Andrew Sala


Adentro mío estoy bailando
Executive Producer
A frustrated Jewish wedding cameraman falls in love with a klezmer clarinettist. To spend time with her, he fabricates a documentary project that takes him on a journey in search of the lost klezmer melodies safeguarded by the Romani of Eastern Europe.
Apenas el sol
Associate Producer
Facing the consequences of a violent uprooting, Mateo Sobode Chiqueno has been recording stories, songs, and testimonies of his Ayoreo people since the seventies. In an attempt to preserve fragments of a disappearing culture, Mateo walks across communities in the arid and desolate Paraguayan Chaco region, and registers on cassettes the experiences of other Ayoreo who, like him, were born in the vast forest, free and nomadic, without any contact with white civilization, until religious missionaries forced them to abandon their ancestral territory, their means of subsistence, their beliefs and their home.
Rafa, su papá y yo
Sebastián Muro, el director de esta película, empieza a filmar a su padre, Rafa, un extrovertido empresario organizador de eventos, para un ejercicio de la facultad. Hipnotizado por la comodidad y displicencia de su padre frente a la cámara, Sebastián continúa filmándolo sin mucho propósito hasta que, sin quererlo, empieza a contar su propia historia familiar y da con un tema no saldado con su padre: su ausencia de casi una década, cuando Sebastián era niño.
Deja que las luces se alejen
El deambular de un gato entre pastizales, las chispas que emergen de las brasas enrojecidas de una fogata, un hombre que se pasea a la sombra de altos árboles en medio de un bosque, un incendio a lo lejos, la silueta fantasmagórica de bomberos en la noche: esas son algunas de las postales mínimas que conforman la enorme belleza de la sierra de Manantiales, en las afueras de Córdoba.
Pantanal is a South American road film, situated somewhere between fiction and documentary, that takes place between Buenos Aires and the Pantanal in Brazil’s Mato Grosso. A man flees Buenos Aires with a bag full of money and with every intention to repay the debt he owes his brother, with whom he has lost touch with years prior. The journey towards the Pantanal becomes complex as the man runs into various complications and begins to believe that someone may be following him. As visually stunning as it is intellectually stimulating Pantanal employs documentary testimonies of the people who encountered the man throughout his journey, adopting real life into the fictional narrative. Working within a hybrid between fiction and documentary keeps the film both captivating and engaging throughout the film’s entire journey, in addition to adding emotional credibility to this road movie.
Pantanal is a South American road film, situated somewhere between fiction and documentary, that takes place between Buenos Aires and the Pantanal in Brazil’s Mato Grosso. A man flees Buenos Aires with a bag full of money and with every intention to repay the debt he owes his brother, with whom he has lost touch with years prior. The journey towards the Pantanal becomes complex as the man runs into various complications and begins to believe that someone may be following him. As visually stunning as it is intellectually stimulating Pantanal employs documentary testimonies of the people who encountered the man throughout his journey, adopting real life into the fictional narrative. Working within a hybrid between fiction and documentary keeps the film both captivating and engaging throughout the film’s entire journey, in addition to adding emotional credibility to this road movie.
Pantanal is a South American road film, situated somewhere between fiction and documentary, that takes place between Buenos Aires and the Pantanal in Brazil’s Mato Grosso. A man flees Buenos Aires with a bag full of money and with every intention to repay the debt he owes his brother, with whom he has lost touch with years prior. The journey towards the Pantanal becomes complex as the man runs into various complications and begins to believe that someone may be following him. As visually stunning as it is intellectually stimulating Pantanal employs documentary testimonies of the people who encountered the man throughout his journey, adopting real life into the fictional narrative. Working within a hybrid between fiction and documentary keeps the film both captivating and engaging throughout the film’s entire journey, in addition to adding emotional credibility to this road movie.
Murder in Junín
From a privileged viewpoint, the spectator witnesses a series of events among which there is a murder.
Un día de calor en Buenos Aires es el telón de fondo de cinco historias diferentes. Atravesadas por la temática sexual, las historias fueron adaptadas de cuentos de jóvenes escritores argentinos.
Un día de calor en Buenos Aires es el telón de fondo de cinco historias diferentes. Atravesadas por la temática sexual, las historias fueron adaptadas de cuentos de jóvenes escritores argentinos.
La barbarie
Nacho huye de la violencia de su casa en Buenos Aires y busca un hogar al amparo de su padre, un estanciero con quien apenas tiene relación. En la estancia Santa Inés, un lugar donde predominan las diferencias sociales y la violencia contenida, Nacho tendrá que luchar para entender su lugar como patrón.
La barbarie
Nacho huye de la violencia de su casa en Buenos Aires y busca un hogar al amparo de su padre, un estanciero con quien apenas tiene relación. En la estancia Santa Inés, un lugar donde predominan las diferencias sociales y la violencia contenida, Nacho tendrá que luchar para entender su lugar como patrón.
La barbarie
Nacho huye de la violencia de su casa en Buenos Aires y busca un hogar al amparo de su padre, un estanciero con quien apenas tiene relación. En la estancia Santa Inés, un lugar donde predominan las diferencias sociales y la violencia contenida, Nacho tendrá que luchar para entender su lugar como patrón.