Mme Le Sciellour
Fanny (Nathalie Boutefeu) has a small grain. Even the children tease. She lives in the home of her brother, she discovers that his beautiful sister having an affair. She decided to go to Germany, find its roots...
La grand-mère
After his wife leaves him, Fred goes on a cross-country crime spree in this dark but dreamy French comedy.
Madame Haton
The solitary and largely self-contained Augustin (Jean-Chretien Sibertin Blanc), on obscure young actor of bit-parts and advertisements, has but one ambition - to play the lead role in a Kung Fu epic. But hours of Kung Fu practice alone in his room are not enough. Augustin knows he must pack up and start a new life in China... or at least that part of China within bicycling distance: Chinatown in south-east Paris. There he meets Ling (Maggie Cheung), a young Chinese woman who practices ocupuncture, and little by little, Ling's needles awaken emotions in Augustin that his virginal body had never dreamed of. Where will this lead him? To Kung Fu stardom, maybe not, but to another destiny, a quirky but logical continuation of the same dream.
El rey de Parí es Victor Derval, el gran actor, y quiere ser el conquistador de la escena teatral de 1930. Vive con su corte: el director del teatro de la Gran Comedia, su fiel vestidora, un marqués en decadencia y su antigua amante y compañera de escena.
Part one of a BBC documentary about Jean Renoir.
When 12 year old Alex runs away, his grandmother ask her 6 friends for help and follow the kid from Paris to Lisbon.
Three old sisters get together every Sunday. For Epiphany Sunday, the program is busy: eating at the Chinese restaurant, drawing the kings and finally going to see, reluctantly, the show of the fourth sister, the extravagant one, the scandalous one, who is part of a comic troupe of the third age...
Madame Vieuzac
Émile Vieuzac vive con su madre en una gran casa de campo. Cuando ella muere repentinamente, él invita a todos sus parientes a acudir al funeral. Son los tiempos de la revuelta estudiantil de mayo del 68. (FILMAFFINITY)
Gracieuse Loiseau
Jeremy, a young art photographer, needs money to finance an exhibition of his work. He turns to Maurice, a lonely bachelor who will do almost anything to buy Jérémy’s company. When his relationship with his girlfriend starts to fall apart, the young photographer visits a peepshow and is at once struck by the beauty of one of the performers, Otie. He uses the money Maurice gave him to pay for further visits to the sex shop...
La blanchisseuse
Three friends begin to work the rent collectors. Fee collection goes with a lot of comic episodes...
La mère supérieure
The sequel of a successful French comedy "Rookies Run Amok" (1971) again with "Les Charlots" group.
Jeanne, mother of two children, loses her husband. She meets Pierre, abandoned by his wife.
Germaine Fabre
Durante la ocupación de París por las tropas alemanas, un grupo de actores trata de sacar adelante una obra de teatro. Nadie sospecha que, en el sótano del edificio, se oculta el director del grupo, un hombre de origen judío que desde su escondrijo dirige la obra a través de las indicaciones que da a su mujer, que es la protagonista.
La mère de Lise
Antoine, a professor of Greek, and Lise, a police inspector, honeymoon in Greece. There they meet a young couple, Charles, an archaeologist, and Agnes, a dishy flirt. Charles unearths the lovely buttocks of a classical statue and is determined to donate it to the Louvre. Agnes wants to sell it and gets a handsome local sailor to take it for an appraisal. When the sailor is murdered, the police suspect Charles and arrest Antoine as his accomplice. Lise swings into action, but before she can clear the men, Agnes springs them from jail, and now Lise must help them elude the police, find the real murderer, and recover the statue fragment. More art goes missing. What is the statue's secret?
Mme Charlebouis
Martial Perrin is the president of a right-wing political party which is gearing itself up for a forthcoming election. When he learns that a notorious criminal named Kraus has escaped from prison, Perrin panics and goes into hiding. His deputy, Constant, hires Perrin’s cousin, Gilbert, an actor who is a perfect double of Perrin, to replace him. What Gilbert does no know is that the killer Kraus is bumping off the people who were implicated in the affair for which he was arrested, and that Perrin is next on his list.
