

Nacimiento : 1953-02-04, Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


Kitaro (喜多郎 Kitarō), born Masanori Takahashi (高橋 正則, Takahashi Masanori) (February 4, 1953), is a Japanese recording artist, composer, record producer, and arranger noted for his electronic instrumental music, and is often associated and regarded as one of the most prominent musical acts of new age music. He is the winner of a Grammy Award for Best New Age Album (Thinking of You (1999); with a record 16 nominations in the same category) and a Golden Globe Award for the Heaven & Earth (1993) original score. Kitaro was born in Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan, and is a graduate of Sahid University. After graduating, Kitaro moved to Tokyo to experience and become a part of the music scene, and it was there that he discovered the synthesizer. His first synthesizer was analog, and he recalls having "just loved the analog sound that it made compared to today's digital sound". His parents were first opposed to the idea of their son having a musical career. In an effort to maneuver him towards their vision, they made arrangements for him to take a job at a local company. In return, he left home without telling them. He supported himself by taking on several part-time jobs such as cooking and civil service work, while composing songs at night. In the early 1970s, he changed completely to keyboards. He joined the Japanese music group Far East Family Band which was formed in 1965, and toured with them around the world. While in Europe, he met the German electronica and former Tangerine Dream member Klaus Schulze. Schulze produced two albums for the band and gave Kitaro some tips for controlling synthesizers. In 1976, Kitaro left Far East Family Band and travelled through Asia (China, Laos, Thailand, India). [Wikipedia]




