Jean-François Campeau


Vidas paralelas
Production Design
Esta película trata de la vida de las viudas de Martin Luther King y Malcolm X y cómo se desenvuelven como madres solteras después del asesinato de sus maridos.
El último testigo
Production Design
Un exagente de la CIA decide empezar una nueva vida junto a su hija de 15 años. Ahora trabaja en Bélgica como experto en seguridad de una multinacional pero, de repente, un día se encuentra con que la empresa ya no existe, sus compañeros de trabajo se han ido y sus ayudantes tienen como objetivo matarlo... a él y a su hija. Para sobrevivir, ambos tendrán que aprender a confiar el uno en el otro, pero la tarea no será nada fácil cuando la niña descubra la verdad sobre el pasado de su padre.
See How They Dance
Production Design
A French video artist traverses Canada on a train that takes her from the east to the west through the snow. This journey leads her to encounter the last girlfriend of her ex-husband, an internationally respected showman who is now dead. Each of the two women will try to understand how the "man of their life" loved and lived with the other. See how they dance.
It's Not Me, I Swear!
Production Design
Léon is ten years old, has lots of problems and an overly fertile imagination. Of course, there is mom and dad who are always fighting, and those annoying neighbors who get to spend the summer at the beach. And then, there's Léa, the exasperating girl who's always right about everything. In the summer of '68, when mom decides to leave everything behind to start a new life in Greece, Léon is prepared to do anything to kill the pain. Destroy the neighbors' house, become a professional liar and even, why not, fall in love with Léa. Together, they will overcome the pain of growing up when you feel abandoned.
Aritmética emocional
Production Design
En 1945, Jakob Bronski, un joven disidente confinado en Drancy, toma bajo su protección a dos niños, Melanie y Christopher. Cuarenta años después, Melanie averigua que el anciano Jakob, que creía que había sido trasladado a Auschwitz y asesinado, sigue vivo. Inmediatamente lo invita a vivir con ella y su familia en su granja de Canadá. Lo que Melanie no esperaba era que Jakob llegara acompañado de Christopher.
Production Design
A kick-ass professional car thief, Sage, (Taryn Manning), steals a classic '66 Charger on a challenge. It turns out the car belongs to a serial killer (is there another kind?), who proceeds to slice and dice her friends because he wants his car back, and wants Sage dead. Sage also deals with treacherous fellow criminals, and a cop who wants her in jail, or wants to start a relationship (he hasn't decided yet).
The Courage to Love
Art Direction
In 19th century New Orleans creole Henriette must choose between love and devotion to the church. Neither choice is going to be easy, as there is great opposition to her ideas of breaking traditions.
Production Designer
Follows a competitive fencer at the end of her career who is desperate to be the world’s best. In order to gain an edge, she pursues an experimental technology, allowing her to train via lucid dreaming, where she begins a tumultuous affair with her instructor that threatens her real world marriage and her pathway to Olympic gold.