Mme Lapoule
La mère de Jean-Pierre
Tired of being a housewife, Annie wants to work. Between her professional life and her responsibilities as a parent, she can no longer cope. She decides to leave and starts writing a memoir of her life...
When Lise's car bumps Antoine's bike, they recognize each other from a brief fling 20 years before while at the Sorbonne. He's now a professor of Greek; she's loathe to tell him she's a police inspector. A call interrupts their first dinner date: a Deputy of the National Assembly has been murdered. She has a suspect, another Deputy, and must track him while deflecting Antoine's eye from her vocation. All roads in the inquiry lead to Christine Vallier, the dead Deputy's mistress, a beguiling 22-year-old whose mother ran the Assembly's snack bar. When more deputies die and Antoine learns Lise's identity, she must act quickly solve the crime and save her future.
Mme. Rozenec
Juliette Vidal is a journalist in Paris who works for the glamorous magazine "Pénélope". Uninspired, she decides to take an interest in the life of a department store saleswoman Juliette Rozenec.
Madame Bijou
After five years in the army, Valentin Brû marry a haberdasher. They move to Paris, where Valentin sells frames, while his wife becomes fortune teller. One day, Valentin replaces her, and predict a terrible event which will happen.
La mère de Marie
Mme Diogène
En 1910, dos mujeres (ambas llamadas María) descubren accidentalmente el “striptease” y obtienen un éxito tan rotundo que su público, plenamente entregado, también se desnuda durante el espectáculo. Una de ellas, se enamora de un guapo revolucionario y, sin proponérselo se ve implicada en una revuelta campesina.
Aunt Adèle
Paul is an accomplished teacher at Janson-de-Sailly. A "good guy" who, having returned for the holidays to the provincial town where he was raised, finds Véronique, his childhood friend. He falls madly in love...
segment 1 'La Bestiole'
ingular comedia negra que consta de tres episodios sobre el mismo tema: la muerte. Los protagonistas son una vieja campesina ("El ciempiés"), un hacendado que vive con sus sirvientes ("La corneja") y los artistas de un circo ("Miss Wilma").
Françoise Malhouin
Antoine and Marie decided to introduce their parents before the wedding. Summer vacation looks like a good time, so the Lartigue family prepares to host Malhouin family. But it turns out that the harsh Emil Malhouin is not too happy to get acquainted with his future relatives...
La mère de Jacquie
In the 1960s, Jacquie, a rebellious young woman, turns her back on her family to accompany an itinerant guitar player, Pierre, across France. The love affair is short-lived and when Pierre walks out of her life, Jacquie ends up in the bed of the first man she meets, a student. Disillusioned and broke, Jacquie returns to her home, but refuses to follow the example of her sister, who has become trapped in a life of domesticity. Whilst looking for a job worthy of her talents, she pursues a series of amorous adventures with men from all walks of life. Will any of them live up to her expectations...?
la patronne de l'hôtel
Tres americanos disparan sobre un transeúnte. El inspector Quevedos asiste al homicidio y alerta a la policía, pero cuando llegan, el cuerpo desaparece. Poco después, Quevedos es raptado por los gángsters que quieren saber qué se hizo con el cuerpo. Maigret (interpretado por tercera y última vez por Jean Gabin) lleva la investigación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rose, the maid
Año 1863. Etienne Lantier, despedido de la compañía de ferrocarriles por estar implicado en actividades sindicales, consigue trabajo en una mina del norte de Francia. Encuentra alojamiento en casa de la familia Maheus, donde todos son mineros y cuya hija, Catalina, se rinde a sus encantos. El trabajo es duro, mal pagado y peligroso. Cuando se enteran los mineros de que se les va a rebajar el salario, liderados por Lantier, se rebelan. La compañía decide contratar a otros obreros en su lugar y las autoridades reprimen a los rebeldes sin miramiento alguno.
Germaine Bontemps
Two scoundrels cheat a millionaire out of a huge bankroll on the French Riviera.
