Pia Ehrnvall


Directed by Bergman (The Making of Saraband)
A documentary about the production of Ingmar Bergman's TV film "Saraband."
Executive Producer
Treinta años después de divorciarse, Marianne, obedeciendo a un impulso repentino, visita a Johann, que ahora vive retirado en su casa de verano en la isla de Dalarna. Continuación de "Secretos de un matrimonio" (1973).
En presencia de un payaso
En 1925, el inventor Carl Åkerblom ingresa en un centro psiquiátrico de Upsala a causa de una violenta crisis nerviosa. Allí, con la colaboración de otros pacientes, se propone rodar la primera película sonora de la historia del cine, que trataría sobre los últimos días de la vida de Schubert. En el hospital recibe la inquietante visita de un ambiguo y extraño payaso. Aunque fue creada para la televisión, se exhibió en la sección "Un certain regard", del Festival de Cine de Cannes.
Från regnormarnas liv
Production Manager
The actress Johanne Heiberg and author Hans Christian Andersen bump into each other one night and nothing will ever be the same.
Ingmar Bergman on Life and Work
Production Manager
TV Documentary about Ingmar Bergman from 1998.
Ett sorts Hades
About the individuals who live in a mad-house. This kind of people usually seem to be quite normal. However, from one scene to another they may dramatically change, thereby revealing their deep problems with themselves and the society they cannot live in anymore.
Onkel Vanja
A retired professor has returned to his estate to live with his beautiful young wife, Yelena. The estate originally belonged to his first wife, now deceased; her mother and brother still live there and manage the farm.
Merry Christmas, Svensson Svensson
Father Gustav, mother Lena and children Lina and Max celebrate everything but a peaceful Christmas. A really merry Christmas with the Svensson family.
Finns vi - eller kan du laga våran TV?
Production Manager
A mother and daughter prepare themselves for the return of the son.
Duo jag
Gösta Ekman and Kent Andersson play two men, living together for a long time. One a small, skinny and unknown poet - the other a large, famous and celebrated actor.
The Father
A charged power struggle between spouses. A tug of war to the death of an only child as ends and means. From an August Strindberg play.
Los elegidos
Aunque no haya violencia física, la película es una especie de thriller de suspense. Ambientada en el delirio de los celos, la violencia implícita es una tortura para los sentimientos y constituye una opresión para el alma.