Andrew Hawley

Andrew Hawley

Nacimiento : 1985-01-01, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK


Andrew Hawley
Andrew Hawley


Once Upon a Winter's Date
Katherine endures the worst Valentine's Day date of her life. On her way home a gypsy casts a magical spell on her. The next morning she soon realises she's reliving the day until she finds Mr Right.
He was once a pop star with adoring fans, now even his wife's left him for another woman. So he's kidnapped them both and is driving out of London with a tub full of poison and what he claims is enough antidote for two people. He's going to poison all three of them, then they'll jointly decide who gets to be saved.
The Ark
Noah, un agricultor y un hombre de familia, es instruido por un ángel para construir un arca en medio de un desierto con el fin de salvar tanto a su familia como a los fieles de una inundación devastadora. Una tarea aparentemente imposible, especialmente cuando sus hijos se niegan a creerle y ayudarlo, Noah se arriesga a ser ridiculizado y humillado por la gente degenerada, así como por su familia amorosa pero exasperada, en su búsqueda por llevar a cabo la tarea que Dios le ha encomendado.
Ginger & Rosa
Londres, 1962. Ginger y Rosa son dos adolescentes amigas inseparables. Juntas hacen novillos, hablan de amor, religión y política, y sueñan con una vida más emocionante que la doméstica existencia de sus madres. Pero la creciente amenaza de la guerra nuclear proyecta una sombra sobre su futuro. Ginger se siente atraída por la poesía y por la protesta política, mientras que Rosa le enseña a Ginger a fumar, a besar a los chicos y a rezar. Las dos se rebelan contra sus respectivas madres.
Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador
Guard on Duty
Versión oscura del cuento de los hermanos Grimm. Sólo una mujer (Kristen Stewart) supera en belleza a una reina tan malvada (Theron) que está dispuesta a acabar con ella. Pero la pérfida soberana ignora que el cazador (Chris Hemsworth) que debía haberla matado, no sólo le ha salvado la vida, sino que le ha enseñado a defenderse. Poco después, aparecerá en escena el Príncipe Azul (Sam Clafin) que queda hechizado por la belleza y el poder de Blancanieves.
A Night in the Woods
Brody, his girlfriend Kerry and their friend Leo go hiking in Dartmoor. That night jealousies, sexual tensions and strained relationships come to a head turning what should have been a peaceful camping adventure into a trip to terror. As collective paranoia reaches fever pitch it becomes clear that there is a much darker force at work in the ancient eerie surroundings. Who or what is after them? And can any one of them survive a night in the woods?
Brothers Nick and Elliot are small-time thieves on the run, living a life of excess. However, as Nick's manic behaviour becomes increasingly frenzied, Elliot struggles to reign him in. Strays is a thrilling drama about two brothers who belong together, but for their own good need to be apart.
A Spanking in Paradise
Lawyer Justin visits his family in Scotland where they run an illegal brothel.
Elodie and Elias have been living by themselves ever since most of the human race has disappeared from the face of the earth. However, with the unexpected arrival of Gabriel, a boy a bit older than themselves, their harmonic relationship is about to come to an end.