David Sztanke


Decidido a hacer justicia y sacar provecho de su ingrato trabajo, un empleado de una fábrica urde un plan para robarle perfumes de lujo a su jefe y venderlos por su lado.
Uman – The Perfect Man
Florence, a lawyer overwhelmed by her family life, decides to buy a humanoid robot with a perfect physique. The robot meets all her expectations: maintain the house, take care of the children, and more... By maliciously disrupting their daily routine, the robot also arouses the jealousy of her self-centered careless husband, Franck, a second-class actor who suddenly realizes he must make some efforts not to lose the love of his wife.
Magnetic beats
Original Music Composer
Bretaña, Francia, años ochenta. Un grupo de amigos, hartos de la aburrida vida campestre y ávidos de experimentar emociones, crean una emisora de radio.
While in 2019, 150 women were killed by their spouse or their ex-companion in France, the journalists of Le Monde created an investigation unit within their editorial staff to decipher these feminicides. With methodology, they highlighted a recurrent criminal pattern and characterized the signals that led to the murders of these women. Through the testimonies of the entourage of the victims and the institutions, this film analyzes five emblematic cases of feminicides and traces the evolution of the romantic relationship from the meeting to the murder. This documentary warns of the collective blindness of society in the hope of causing global awareness.
Bajo arresto
Original Music Composer
Fugain se planta en la comisaría para informar de que hay un cadáver en la entrada de su edificio. Lo que no espera es toparse con el capitán Buron, que le someterá a un arduo interrogatorio, a cada frase más delirante. Maestro del absurdo, Quentin Dupieux se traslada a la Francia de los setenta, se encierra en una comisaría y da rienda suelta a una comedia recibida con honores por la crítica gala.
Ese sentimiento del verano
Original Music Composer
A mitad de verano, Sasha, treintañera, muere repentinamente. Aunque apenas se conocen, su novio Lawrence y su hermana Zoé se acercan el uno al otro. Comparten como pueden la pena y el peso de su ausencia, entre Berlín, París y Nueva York. Tres veranos, tres ciudades y el tiempo de regreso a la luz, impulsados por el recuerdo de aquella a la que han amado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Memory Lane
Original Music Composer
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
Memory Lane
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.