Doval'e Glickman

Doval'e Glickman

Nacimiento : 1949-12-22, Tel Aviv, Israel


Doval'e Glickman


Greener Pastures
Dov (75) a widower, lives in a nursing home where he feels like he’s in jail. He dreams of buying back his old house and returning live there, but he has has no money since losing his his pension and he blames the State. When he realizes that everyone in the nursing home consumes state-sponsored medical cannabis, he finds his way out. Not by smoking, but by selling cannabis, which he gets from the other tenants. When love, police, and the local mafia enter the picture, Dov finds himself at a crossroads where he has to decide whether he would be willing to risk everything for what really matters to him.
Yair Hirschfield
Recrea la historia del acuerdo entre israelíes, palestinos y una pareja noruega que dio lugar a los Acuerdos de Paz de Oslo de 1993 entre Israel y la OLP.
'Shoelaces' tells the story of a complicated relationship between an aging father and his special-needs son, whom he abandoned while he was still a young boy. Reuben's (60) kidney's are failing and his son Gadi (35), wants to donate one of his own kidney's to help save his father's life. However, the transplant committee objects to the procedure claiming that Rueben, acting as Gadi's sole legal guardian, does not have the right to authorize such an invasive procedure. Gadi, who recently lost his mother, is afraid of losing his father as well. He feels he finally has the chance to do something meaningful; to become a man and stand on his own. He's furious with the committee's decision and sets out to fight for his right to save his father's life. Through the film's portrayal of a relationship full of love, rejection and co-dependency, it manages to shed some light and question the importance of human life, human connection and if life is even possible without it either one of them.
Caso Murer: El carnicero de Vilnius
Leon Schmigel
El conocido como "El carnicero de Vilnius", Franz Murer, es un ex oficial austriaco de las SS que estableció, organizó y gobernó el gueto de Vilna. Diferentes supervivientes de la Shoah testifican, esperando hacer justicia y la evidencia es abrumadora, pero el deseo de cerrar este oscuro capítulo de la historia parece superar el deseo de justicia.
The Ring's Journey
Udi Lipsky, a 21-year-old crazy guy, has been locked up in his room for three years after his childhood lover abandoned him for Lior, his basketball brother. Udi devotes his life to the world of Lord of the Rings films. One day he is told by his brother Lior that their beloved grandmother died. The grandmother had inherited five million dollars and a miraculous ring with the powers of Achamol, which was cooked in the oven Abulafia bakery and only there can be destroyed. If Udi marries within a month with the ring, he and Lior will inherit the money and if not, the money will reach the hands of their hated father Nachman and his evil lawyer Ridler. Udi, who is aware of the power of the ring since his childhood, goes on a journey to find a bride accompanied by a light, Rafaela, his treacherous childhood sweetheart, and a close friend, the culprit in the reactor.
Norman, el hombre que lo conseguía todo
Norman Oppenheimer es un pequeño operador de tiempo que se hace amigo de un joven político en un punto bajo en su vida. Tres años más tarde, cuando el político se convierte en un líder mundial influyente , la vida de Norman cambia drásticamente para bien y para mal .
A Bitter Mix
Efraim Goldfain
Benny, an Israeli living in Berlin is called back home following his grandfather death. He arrives to Israel with his girlfriend Sara and his family can't wait to meet her. But suspicions arise. The family realizes that Benny and Sara haven't actually met in a synagogue but in front of a synagogue and that the right pronunciation of her name is Zahra. Zahra Abdulla to be precise. Zahra was born in Germany to a German mother and an Egyptian father. As tension rises, the members of the family discover that Benny and Zahra were not the only ones who tried to lead a quiet life while keeping secrets.
Big Bad Wolves
Una serie de brutales asesinatos provocan la inestabilidad en un pueblo alejado de la metrópoli. Estos duros acontecimientos provocarán que la vida de tres hombres quede entrelazada entre sí para siempre. El padre de la primera víctima cuya sed de venganza es insostenible viendo la ineficacia policial a la hora de resolver el caso, un detective de policía que a la hora de resolver un conflicto decide actuar en el margen de la ley y un profesor de religión, máximo sospechoso de los asesinatos debido a su relación directa con las víctimas, es detenido aunque al final es liberado debido a una negligencia policial.
Dear Mr. Waldman
Set in early-1960s Tel Aviv, this coming-of-age story centers on 10-year-old Hilik and his struggle to help heal the emotional wounds of his father, who hasn't recovered from losing his elder son at Auschwitz. Still in denial, Moishe believes his son escaped and is now President Kennedy's aide. To help his father move on and gain the father-son relationship he sorely needs, Hilik puts Moishe's love to the test.
אירית עירית
The Troupe
The movie, set in the Israeli 1969 War of Attrition, tells the story of a prestigious military band, and the tensions and ego crises new band members cause when joining the band. Will the band survive?
Not everyone is born to be a soldier. Not even in Israel, where universal conscription is the tradition. This movie is about a Sad Sack in the Israeli army, incompetent to complete training and yet incompetent to extricate himself.