Helen Kimmel
Two total strangers suspect each other of murdering their own wives.
Mme Pipelet
Adaptación "Los misterios de París", novela del escritor francés Eugène Sue. Después de atropellar accidentalmente a un hombre con su carruaje, el Marqués Rodolphe de Sombreuil ayudará a su viuda a encontrar a su hija desaparecida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Madame Jasmin (segment "L'envie'") (uncredited)
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
Madame Jasmin (uncredited)
Envious of a movie star who is staying at the hotel where she works, the waitress Rosette does everything she can to seduce the actress's lover. Some time later, after having realized her ambition, she returns to the hotel as a client. (Segment of "Les sept pêches capitaux")
Anne's Maid
Una norteamericana que vive en un internado desarrolla una fascinación por un escultor al que ve subida al muro del colegio. La amante de éste le anima a seducir a la colegiala. Una mañana, la joven es testigo de un accidente de coche en que un soldado resulta muerto. El conductor escapa...
la veuve
Lise Lacoste
A widow in her fifties,Madame Lacoste ,meets Jean when they both come to put their pussy in a cattery.The man borrows a hefty sum from her ,to send his sick young son to breathe the fresh air of the country ,or so he said;in fact there's no son at all.He gives the money to his mistress who claims she's pregnant by him and who wants to have an abortion.She lies too ,for she does not expect any child and she intends to help the young man she's in love with to buy a scooter.But the latter does not care about her either and intends to marry a "rich " girl ....who's actually the concierge's daughter.
Dame Marthe
Francia, reinado de Luis XIV (1643-1715). El duque de Nevers acoge bajo su protección a su primo el príncipe Felipe de Gonzaga, pero éste ordena al siniestro Peyrolles que asesine a su benefactor. Con tal propósito, son reclutados los mejores espadachines, entre ellos Lagardére. Cuando Gonzaga se entera de que del matrimonio secreto de Nevers va a nacer un heredero, se apresurará a ejecutar sus planes.
Hélène Michaud
París, 1943. Para complacer a su amante, Yvette, de 17 años de edad, Antoine Michaud se implica en actividades del mercado negro con su amigo, Paul Tiercelin. Mientras sus padres creen que está en unas vacaciones, se hace cargo de la entrega de un envío de champán. No pasa mucho tiempo antes que su padre descubre la verdad... (FILMAFFINITY)
Cuando su novia, la Princesa Augusta, le da calabazas y se escapa con un cantante, el piloto de carreras Pierre Chaillot decide ahogar sus penas en el alcohol y luego matarse. Antes de que pueda cometer el acto fatal, su ángel de la guarda aparece, en el cuerpo de una bella azafata que, aunque Pierre lo ignora, está locamente enamorada de él. La misión del ángel es la de conseguir que Pierre se enamore para que encuentre una razón para vivir.
Germaine Berger
A chaotic family go on holiday to Spain and get mixed up with a gang of diamond thieves
Madame Dubois
Der 10. Mai (The Tenth of May) was the date in 1940 that Hitler invaded the Low Countries: Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Neutral Switzerland, which hadn't experienced a war since the 14th century, hurriedly fortified its borders with battalions of inexperienced soldiers. The panic, confusion and isolated acts of courage which occurred on that fateful day are re-created in this Swiss docudrama. The story is "personalized" by concentrating on a fugitive German soldier (Heinz Reincke) who falls in love with the Swiss girl (Linda Geiser) who shelters him. Produced on a bare-minimum budget, Der 10. Mai is impressive more for its sincerity and raw energy than for its actual cinematic merits.
Remake de un clásico del cine alemán "Muchachas de uniforme" (1931), el primer filme que trataba abiertamente el tema del lesbianismo en el cine, pero en una versión mucho menos crítica y mordaz que ésta. En el año 2006 en Hollywood se realizó otro remake titulado "Loving Annabelle".
Mauricette Barberot
El célebre detective francés inmortalizado en decenas de novelas de George Simenon, se enfrenta a un peligroso psicópata adicto al asesinato de mujeres. Después de duros interrogatorios y de una meticulosa investigación a la vieja usanza, el comisario Maigret destapará al criminal.
