Irving Asher

Nacimiento : 1903-09-16, San Francisco, California, USA

Muerte : 1985-03-17


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Irving Asher (1903–1985) was an American film producer. Born in San Francisco in September 1903, he began his film production career in Hollywood in 1919. After joining the staff of Warner Brothers he was sent over to England as the managing director of their subsidiary Teddington Studios in Middlesex in the mid 1930s (where he is credited for discovering and seeing the potential of Errol Flynn when he was a young unknown actor who was hanging around Teddington Studios at the time looking for a way into the movies). Flynn played his first significant part as the lead in the now-lost Murder at Monte Carlo (1935), which was produced by Asher. Asher went on to join Alexander Korda's London Film Productions where he worked on the epic The Four Feathers (1939). Subsequently he returned to Hollywood to work as a producer for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where he earned his only Academy Award nomination for the 1941 Greer Garson film Blossoms in the Dust. Later in his career, he was head of production for 20th Century Fox Television. He married the actress Laura La Plante in 1934. Asher died in California in March 1985.


La senda de los elefantes
Una bella y joven recién casada (Elizabeth Taylor) se va a vivir con su marido (Peter Finch) a Ceilán, donde tienen una enorme plantación de té, llamada "la senda de los Elefantes". La mujer se enamora del capataz (Dana Andrews), pero este asunto queda relegado a un segundo plano por otros acontecimientos más graves: se desata una epidemia de cólera, la sequía causa estragos y hordas de elefantes enloquecidos por la sed amenazan con devastar la plantación.
Un hombre acusa
John Conroy, fiscal del distrito, emprende una cruzada contra el sindicato del crimen, pero la mafia tiene muchos funcionarios de la ciudad bajo su control. Está asistido por un periodista, Jerry McKibbon, pero Conroy piensa que no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para manejar esta tarea casi imposible.
Aquí viene el novio
Associate Producer
Pete Garvey, un corresponsal estadounidense en Francia, se ve en el brete de tener que casarse en el plazo de una semana para poder quedarse con dos huérfanos de guerra con los que se ha encariñado durante su estancia en París.
Tennessee Johnson
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
Nazi Agent
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Mr. and Mrs. North
Married sleuths (Gracie Allen, William Post Jr.) find a corpse in their closet and round up suspects.
De corazón a corazón
Tras la dolorosa pérdida de su hijo, Edna, una valiente mujer de Texas, decide crear un orfanato para ayudar a los niños más desvalidos y necesitados de ayuda; pero los ciudadanos más conservadores no verán con buenos ojos la creación de una institución de acogida para niños nacidos fuera del matrimonio. Edna luchará incansablemente para conseguir legalizar el orfanato.
Billy el niño
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
Ten Days in Paris
Bob Stevens awakens in a hospital with a gunshot wound to his head, and is told that he has been in Paris for ten days. However, this cannot be true because he insists that he crashed his plane and has no recollection of being anywhere for ten days. Bob decides to follow a note found in his jacket, to the woman who wrote it, "Miss D", and get to the bottom of the whole strange situation.
El espía negro
Un comandante alemán de submarinos, el capitán Hardt, es enviado a la islas Órcadas con la misión de destruir la flota británica apostada en Scapa Flow. Allí encontrará la colaboración del matrimonio Blacklock.
Las cuatro plumas
Associate Producer
Harry, un oficial británico, decide abandonar el ejército antes de que su regimiento se embarque con rumbo a Egipto para luchar contra los rebeldes. Su prometida y tres compañeros de armas le envían cuatro plumas blancas que simbolizan la cobardía. A partir de ese momento, Harry emprende peligrosas aventuras con el fin de poder devolver las plumas y recuperar el honor perdido.
Q Planes
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
Thank Evans
Executive Producer
An impoverished racetrack tout discovers that a crooked trainer is about to throw a race involving a nobleman's horse.
Don't Get Me Wrong
Executive Producer
