Ted Pluviose

Ted Pluviose


Ted Pluviose
Ted Pluviose
Ted Pluviose


A comedy drama about the fall, mourning and rebuilding of oneself around three brothers in their fifties who will have to reconnect after the death of their father who died prematurely from an unfortunate Ice Bucket Challenge.
Peligrosos juegos de familia
Los Arsenault son una familia que ha estado involucrada en la caza furtiva ilegal. Adam, el hijo mayor, quiere dejar la empresa, pero los planes se complican con la llegada de su hermano menor.
The Greatest Country in the World
Intervenant Radio / Réceptionniste clinique
In a province not so distant from ours, now controlled by a far-right government, the borders are closed and immigrants, now under threat, are desperate to get out. A Haitian woman hands over her young son to a thirty-something Quebec man before fleeing. With help from a Vietnamese former refugee, they try to solve the mystery.
After being touched by a patient's story, a psychiatrist learns the hard way that appearances are sometimes deceptive.
Compulsive Liar
Ministre du Développement international
Simon Aubert runs his entire life on lies. An executive at an aviation company, he lies about everything… Simon’s self-serving lies are so abundant that the universe (governed by a handful of Buddhist monks, it seems) decides to right a wrong by teaching him a lesson and making all of the lies reality on the eve of his company’s crucial meeting with a Russian businessman that Simon absolutely needs to impress in order to prevent the closure of the small-town plant where his twin brother Phil works.
Antología de un pueblo fantasma
Chauffer / James
Simon Dubé muere en un accidente de coche que tiene lugar en un pequeño y remoto pueblo de Quebec, de apenas 215 personas. Sorprendidos, los habitantes del pueblo procuran no hablar sobre las circunstancias de la tragedia. El suceso desgarra a la familia Dubé, y afecta psicológicamente a la alcaldesa Smallwood y a muchos aldeanos que no saben qué hacer para dejar atrás lo sucedido. Mientras la gente trata de digerir la desgracia, una serie de personas desconocidas comienzan a llegar al pueblo, a los que acompaña una espesa niebla.
George Édouard is a janitor at the Montréal Polytechnique. The only other person he meets at night is a PhD student in physics, Audrey. They often meet to talk about music and science. One day George Édouard sees the return of his long-lost brother, René. The latter attended an exorcism. A ghost of the earthquake in Haiti has haunted him since.
L'odeur après la pluie
Claire, a recently retired widow, shares her suburban house with her sister Gisele. On a scorching summer day, Julien an old flame, shows up unexpectedly with the intention of winning Claire back. Proof that life never ceases to amaze us.
Montreal, White City
It’s Christmas Eve, but the Algerian taxi driver living in Canada is more caught up in Ramadan. By chance he picks up a compatriot, a former pop star thought dead, and the evening gets more interesting.
Ego Trip
Homme radio
Talk show host Marc Morin is at a crossroads in his career and in his personal life. The ratings of his show are failing and he is losing touch with his family. In an effort to regain the love and respect of his audience, Marc’s agent decides to send him, against his will, on a humanitarian mission to Haiti. Nothing can prepare Marc for the journey on which he is about to embark.
Xavier Cozic
Four astronauts have to stay 1000 days in a space station around Earth in order to prove that a trip to Europa, one of Jupiter's moon, is possible. The experience goes well until something happens on earth.
Taxi Driver
Una madre viuda se encarga de la educación de su violento hijo sola. Pero cuando parecía que todo estaba perdido, un soplo de esperanza llega al conocer a su misteriosa nueva vecina: una mujer que se integra ella misma en la vida de la madre y su hijo propocionando a la madre el apoyo que anhelaba.
Que tu alegria perdure
Que ta joie demeure no es un documental acerca de ser un esclavo de la máquina, la alienación, la deshumanización o explotación. Sonido e imagen, edición y estructura dramática son empleados para adaptar talleres y pisos de la fábrica en el espacio cinematográfico con el fin de explorar los extraños entornos a los que los trabajadores se adaptan y con los que hábilmente interactuan, como si la humanidad nunca hubiera hecho otra cosa ademas de eso desde tiempos inmemoriales .
Vic + Flo Saw a Bear
Cuenta la historia de Vic, una mujer que acaba de salir de la cárcel y que está en busca de un poco de paz y tranquilidad. Ella se muda a la casa de un familiar en el bosque canadiense y recibe la visita de su amante, Flo. Los dos se toman cada día como viene, explorando el campo en un carrito de golf y disfrutando del paisaje. La vida podría ser maravilloso si no fuera porque el oficial de la libertad convencional de Vic no para de molestarles. Vic también encuentra una escapatoria en los inquietantes bares locales. Una mujer agradable del barrio, jardinera, pronto resulta ser una sombra del pasado, signos de amenaza inminente comienzan a multiplicarse e incluso el bosque parece tener trampas traicioneras.
Two friends spend a summer day together in the suburbs of Montreal. As the evening comes, they go to the fireworks hoping to be entertained but the event ends up igniting memories of a different nature.
West Coast Québec