Maman Barberin
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
Josephine, The Maid
Lola Montes (Martine Carol), cortesana y bailarina famosa en toda Europa, fue la amante de grandes hombres como el músico húngaro Franz Liszt o Luis II de Baviera. Ya en el ocaso de su carrera, trabajó en un circo de Nueva Orleáns (Luisiana), donde realizaba un número acrobático mientras un maestro de ceremonias (Peter Ustinov) narraba al público su escandalosa vida.
Madame Taupin
An Englishman tries to adapt to life in France
Solange Saint-Forget
A publicity-minded French mayor reunites quintuplets and their earthy father, all six played by Fernandel.
Séraphine - la servante de M. Pinson
Jules Pinson, photographer in a small provincial village is in love with Annette, the daughter of the grocer. She 's dreaming only heros of adventure movies, so Jules invents a twin brother, Caesar, hunter of lions in Senegal ...
Virginie - Henriette's mother
Un director y un guionista están trabajando en el argumento de una película, pero se sienten algo bloqueados. Así, un periodista llamado Robert recibe un día una extraña invitación de una mujer de mediana edad llamada Rita. Mientras, Henriette, la novia de Robert, se ve involucrada por un timador. La idea se les ocurrió al guionista Henri Jeanson y al director Duvivier cuando estaban intentando crear su siguiente película conjunta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Madame Fernande
Adaptación de tres cuentos del escritor francés Guy de Maupassant que versan sobre el placer:
(1) Un hombre extraño, que asiste a un popular baile de máscaras en París, baila hasta caer extenuado. El médico que lo atiende descubre sorprendido que tras la máscara se oculta un anciano. Cuando lo acompaña a su casa, la esposa le cuenta al médico la triste historia del bailarín. (2) A Madame Tellier, que regenta un prostíbulo, la invita su hermano Joseph a la primera comunión de su hija. La Madame cierra el negocio y se traslada con sus pupilas a la lejana granja de Joseph para asistir a la ceremonia. Terminada la fiesta, regresan al prostíbulo en medio del regocijo de los hombres, que ya las echaban de menos. (3) Un famoso artista se enamora de su bella modelo Josephine. Sólo pinta retratos de ella y alcanza el éxito, pero su historia de amor tiene un final inesperado.
Sylvette welcomes three soldiers on the eve of Saint-Jean 1945. Each claims that she promised him five years earlier to belong to him on Saint-Jean... Which one is the right one? Finally, it is Francis who manages to prove his good faith. Sylvette will be, we couldn't be happier to get rid of a flighty husband who has gone to look for the damsel in the four corners of the world...
Eugène, who works for Radio-Europe, is a bit dim-witted. He lives in a block of flats whose caretaker is Madame Motte, and the lady is in love with the young man. Just for laughs, Eugène's friends circulate on the air the rumor that Eugène has inherited millions of francs. It does not take long before a swarm of 'friends' start mixing with him. After a while, considering that the joke has lasted long enough, the jokers reveal the truth. Eugène immediately loses all his 'friends' but not he girl he loves. Even better, Eugène actually inherits a big sum of money. He who laughs last laughs best!
Germaine Pasture
Soviet, British, French and American allies patrol post-war Vienna.
Thanks to a bit of string-pulling by his aunt, Jean du Bois d'Ombelles, a young recruit who has blue blood in his veins, hopes to go through a nice and comfortable military service. Unfortunately he becomes Corporal Bourrache's pet aversion. Nevertheless, against all expectations, Jean ends up taking a liking for military life.
Alice, la camériste
André Duroc pretends to be a duke in order to extort money from Aunt Solange. But his trickery is discovered, he must flee and, thanks to a uniform, takes part in the great maneuvers.
