Line Producer
Un satélite espía norteamericano cae en Australia en una zona infestada de cocodrilos. La CIA sospecha de una pareja de aventureros como espías. (FILMAFFINITY)
Production Manager
Corren tenebrosos tiempos para la República. Ésta continúa envuelta en luchas y sumida en el caos. Un movimiento separatista, formado por centenares de planetas y poderosas alianzas y y lideradas por el misterioso conde Dooku, abre nuevas amenazas para la galaxia, a la que ni siquiera los Jedi parecen poder poner freno. Estas maniobras, planeadas hace mucho por una poderosa fuerza, conducen al estallido de las guerras clones y al principio del fin de la República. Para allanar el camino, los separatistas intentan asesinar a la senadora Padme Amidala. Para evitar futuros atentados, su seguridad es encomendada a dos caballeros Jedi...
Production Manager
Following a passion for country music, Ralph leaves his father’s sheep farm in a remote Australian town, armed with a guitar and a plane ticket to Nashville, Tennessee. He hopes to hitchhike to Sydney Airport where his take-off into a successful country/western singing career will hopefully begin. However, fate and his naivety find him hitchhiking with a psychotic drug thief named Boyd, and Boyd's mesmerising girlfriend, Patsy. The plot then splits into a series of parallels, flash forwards and flashbacks. One depicts Ralph’s imprisonment after being framed for drug trafficking. The other follows the dramatic ascent of his career to hype status and the pairing between the dynamic Patsy and himself.