Don't Get Me Wrong is a 1937 British comedy film co-directed by Arthur B. Woods and Reginald Purdell and starring Max Miller and George E. Stone. It was made at Teddington Studios with sets designed by Peter Proud. Unlike several of Miller's Teddington films which are now lost, this still survives. Miller plays a fairground performer who meets a professor who claims to have invented a cheap substitute for petrol. They team up and persuade a millionaire to finance them to develop and market the product, while unsavoury elements are keen to steal the formula and try all means to get their hands on it, involving slapstick chases and double-crosses. It then turns out that the miracle fluid is diluted coconut oil, and the genius professor is an escaped lunatic. The millionaire finds himself taking the brunt of the disappointment.
Educated Evans
Cockney racing tipster Evans (Miller) is asked by a nouveau riche and socially aspirant couple to train a racehorse they have bought.
The Brown Wallet
Executive Producer
Publisher John Gillespie faces a financial crisis after his business partner skips town with all the firm's assets. Facing ruin, he reluctantly approaches a wealthy aunt for assistance but is met with a stony-faced refusal.
Where's Sally?
'Honeymoon wife learns of husband's past and runs away.' (British Film Catalogue)
A musical drama about two pupils from a provincial music conservatory who elope, marry, and move to London to try their luck. The husband becomes a singer in a nightclub, and is soon targeted by a predatory socialite. They start an affair, the wife finds out about it and decides to leave her husband, until matters are smoothed over by a third-party who wishes the couple well.
The Black Mask
British crime film directed by Ralph Ince
Get Off My Foot
Executive Producer
A Smithfield porter becomes a butler, and later finds himself heir to a fortune.
Man of the Moment
Executive Producer
Love blossoms after a young man rescues a pretty girl who attempted to drown herself.
Crime Unlimited
A young police academy recruit tries to break up a gang of thieves.
So You Won't Talk
The owner of a small Italian restaurant in central London is left a million pound inheritance, the only stipulation to the will being that he cannot speak or write anything for a period of one month.
Mr. Cohen Takes a Walk
Executive Producer
Old Mr. Cohen (Paul Graetz) simply walks away from his London department store, leaving his sons to run it.
The Church Mouse
When a meek secretary goes to work for her new boss, she becomes a sophisticated lady.
Something Always Happens
Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol stations more attractive to customers. When the man rejects the idea Peter joins a rival company and becomes a great success.
This Acting Business
A British comedy film directed by John Daumery
I Adore You
Norman Young wants to marry Margot Grahame but a contract with a producer prohibits her from marrying during a five year period. Norman spends millions to take over the contact.
Her Imaginary Lover
A New York socialite Celia invents an aristocratic English fiancé named Lord Michael Ware to deflect the tedious attention of would-be suitors. Celia travels to London to claim an inheritance...and meets an aristocratic Englishman called Lord Michael Ware. The imaginary romance becomes real.
The Bermondsey Kid
A newsboy enters a boxing championship where he is matched with a sick friend.
Mayfair Girl
An American girl is framed for killing a cad while drunk.
High Finance
Self-made businessman Sir Grant Rayburn is obsessed with making money to the exclusion of all else. He shows little interest in his daughter Jill and is irritated when she falls in love with, and wishes to marry, a young man named Tom. Sir Grant does not believe Tom is a suitable match for Jill as he does not come from a moneyed background. He suspects that Tom is a chancer with an eye on access to Jill's money....
As Good as New
A woman, disappointed in love, becomes increasingly cynical and attempts to marry a wealthy man.
The River House Ghost
A gang of criminals masquerading as ghosts are eventually exposed.
Her Night Out
A married couple accidentally become mixed up with a bank robber.
The Silver Greyhound
A British crime thriller film directed by William C. McGann
Lucky Ladies
Some sisters inherit a large sum of money.
Murder on the Second Floor
A novelist imagines the murders of his fellow tenants...
A Voice Said Goodnight
A British crime film directed by William C. McGann
Help Yourself
British comedy directed by John Daumery ...
High Society
A British comedy film directed by John Rawlins
A Notorious Affair
Assistant Director
A scheming musician seduces a wealthy woman for love and money.
Below the Line
Assistant Director
Slasher falls off the train that is carrying him. He is found, broken in spirit, by Donald Cass. The dog is regenerated by Donald's love.