Mlle Angèle, la caissière
A policeman receives a fabulous inheritance. Thanks to this, he conquers the heart of Queen Marika. But crooks deprive him of his financial means
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
Benjamine, the daughter of the chocolate maker Lapistole, has broken down in her car, spends a night at Paul Norman's, imposes herself casually and causes the break-up of the engagement of this peaceful civil servant with the daughter of his department head. A friend maintains contact between Paul and Benjamine, becomes the head of publicity at Lapistole and when Norman is dismissed through Benjamine's fault, brings his two friends closer and proves to them that they are made for each other.
Having become famous, a painter marries his model whom he soon brings to despair by deceiving her.
A young man leads a happy life in Paris, while making his aunt believe that he is continuing his studies, while she supports him financially.
1944, France experiences its last days of German occupation. A microcosm representative of the various attitudes adopted during this troubled period, some heroic, others less brilliant, the Grégeois family, scattered by the war, will strengthen its ties according to the Allied advance on the territory and the liberation of Paris, with its joys but also its sorrows, because not all of its members will survive the relative chaos that will characterize this end of the world war.
Chatelard, one of Viscount de Kerlec's guests, has died in mysterious conditions. The police initiates an investigation and sends detective-inspector Pauc to de Kerlec's manor. Pauc decides to mingle with the viscount's guests , who are all likely to have committed the murder. Among them, there is Jacques Mauclerc, a naval officer, and a seedy character named Bartoli, in fact a spy in search of secret documents. Pauc will end up untangling the web during a dramatic séance.
Charlotte Béloiseau
Naive and good-hearted Léon Ménard arrives in Paris, determined to find work in the capital. In a café, he meets Bob, a seedy guy, who helps him to get a job. On cloud nine, the ingenuous young man, does is unaware of how Bob manipulates him. Having become the night concierge of a hotel, the thankful Léon lets Bob and his accomplices get into the pace. Jewels are stolen as a result.When he is accused, Leon refuses to incriminate his "friend". Fortunately, Charlotte, Léon's fiancé, manages to find evidence of Bob's guilt and thanks to a premium paid by the diamond dealer the two lovebirds can buy a grocer's shop and tie the knot.
A police inspector tries to capture international robbers who are actually also police.
A shy but resourceful seller of corks helps a young man get married by passing himself off as a wealthy uncle in the eyes of the mother of the future bride, a marquise hostile to any misalliance.
A young student on vacation falls in love with the daughter of his hostess. The father, who has come to put an end to the beginning idyll, falls in love with the young girl's mother, but she refuses to marry him. He will end up, despite his disappointment, giving his consent to his son's marriage.
A jealous wealthy landlord intercepts a letter to his wife written by her cousin. He decides to take revenge by drugging the young man's horse, but it is his own son who will be the victim of the accident.
A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means.
Roger Laroque is now a rich man. He returns to France under the name of William Farnell. There, he discovers that on the one hand his wife has died of a broken heart and on the other that his daughter Suzanne is in love with Raymond de Noirville, the son of his former mistress. With the help of a few friends, Roger coldly prepares his revenge.
Brigitte Ancelin
After lovers fight, the boy leaves for the Riviera. On her way to rejoin him, the girl meets a distinguished but embittered novelist and decides to spend time comforting him.Which is not going to help when she returns to her boyfriend.
Roger Laroque, an honest industrialist, is the victim of a criminal machination by Julia de Noirville, his possessive and jealous mistress allied to the perfidious Paul Luversan, meant to make Roger take responsibility for the crime he himself committed. Laroque is sent to prison, from where he escapes by sea. When he is reported missing, it looks like he drowned. But he reappears with revenge as his objective. He also wants his daughter Suzanne back. For his wife, it's too late, she died of grief.
A ruined banker is abandoned by his mistress. He commits suicide after entrusting a prostitute with twenty-thousand francs. The money changes hands. A crook is arrested in the house of an an actress he had fooled. In a luxury hotel, a typist kills her lover's wife. The trial of the murderer is followed by the bankruptcy of another financier and the money finally returns to the mistress of a suicide in the restaurant in which she had first appeared.
