Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when he is forced to referee between Randy's two feuding families.
When David's sister returns home after a long absence, their complicated past comes back to haunt them.
Blonde Student
Un estudiante armado perpetra una matanza en un instituto de un barrio residencial de Conneticutt en la que arrincona a dos amigas en el baño y mata a una de ellas. 15 años más tarde, Diana, la superviviente, lleva una aparentemente feliz existencia al lado de su marido e hija, pero a medida que se acerca el aniversario de la tragedia su perfecta vida amenaza con irse al traste.
Moments before his best friend's wedding, Peter gets one last chance to rekindle mutual feelings long suppressed, but not abandoned. Sometimes the perfect reminder of first love's passion is but a simple kiss from the best man. The Best Men explores a universal heartache that every individual has experienced - the feeling of having missed out on true love.