Maddalena Ravagli


El Inmortal: una película de Gomorra
El cuerpo de Ciro se hunde en las aguas oscuras del Golfo de Nápoles. Y a medida que se hunde más y más, surgen recuerdos. Los sonidos amortiguados por el agua se funden con los gritos de las personas que huyen. Es 1980, la tierra tiembla, el palacio se derrumba, pero bajo los escombros se puede escuchar el llanto de un bebé recién nacido vivo. Diez años más tarde, encontramos a ese bebé recién nacido que sobrevive como puede en las calles de Nápoles, el hijo de nadie. Vívidos recuerdos de una educación criminal que lo convirtió en lo que es: Ciro Di Marzio, el Inmortal. Precuela del programa de televisión "Gomorra".
Just a Father
Carlo is a doctor that has recently lost his wife. Affected by the loss, he is supported by his family and friends, and, above all, for the love he feels towards his little daughter. And then, one day, he meets Camille.
Just a Father
Carlo is a doctor that has recently lost his wife. Affected by the loss, he is supported by his family and friends, and, above all, for the love he feels towards his little daughter. And then, one day, he meets Camille.
Black and White
Racial integration is Elena's profession and passion, not only filling her working day as a cultural mediator assisting immigrants, but spilling over into her home life as well. All too often her husband Carlo must attend charity events where he feels distinctly out of place. During one of these evenings, Carlo meets Nadine, a beautiful black woman.