Enzo Macchiavello


Gafas Amarillas
Luego de una separación, Julia se muda a un frío departamento donde enfrenta los conflictos cotidianos de la soledad: pasar el día en pijamas, aceptar trabajos mediocres y comer en exceso, mientras aplica a una beca para cumplir su sueño de ser escritora. Julia encuentra un nuevo comienzo cuando tiene una aventura con Darío, un atractivo mesero con ínfulas de poeta, quien la lleva a conocer a Ignacio, empleado de una fotocopiadora que trata de protagonizar una obra de teatro.
Sara is 23 years old and is blind. One morning she goes to her country house accompanied by her boyfriend Jose Luis, her cousin Carolina and her boyfriend Pedro. At first the trip seems to be quite fun, but there is a strange energy in this country house as a result of a very dark past. As time goes by, the truth begins to unfold, and the intentions of each of the characters engages them in unexpected carnal desires. All this happens around Sara's blindness.
No Autumn, No Spring
No Autumn, No Spring depicts modern day Guayaquil City and its invisible generation. Iván Mora Manzano’s punk ballad of rebellion, confrontation and the disenfranchised reveals the tribulations of young men and women who struggle deeply with the transition from adolescence to adulthood.