Elizabeth Sellars

Elizabeth Sellars

Nacimiento : 1921-05-06, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Muerte : 2019-12-30


Elizabeth Macdonald Sellars (6 May 1921 – 30 December 2019) was a Scottish actress.


Elizabeth Sellars


El espíritu de Montecarlo
Countess Kissler
Emilie y su sobrina viajan a Montecarlo, donde la joven se ve obligada a contraer matrimonio con un príncipe. Sin embrago, la revelación de un oscuro secreto hará que la boda no llegue a celebrarse.
The Dunroamin' Rising
Jean Sutherland
Sixty years ago Ian Sinclair was a revolutionary leader. Today he is in an old folks' home, but has not lost his sense of humour, or his appetite for the struggle. In protest at the proposed closure of the home, the old socialist firebrand embarks upon a hunger strike that ends up having wide-range repercussions.
A Voyage Round My Father
A successful lawyer struck with blindness in middle age continues his battles in the courtroom with the assistance of his family. As his son deals with bitter memories of their relationship, he also seeks his father's respect and love and in the process learns to love in return.
Last Love
Annabel Fox
Tending her husband's grave one day, Annabel Fox meets Jack Ives, a retired regimental sergeant-major. But when their friendship turns to love and talk of marriage, Annabel's children step in. They have other plans for her and, anyway, "He's so common, mummy..."
Beasts: During Barty's Party
Angie Truscott
A suburban couple are held under siege by a pack of frighteningly intelligent rats.
El equívoco
Lady Franklin's mother
Una viuda de clase alta (Sarah Miles) que se recupera de una crisis nerviosa, intenta escapar de un mundo de conversaciones banales en torno a una taza de té, contratando los servicios de un chófer (Robert Shaw). (FILMAFFINITY)
El sudario de la momia
Barbara Preston
Una pequeña expedición arqueológica conducida por Sir Basil Walden (André Morell) descubre la tumba escondida de Kah-to-Bey. A pesar de las advertencias del guardián de mirada siniestra, Hasmid Ali (Roger Delgado), se llevan a Kahto-Bey al Cairo y lo guardan junto a la momia de Prem, su devoto esclavo y protector. Los jerogílficos del sudario que cubre el cuerpo de Kahto-Bey son leídos en voz alta por Ali haciendo que Prem vuelva a la vida. Empieza una espiral imparable de locura, misterio y asesinatos.
Mujer sin pasado
Una anciana busca una institutriz para su nieta Laurel (Hayley Mills), una adolescente caprichosa y rebelde, cuyas anteriores tutoras apenas duran unos días en el cargo. Sin embargo, un día aparece en sus vidas una misteriosa mujer, Miss Madrigal (Deborah Kerr), que mantendrá a raya a la muchacha, aún a costa de que descubra su oscuro pasado.
55 días en Pekín
Lady Sarah Robertson
China, año 1900. Las embajadas extranjeras en Pekín deben hacer frente a la sangrienta revuelta nacionalista desencadenada por los boxers, que asesinan cristianos. Dentro del recinto asediado, el embajador inglés se une a los miembros de otras delegaciones en un desesperado intento por resistir el asedio.
The Webster Boy
Margaret Webster
A gambler comes out of prison, returns to his old-flame, and finds that she has a teenage son, who begins to believe that the ex-con is his father.
El robo al Banco de Inglaterra
Iris Muldoon
En 1901, un grupo de nacionalistas irlandeses buscan dar un golpe al gobierno británico atracando el Banco de Inglaterra.
Hasta el último aliento
Anne Cummings
John Cummings es un agente de ventas cuya vida personal es un auténtico fracaso. Para colmo, el coche que se ha comprado para hacer su trabajo se lo roba una banda organizada, que se dedica a falsificar la documentación de los vehículos sustraídos para después venderlos. En vista de que, al denunciar el robo, le aseguran que será casi imposible encontrar su coche, decide investigar por su cuenta, aunque pronto descubrirá que tiene que enfrentarse a un siniestro y despiadado criminal, Lionel Meadows. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jet Storm
Inez Barrington
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Law and Disorder
Gina Laselle
