Livio Barbo


In the Highest of Skies
A group of pilgrims in the Vatican is trapped in an enclosed elevator. Then chaos erupts, and repressed urges come to the surface.
The Handsome Devil
Deep South Italian seventies. The performing and penniless sales representative "Tano" Avallone, fell in love with the beautiful Mariangela, sixteen-year-old daughter of the widowed lawyer "Totonno" Fortis Pantaleo. In order to approach the girl, he enters the graces of the professional, posing as his childhood friend and saying he is willing to eliminate the elderly Donna Mercedes, mother of these, so that he can inherit the substances. Guest of the family, Tano finds himself involved in a whirlwind of feminine attentions, including the free-range governess Immaculate, unnecessarily coveted by the lawyer, and the servant Sisina, desired by the parish priest.
Las perversiones sexuales de una chica llamada Julio
A una chica le ponen el nombre de Julio porque se parece mucho a su padre. Vive en Venecia con su madre y está a punto de contraer matrimonio con su novio de la adolescencia. A última hora Julio decide romper su compromiso. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mio Mao: Fatiche ed avventure di alcuni giovani occidentali per introdurre il vizio in Cina
Un grupo de jóvenes revolucionarios se marcha a China, un país que ha alcanzado casi por completo su ideal socialista.