Peter Oliver Hansen

Peter Oliver Hansen

Nacimiento : 1967-12-12, Denmark


Peter Oliver Hansen


Boys On Film 19: No Ordinary Boy
Man (segment "Between Here & Now")
As Boys On Film reaches the end of its teenage years, we take a look at those unique boys who go one step further, who excite, invigorate, and always impress, who break boundaries, shape their worlds and are more than what they appear. Volume 19: No Ordinary Boy includes ten complete films: Scott T. Hinson's "Michael Joseph Jason John" also starring Eric Robledo… Abhishek Verma's animated "The Fish Curry"… Dean Loxton's "Meatoo" starring Calum Speed and Warren Rusher… Amrou Al-Kadhi's "Run(a)way Arab" also starring Ahd and Omar Labek… Jannik Splidsboel's "Between Here & Now" starring Francesco Martino and Peder Bille… Jake Graf's "Dusk" starring Elliott Sailors, Sue Moore, and Duncan James… Ben Allen's "Blood Out Of A Stone" starring Alex Austin and Oisín Stack… David Färdmar's "No More We" starring Jonathan Andersson and Björn Elgerd… Leon Lopez's "Jermaine & Elsie" starring Marji Campi and Ashley Campbell… and Marco Alessi's "Four Quartets" with Laurie Kynaston.
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Between Here & Now
Tony, a visiting Italian, meets Oscar in a Copenhagen bar. What seems like a simple one-night stand becomes more complicated.
The Idealist
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. Unos días más tarde, responsables del gobierno calificarán el accidente como un «Broken Arrow» —es decir, un incidente donde intervienen armas nucleares pero no reviste peligro—, no habiendo motivo para preocuparse en torno a contaminación radiactiva o violación de la política nuclear por parte de una potencia extranjera. Centenares de trabajadores de Thule están trabajando en una inmensa operación de limpieza. Después de 8 meses, todos los restos de la aeronave y la nieve contaminada con plutonio han desaparecido. El caso está cerrado. No obstante, y 18 años más tarde, mientras cubría una historia sobre trabajadores locales, el reportero Paul Brink se verá inmerso en sospechosas circunstancias que le llevarán al oculto accidente nuclear del 68.
Father of Four: Home Field Advantage
When somebody swipes Father's wallet, which contains the office pool's winning sports lottery ticket, Uncle Anders and Per set out to catch the thief.
La sustituta
Camillas far
La nueva profesora de sexto grado ha convencido a los padres de sus alumnos de que es la perfecta docente. Cuando la puerta de clase se cierra deja de fingir. Que sea más malvada que la madrastra de Blancanieves cruzada con un orco, es lo de menos. Hay algo peor: puede leerles el pensamiento. Y aún hay algo peor que lo peor: no parece humana. Y si no es humana, ¿qué misión cumple en la Tierra?, ¿qué pretende llevándoselos a una competición escolar en Francia? Y sobre todo: ¿cómo se combate a un extraterrestre?
Kalle, a nice middleclass kid, who because of a debt and old friendship ends up as a 'fidibus', a gofer, for the hash baron Paten. But only until Paten is anything but innocently jailed and asks Kalle to mind the store while he is gone. No one touches Paten's money, Paten's car or, least of all, Paten's girl, Saby, who is dumber than water.
Lost Generation
The film is based on Christian Kampmann's novels: "Certain Considerations", "Solid Relationships", "Clean Lines" and "Other Ways" (1973-75). The Gregersen family is a picture of inner and outer Denmark from the mid 50's to the 70's. The story begins in 1954 in the well-behaved, but not just successful, Gregersen family from the best part of the whiskey belt on the right side of Strandvejen.
Cinder Rock'n Rella
Set in the rock'n roll universe of the 1950s, »Cinder Rock'n Rella« is a classic tale, about Mille, who lives with her mum and dreams of becoming a musical star. When they stake all they have on a new milk-shake bar things begin to look up and the local film studios even want a girl to play a leading part that's just up Mille's street. But mum suddenly dies, leaving Mille deep in debt to her evil auntie and cousin, who'd rather be rid of Mille once and for all. Luckily heaven sends a couple of angels and Topper, a good fairy.