrás de la máscara: El encumbramiento de Leslie Vernon
Taylor Gentry
Con un inicio narrado en clave de documental, Behind the mask narra la historia de Leslie Vernon (Nathan Baesel), un chico que se 'entrena' para ser un serial killer a la altura de los grandes psicópatas del cine de terror, tomando como modelos a Jason de Viernes 13 o Freddy Krueger de Pesadilla en Elm Street. Taylor Gentry (Angela Goethals) registra con su cámara todo cuanto Leslie le explica, los intríngulis de su 'plan' para sembrar el terror en la pequeña comunidad de Glen Echo.
Flor (Paz Vega) es una mexicana que emigra a los Estados Unidos para poder ofrecer una vida mejor a su hija. Una vez allí consigue trabajo en casa de una acomodada familia, los Clasky (Adam Sandler y Téa Leoni), a pesar de la barrera que supone su desconocimiento del inglés.
Robando la Navidad
Noelle Gibson
Jack Clayton protagoniza un frustrado intento de robo vestido de Papá Noel,
Porn 'n Chicken
Based on a true story. In 1996, five overworked Yale undergrads formed a club to watch porno films on weekends while ingesting mass quantities of fried chicken and Miller High Life. As the "Porn 'n' Chicken Club" gained members and notoriety, the hide-bound Yale Establishment ordered that the club be closed down. Defiantly, the original members scraped together enough money to produce their own X-rated movie -- and much to the dismay of the faculty and administration, the club became more popular and renowned than ever. In the film, all character names are changed, and even Yale is not mentioned by name (it was filmed on the campus of Columbia University). What remains constant is the youthful exuberance of the club members and the anal-retentive reaction of the authority figures, notably Kurt Fuller as the Dean. Real-life porn stars Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson make amusing cameo appearances.
Al límite de la verdad
Sarah Windsor
En circunstancias normales, un atasco en hora punta en Nueva York no provocaría una reacción en cadena capaz de destrozar la vida de dos personas. Sin embargo, en este día en concreto, un pequeño choque convertirá a dos hombres en enemigos declarados. Gavin Banek (Ben Affleck) es un abogado de altos vuelos que intenta abrirse camino entre los coches para no llegar tarde a un juicio. Doyle Gipson (Samuel L. Jackson), padre de dos niños, que también se dirige al tribunal donde un juez con una larga lista de casos y poco tiempo que perder va a decidir si Doyle tiene derecho a ver a sus hijos. Un accidente sin importancia llevará a estos dos extraños al borde de la autodestrucción y demostrará que la ira nos convierte a todos en iguales.
Cosas que no se olvidan
Dos relatos independientes ambientados en un instituto y una universidad. Los personajes, llenos a la vez de esperanzas y temores, se plantean problemas respecto al sexo, la raza, la fama y la manipulación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Who's the Caboose?
Girl towards Back
A documentary team gets a grant to do a film on a rare fatal disease that is attacking homeless people. However, they quickly find the film too depressing. Ducking into a nightclub, they discover a young Manhattan comedienne and decide instead to follow her as she makes the circuit of auditions in L.A. as she tries to get a TV pilot. Unfortunately, she has failed to tell her boyfriend of this move. He decides he will trail her out west. There, the boyfriend runs into an old friend who has already made a break on a TV pilot. Seizing the opportunity, the actress turns her attentions to the established actor. However, the actress goes nowhere in auditions, but her ex-boyfriend is suddenly noticed and becomes the next hot prospect.
Jerry Maguire
Kathy Sanders
Jerry Maguire es un agente de deportes cínico y prometedor que es despedido de la empresa en que trabaja por haber redactado una declaración de principios en la que se lamenta de la falta de ética en su profesión. Sin trabajo y con un único cliente, debe empezar una nueva vida, ayudado por una secretaria que ha decidido abandonarlo todo para trabajar a su lado.
Triple Bogey On A Par Five Hole
Bree Levy
The Levys, a glamorous couple, used to make their living robbing golfers, until they met their fatal handicap. Years later, scriptwriter Remy Gravelle decides to observe the Levy progeny as they sail endlessly round Manhattan in their luxury yacht.
V.I. Warshawski
Kat Grafalk, Bernard's Daughter
Victoria "V.I" Warshawski is a Chicago based private detective who agrees to babysit for her new boyfriend; then he is murdered. Being the detective type, she makes the murder her next case. In doing so she befriends the victim's daughter, Kat, and together they set out to crack the case.
Solo en casa
Linnie McCallister
Kevin McAllister es un niño de ocho años, miembro de una familia numerosa, que accidentalmente se queda abandonado en su casa cuando toda la familia se marcha a pasar las vacaciones a Francia. Kevin aprende a valerse por sí mismo e incluso a protegerse de Harry y Marv, dos bribones que se proponen asaltar todas las casas cerradas de su vecindario. Cuando su madre Kate lo hecha en falta, realiza un pintoresco viaje de vuelta contra reloj a Chicago para recuperar a su hijo.
Heartbreak Hotel
Pam Wolfe
When a teen tries to set up a band at his school, his mother who was a big fan of Elvis Presley gets in a wreck he and his band members decides to kidnap Elvis and have him hooked up with his mother.
El cohete de Gibraltar
Dawn Black
Para celebrar el 77 cumpleaños de Levi Rockwell, sus cuatro hijos, yernos, nueras y nietos se reúnen en la bonita casa familiar de Long Island. Allí nace una entrañable relación entre Levi y su nieto Cy Blue, de cinco años. Cuando le preguntan al patriarca sobre el regalo de cumpleaños que desea, sorprende a sus nietos contestando que lo que quiere es que el día de su muerte le preparen un funeral vikingo.