Catherine Cosme


Production Design
Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
Les Enfants perdus
Production Design
Ten-year-old Audrey and her three siblings find themselves abandoned in an old house, where they were meant to be spending their summer holidays with their dad, but he disappears suddenly during the night. Initially, the kids wait in vain for him to come back, but they soon realise they’ll have to take care of themselves, which nonetheless won’t be easy. The forest surrounding the secluded house doesn’t seem to want to let the little castaways through, and bizarre things start to happen, especially after dark.
The Enemy
Art Direction
Prominent politician Louis Durieux is accused of having murdered his wife, found dead in their hotel room. The case blows up into an intense media storm. Is he guilty or innocent? Nobody knows. Perhaps not even him...
Her Way
Production Design
Marie, an independent sex worker and activist, dreams of a bright future for her son. She decides to enroll him in one of the best cooking schools in France.
The Translator
Production Design
A Syrian exile living in Australia returns when his brother is taken into custody by the Assad regime in 2011.
La chica del brazalete
Production Design
Una adolescente se somete a un juicio tras haber asesinado a su mejor amiga. Durante el juicio, sus padres la defienden de manera inquebrantable. Sin embargo, a medida que su vida secreta comienza a desvelarse, la verdad se convierte en algo indiscutible
Production Design
Justo cuando Lola, de 18 años y transgénero, se entera de que finalmente puede operarse, su madre, que es su único apoyo económico, fallece. Cumpliendo con los últimos deseos de su madre, Lola y su padre, que están permanentemente en conflicto y no se han visto durante dos años, emprenden un viaje hasta la costa belga. Se dan cuenta de que el resultado del viaje puede no ser el que ambos esperaban ...
Papicha, sueños de libertad
Costume Designer
Argelia, años 90. Nedjma es una estudiante universitaria que intenta que los acontecimientos de la guerra civil que empiezan a ocurrir a su alrededor no le impidan vivir una vida normal, salir de noche con su mejor amiga Wassila y vender vestidos hechos por ella en los baños de las discotecas. Mientras la sociedad se vuelve más conservadora, ella decide luchar por su libertad e independencia organizando con sus amigas un desfile de moda en la Universidad que desafía todas las normas establecidas.
Lisa welcomes Youssif, Houria and their daughter Nour, while they’re waiting for their convocation at the Immigration Office. Between the will of kindness and communication issues, doubt and fear begin to settle in Lisa’s intimacy : who is this family?
La boda
Zahira, una joven belga-paquistaní, de 18 años, está unida a su familia hasta que sus padres le piden que siga la tradición paquistaní para elegir un marido. Desgarrada entre las costumbres de la familia y su estilo de vida occidental, la joven acude a pedir ayuda a su hermano y confidente Amir.
Memory Lane
Production Design
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
Production Design
Alexandrine, 35, who everyone nicknames Didine, peacefully goes with the flow, the opposite of her best friend Muriel. In this way, she one day crosses the threshold of a elderly person caregivers’ agency where, faced with an extrovert teenager, a charming man, and a cruel, elderly woman, she takes hold of her existence and encounters love.
Costume Supervisor
A 19-year-old French woman travels to a country at war and finds herself trapped in a house full of women with a number of other young arrivals from all corners of the globe. In order to survive, she becomes an assistant to the director, Madame, who exerts a powerful fascination over Rabia. Their master-slave relationship drives Rabia to go beyond the limits of her convictions, until she can no longer bear the monster the system is turning her into
Sauvons les meubles
Sauvons les meubles
Les amoureuses
Les amoureuses