La standardiste
A young woman has doubts about her husband's fidelity. She pretends a trip, but settles in a hotel where her husband must pass. He meets her and, disturbed by the one he believes to be his wife's double, becomes her lover. Little by little the truth breaks through. The husband takes leave of the mistress and returns to the wife whose return has been announced.
Adrien Moulinet, a modest encashing agent in the Nortier bank, is also an inventor in his spare time. His latest revolutionary creation is the motorized roller skate. His problem is to be able to market them. Jules Petitpas, a jobless adman, is the right man for that.
Jeanne Honoré
The itinerant musician Lampluche, having found a musical score on the banks of a river and a full wallet, was taken to the neighboring town for the famous composer Maxence Leroy. The inhabitants of the small town only dream of music, so Lampluche is very well received. But Maxence Leroy arrives in the city.
Annaïck Labornez dite « Bécassine »
A little Breton tries to save her boss's daughter an unhappy marriage.
Lisette, sa camériste
1939, París y Sologne. Un aviador, enamorado de una mujer de mundo, no respeta la regla del juego que consiste en salvar las apariencias en una sociedad dividida fundamentalmente en dos clases: los señores y los criados.
A fairground boss is ruined. He steals his aunt's jewelry, but being chased he gives the jewelry to a couple of dancers. They are mistaken for the Morton Sisters and perform in the Folies Parisiennes with the jewels, with enormous success.
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée (Annabella) y Pierre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Ambos jóvenes tiene intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado...
Baronski has had enough of being a small-time merchant and decides, aided by his daughter Esther, to try his hand at big business. Why not be a film producer for instance? But it is easier said than done and he is soon relieved of 100,000 francs by a crook. Undaunted, he produces a film written by a young scriptwriter, Maurice Rogier, discovered by his daughter but does not believe it could become a success. Esther, for her part, decides to have "L'ange que j'ai vendu" shown in a local movie theater and the film immediately proves a hit. All is well that ends well, Esther marrying Maurice into the bargain.
Barnabé, an occasional flutist, goes to Mme Petit-Durand to organize her daughter's 20 years. But he is confused with the Count of Marengo whom Mme Petit-Durand wants to give as husband to her daughter, who has already made her choice.
In Paris, at the Foire du Trône, the showman Titin from Martigues spins the perfect love with the pretty Yvette, which arouses the jealousy of his rival Dix-de-Der who will cause his downfall. Without this affecting his Provençal joviality, Titin will try his hand at various odd jobs without ceasing to push the song.
Lotte / Lottle
Nina Petrovna is a Russian beauty claimed by two Austrian officers.
A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
Two female police officers dismantle a network of drug traffickers.
How a simple fellow who took on the identity of a famous cyclist manages to win the famous Six Days race.
The young Paulette is placed by her tutor in a boarding school in Lausanne. It is at the neighboring dance hall, by running away for a short time, that she will find love.
A young woman is seduced by a soldier whose name she does not know. Pregnant, she asks the colonel to review the squadron in order to recognize him.
Working as a cook for a Parisian household, a naive country girl finds some kind of love among vegetable traders, while reluctantly helping her boss with his new play and marital life.
Following a misunderstanding, a young servant is mistaken for the rich heir that the owner of a fashion house intended for his daughter. The servant is satisfied while the millionaire is in charge of washing the dishes.
Ferdinand is an honest and almost prude chemist at the Fourageot laboratories. His boss, Mr Fourageot, is mostly busy with his mistresses but comes to be worried with his young and outgoing daughter.
Antoine, elevator operator of a haute couture house, takes advantage of an inheritance to lead the high life for three days by pretending to be a rich count.
Two horsemen are inseparable. One is smart and the other clumsy. A young girl is engaged to the clumsy but she falls in love with the smart one.
In Paris, a stage-struck would-be actor is mistaken for an escaped convict.
Philippe Lutcher, an anarchist, fires a shot at Clara Stuart, a famous stage and screen actress, but only wounds her. The star, through affectation and curiosity to know his motives, pleads in his favour at his trial, but he rebuffs her pity. After he has served 18 months in prison, they meet and fall in love.