When Percy Brand, a habitual confidence trickster, keeps being sent down, he goes to great lengths to ensure that his son Colin, does not find out about his criminal past. But when Colin becomes an assistant to the Judge, who is about to try Percy for his latest escapade, Percy and his gang have to come up with a plan, to stop them meeting in court.
The Shiralee
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
The Man in the Sky
Mary Mitchell
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
The Last Man to Hang
Daphne Strood
A man is tried for the murder of his neurotic wife by means of a sedative overdose.
Tres casos de asesinato
Elizabeth ("You Killed Elizabeth" segment)
Narra tres relatos en clave fantástico de tema sobrenatural: una fantasma regresa a una galería de arte, en la segunda una chica es asesinada y en el último un Lord es castigado por el recuerdo de un hombre al que humilló.
Prince of Players
Asia Booth
Prince of Players is a biographical film about the 19th century American actor Edwin Booth.
En 1794 Napoleón (Marlon Brando) conoce a Desirée (Jean Simmons), una bella joven de la que se enamora locamente. Sin embargo, el absorbente mundo de la política y de la guerra llega atrapar por completo la atención y el interés del brillante general. El dilema que se le plantea es el siguiente: renunciar a la gloria o renunciar al amor.
La condesa descalza
Tres cineastas estadounidenses descubren a una extraordinaria bailarina llamada María Vargas. Sin perder ni un minuto, se trasladan a Hollywood y lanzan a la desconocida al estrellato. Kirk, el productor de sus películas, corteja en vano a María. Ella, para humillarle, accede a acompañar al multimillonario Bravano en un crucero por la Riviera.
Forbidden Cargo
Rita Compton
Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
Jean Talbot
A jeweller is killed in a gang robbery leaving the daughter as the only witness. When the police can't build a case against him she decides to go undercover to infiltrate the home of the killer's brother. Slowly she is drawn into the world of the rival gangs.
The Long Memory
Fay Lowther
Phillip Davidson (John Mills) visita un barco para pedirle al capitán la mano de su hija Fay. Una vez a bordo, se ve envuelto en una pelea provocada por las actividades criminales de Boyd, un traficante de personas. El barco se incendia, y durante la investigación de los hechos se halla un cadáver carbonizado.
The Broken Horseshoe
Della Freeman
When a hit and run patient is murdered an attending doctor is placed under suspicion.
Magda Lloyd
Robbie (Jon Whiteley), un niño huérfano de 6 años, vive falto de cariño y cuidado con sus padres adoptivos en Londres. Tras prender un pequeño fuego en la casa, y temiendo un severo castigo, el chico huye y comienza a vagar por las calles londinenses. Finalmente se refugia en un edificio donde se encuentra a Chris Lloyd (Dirk Bogarde), y al hombre qué ésta acaba justo de matar... (FILMAFFINITY)
The Gentle Gunman
Maureen Fagan
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Night Was Our Friend
Martin's plane crashes in the jungle of Brazil. Nobody believes he survived. In the meantime his wife, Sally, has fallen in love with another man, Dr. Harper. Martin is found and returns to Sally. Unable to face his demons, Martin considers ending his life. Or does Sally do it for him?
Carol Graham
Canadian World War II veteran John Graham (Robert Preston) works in London as a code breaker. Tragedy strikes when his pregnant wife, Carol (Elizabeth Sellars), is accidentally run over by two crooks who are speeding away from the scene of a murder. Haunted, grieving, and thirsting for revenge, Graham sets out to find the two fugitive murderers.
Guilt Is My Shadow
A woman is haunted by her conscience after she murders a man and then hides the body. Based on the novel 'You're Best Alone' by Norah Lofts.
Christina Haggott
Siglo XIX. Los Smith, una poderosa y rica familia de Glasgow, se trasladan a una nueva casa. Una de las hijas, Madeleine, es la niña de los ojos de su padre. Él desea que su hija se case con cierto caballero de notable posición, pero el corazón de Madeleine pertenece a un joven humilde... (FILMAFFINITY)
David Shields refuses to go into agriculture and opts instead for ship building