Hotel Switchboard Operator (uncredited)
El cliente de un detective es acusado de asesinato. El tipo acabará siendo condenado a la pena capital, y el detective a un año de prisión por ocultarle. Pero cuando le trasladan a la cárcel logra fugarse. Tratará de averiguar la verdad, aunque para ello tenga que actuar como un peligroso facineroso, reteniendo a una poetisa consigo. En realidad está más que claro que no es nada peligroso, pero por suerte para él la policía no demuestra demasiada pericia a la hora de capturarle.
Woman at Calhoun's Auto
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Miss Benson
Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.
Marie LeMaire aka The Moth
Wealthy young socialite Diane Wyman squanders her fortune and becomes involved in a scandalous raid at a wild party. Her legal guardian, a lecherous old man who has the hots for her, hires a private detective to spy on her. He tails her to a train headed for New Orleans, but she catches on to him. She befriends a young woman aboard the train and they both give the private eye the slip. What Diane doesn't know, however, is that that her newfound friend is actually a notorious criminal known as The Moth, and she has her own reasons for helping Diane escape--she, too, is being tailed by a detective, who's after a cache of jewels she's stolen.
En Kronberg, capital de un antiguo reino centroeuropeo, la cruel y caprichosa reina Regina V castiga a su primo y prometido, el príncipe Wolfram, a ir de maniobras bajo el sol durante todo el día por su escandalosa escapada de la noche anterior. Por el camino de Kambach, el príncipe y su escuadrón se cruzan con un grupo de monjas y de jóvenes novicias de un convento cercano. Cuando las muchachas se inclinan ante el príncipe, los leotardos de una de ellas, Patricia Kelly, se deslizan hasta el suelo. El príncipe y su escuadron comienzan a reirse, y la muchacha, indignada, se los arroja a la cara. Enamorado locamente de ella desde ese momento, el príncipe decide raptarla conduciéndola a sus habitaciones en palacio, a pesar de que la Reina ya ha anunciado su boda para el día siguiente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rae Walsh
A cowboy detective goes up against a gang of big-city thugs trying to set up a protection racket out west.
Woman Sitting in Police Station (uncredited)
A gentle botany student has to toughen up to replace his father as chief of police.