Jacques de Nisson, a rich man, has a new mistress, Lucie Cavelier. Which does not prevent him from courting Florence, the wife of his lawyer friend Forestier. One day, Jacques is found murdered and chief-inspector Candély is sent on the spot to investigate. Jean, the victim's butler, Lucie as well as Florence are suspected in turns but the real murderer is finally identified thanks to his fingerprints.
After being saved from suicide due to an unhappy marriage, Marie hesitates between two other men, but lands up rejoining her husband in the colonies as she now expects a baby.
Thanks to an understanding and sympathetic regimental comrade, a shy young man, very passionate about astronomy, gradually becomes more confident and manages to tell his love to his beloved.
One weekend an office worker is stuck with five million francs that he is temporarily unable to deposit, so he pretends to be a rich man.A woman takes that opportunity to seduce him, while a gang of crooks seeks to fleece him.
Démonio the fakir has impressed a rich but weak-willed young man who hires him as an energy teacher. Demonio drags out the businesses of the shy lover, but his partner arranges everything and the finally satisfied lover endows the two accomplices who renounce fakirism.
Gérard d'Ormoise, a young millionaire tired of the easy loves that his income earned him, takes the place of a friendly bartender. He marries the young and pretty duchess who first believed him to be an honest bartender, then a vulgar burglar.
Philippe, the order of an old colonel, surprises the wife of his boss in the arms of a young lieutenant. So that he remains silent, she offers herself to him
A gang of poverty-ridden juvenile delinquents progress from petty theft to hard crime, but a kindly judge manages to set most of them on the right path after they are finally apprehended.
Octave Laburette only makes blunders in his job with a backroom worker. He buys ten thousand shares of the Compagnie Générale des Cacahuètes, when the client wanted to sell them. His boss registers them on his own account: Octave then owes the agency sixty thousand francs and his wife informs him that she is joining her lover.
Clairette learns that Bérénice, a former mistress, is pursuing her husband in the army where he is recalled. She puts on the sergeant's uniform and after a few entanglements reconciles with her husband while Bérénice consoles herself with the captain.
A young lady whose husband has been seeing someone else decides to make him jealous by flirting with the unlikely prospect of a fat man.Is it worth that guy's trouble to try to lose some weight, or is he kidding himself?
Comedy and misunderstandings around thwarted loves in Paris but which will end well in Provence.
Valerian writes his uncle, colonial millionaire, for money. He meets a quartermaster, Napoleon, who pretends to be a doctor of law. They become friends.
Father Sourire, who came to the Château de Villetaneuse to ask for alms, was forced to put on the uniform of the nephew who had fled from the barracks. A soldier in spite of himself, he knows the most frightening adventures which even lead him to a boxing fight from which he will emerge victorious.
Théodore Beudraves works at night in a hotel and sleeps during the day. His salary allows him (unbeknownst to his wife Rose) to pay for singing lessons to Gaby Beauchamp, his young friend. But she falls in love with her son, Darius Beudraves, and vice versa.
A man is engaged to be married.But after getting a phone call from a wronged woman who wants revenge on her husband, he lands up consoling her in bed, and then consoling the mistress of the husband as well.
When the husband of a rich lady is unfaithful, she plays the role of a chambermaid to a less prominent man.
Une locataire
Josyane Plaisir, a rather idle singer, who is waiting for the man of her heart,handsome and rich if possible, accepts the offer of a dog handler. The clever man has worked out a scheme to snare rich men. The trick is simple: "Pantoufle", the little dog he lets for 5,000 francs a week, will run off, climb into a luxurious car with only one man inside and "retrieve" him to Josyane, since her address is stuck to the dog's collar. René, the first man who rings her door-bell, is single (or nearly so!), good-looking but ... broke.
Two middle-class notions dealers live happily with their girl.But an inheritance turns these nice people into snob Nouveaux Riches;although the aristocracy invites them,the 'Tout-Paris ' laughs behind their back.
la femme de chambre
A man who claims to be the lover of a married woman goes to find the husband and reveals to him that the lady is giving her favors to a third thief. Now the lover got the wrong floor and apartment.