Estado de Emergencia
Bottle Mail
An omnibus film consisting of 4 short films and a documentary related to COVID-19.
Romance Doll
Kinji Aikawa
It was a pre-destined love and marriage for Sonoko and Tetsuo. They tied the knot and became husband and wife no questions asked. All is well then. Well, perhaps not. Each holds a secret that even the binds of matrimony cannot untie. Sonoko does not know that Tetsuo makes sex dolls or Dutch wives. Sonoko has a secret too. She is about to tell Tetsuo what she has been hiding. Their marriage is already sexless. Will they make it?
The Monster and the Woman
Short film in which a village is terrorized by a monster. The local police investigation seems to be getting nowhere. This idiosyncratic film examines social conventions, interaction and bureaucracy.
MIS Human Secret Weapon
Original Music Composer
When the US Army realized its deficiencies in intelligence operations against Japan in WWII, Japanese Americans were secretly trained to be soldiers of the Military Intelligence Service. They showed their patriotism to US, the nation that had caged their families in the internment camps by choosing to fight against the same race. Not only had they tremendously contributed to America's victory, but also to the successful recovery of Japan using their skill in language. However, the US government had kept their existence as a top secret. Who were these soldiers whom called the Human Secret Weapon?
Toyo's Camera
Original Music Composer
Even though bringing in cameras to the internment camps was prohibited, one man managed to smuggle in his own camera lens and build a camera to document life behind barbed wires, with the help of other craftsmen in the camp. That man was Toyo Miyatake, a successful issei (first generation immigrant) photographer and owner of a photo-shop in the Los Angeles Little Tokyo district, and of one of the many Americans who was interned with his family against his will. With his makeshift camera, Miyatake captured the dire conditions of life in the camps during World War II as well as the resilient spirit of his companions, many of whom were American citizens who went on to fight for their country overseas. Miyatake said, "It is my duty to record the facts, as a photographer, so that this kind of thing should never happen again."
Kitaro: Daylight, Moonlight - Live in Yakushiji
From Domo Records comes this live concert performance by Buddhist musician Kitaro. Kitaro: Daylight, Moonlight - Live in Yakushiji was shot at Japan's Yakushiji Temple and features renditions of such songs as "Silk Road," "Water of Mystery," "Free Flight," "Heaven and Earth," and several others.
The Soong Sisters
Original Music Composer
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
Kitaro: An Enchanted Evening
An Enchanted Evening is a live album recorded during Kitaro's world tour in 1995. It features music from his studio album, Mandala, and music from his original score for Oliver Stone's movie, Heaven and Earth. Resonant with exotic Japanese instrumentation along with the more familiar guitar, flute and drums, it shimmers one minute and rumbles the next by turns soothing and stirring, rhythmic and dramatic, yet surprising intimate. It is a unforgettable event with contrasts that takes its cue from nature and spirit drawing refrains of the East and West together.
El cielo y la tierra
Original Music Composer
Tercera parte de la trilogía de Stone sobre el Vietnam. Si en "Platoon" retrata la guerra como tal y en "Nacido el 4 de Julio" ahonda en las tremendas secuelas psicológicas sufridas por los soldados que regresaron del frente; en esta ocasión muestra las repercusiones sociales de la guerra a través de la historia de un sargento que regresa a los Estados Unidos casado con una vietnamita que tiene grandes dificultades para ser aceptada en su nuevo país.
Paris Is Burning
La película explora las 'Houses' del barrio neoyorquino de Harlem de finales de los 80. Una 'House' es una sociedad de gays y drag queens (drag queen en el sentido neoyorquino del término que incluye a las travestis), que tiene forma de banda callejera. Las 'Houses' están formadas por una 'mother' o madre y los y las 'children', hijos e hijas, la función de la madre es la de presidir la sociedad y aconsejar y mirar por sus integrantes. Los 'Balls' son los bailes que organizan las 'Houses' en los 'Ballrooms' (literalmente salones de baile) que se convierten en una especie de club para reunirse y competir entre sí. "Paris is burning" refleja el fenómeno de los 'balls' desde 1987 hasta 1989 cuando ya ha llamado la atención de los medios de comunicación y las industrias culturales perciben beneficios de lo que súbitamente es la nueva moda.
Kitaro: Kojiki - A Story in Concert
Kitaro has long been one of the leading lights of new age music. This program captures him in a 1990 live appearance from one of his increasingly rare concert tours, performing selections from Kojiki: A Story in Concert, a musical adaptation of legends from traditional Japanese folklore
El regreso del río Kwai
El teniente de aviación americano Lee Crawford es abatido por los japoneses mientras ataca el puente sobre el río Kwai, en Tailandia. A pesar de todo, logra escapar y es rescatado por un comando británico dirigido por el coronel Grayson, con el que colabora en una misión: detener un tren para liberar a los prisioneros de guerra destinados a trabajar para los japoneses. Pero el plan falla y sólo algunos prisioneros logran escapar. Los demás son transportados en un barco que forma parte de un convoy de la flota japonesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Will Graham (William Petersen) regresa a la policía persuadido por un compañero. Encargado de la difícil tarea de dar caza a un escurridizo asesino que ataca sólo los días de luna llena, Graham decide emplear métodos poco convencionales. De este modo, recurre al doctor Hannibal Lecter (Brian Cox), otro asesino en serie, para entrar en la mente del asesino, pero esto le llevará a estar expuesto a la inteligencia de un genio poniendo en peligro su salud mental.
Samuel Lount
Original Music Composer
Drama histórico sobre la rebelión en el Alto Canadá de 1837.
Coral, a Hong Kong woman tortured by city life, went back to her home town to visit her two old friends. They all found that some precious things in life which disappear through the years could never be recovered.
La reina de los mil años
Original Music Composer
En 1999 tenemos al joven Hajime, que después de un accidente en el que queda huérfano es acogido por su tío. Pronto empezará a enamorarse de Yukino Yayoi, ayudante de su tío, pero lo que no sabe es que ella es en realidad Queen Millenia del planeta LaMetal. Su planeta amenaza con chocar contra la Tierra y destruir el mundo y ella ha sido enviada para ayudar a prepararse para una posible aniquilación del planeta. Ella se debe por completo a su planeta natal pero sus relaciones con los humanos empezarán a cambiar su puto de vista y se propone en secreto salvar a tantos como pueda, pero existen enemigos que no la dejaran actuar...
Kitaro: The Light of the Spirit