Mikhail Sholokhov

Mikhail Sholokhov

Nacimiento : 1905-05-24, Veshenskaya, Russian Empire [now Russia]

Muerte : 1984-02-21


Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov (24 May 1905 – 21 February 1984) was a Soviet novelist and winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Literature. He is known for writing about life and fate of Don Cossacks during the Russian Revolution, the civil war and the period of collectivization, primarily in his most famous novel, And Quiet Flows the Don. The authorship of even his most famous texts has been widely disputed.


Mikhail Sholokhov


Quiet Flows The Don
With World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Russian Civil War as backdrop, it's an old-fashioned, blood-and-guts narrative, filled with earthly humor and a wealth of colorful characters. The story concerns the fluctuating fortunes of Grigory Melekhov, a young Cossack who is both a hero and a victim of the uprising.
El potro
En 1864, en plena guerra civil, el joven soldado Jim Rabb contempla perplejo que su querida yegua ha dado a luz a un pequeño potro. Aunque su oficial superior le ordena que lo abandone, puesto que el joven animal puede convertirse en una carga, Jimm insiste en protegerlo y mantenerlo con vida.
Lucharon por su patria
La película transcurre en Rusia en julio de 1942 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Las tropas nazis se aproximan a Stalingrado y los rusos están exhaustos y sobrepasados en número. Pero después de una batalla sangrienta, los invasores nazis son detenidos en Stalingrado.
Deadly Enemy
Based on the Don stories by Mikhail Sholokhov. Soviet power was only established on the Don, and a conflict broke out in the first commune: the wife of the commune’s leader Arseniy Klyukvin, having believed the promises of the white officer, fell in love and went to live with him with the child. She doesn't want to hide her feelings, but unable to withstand the bestial attitude of a white officer, she returns back to the Bolshevik.
В лазоревой степи
Short Story
Unbidden Love
A Tale of Don
A drama about Cossack life based on the short stories by Mikhail Sholokhov.
Когда казаки плачут
Little Bugger
Bolshevik Foma Korshunov returns to his village. Soon his son, seven-year old Mishka gets a new nickname - "little communist". When bandits come to the village Mishka, knowing that the reds are close, saddles his horse and hurry to warn them about the danger.
The Colt
El destino de un hombre
Crónica de la vida de un soldado soviético durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), de los sufrimientos y sacrificios que tuvo que afrontar en medio de un mundo de destrucción y muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Virgin Soil Upturned
The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside going through an uneasy process of collectivization.
Quiet Flows the Don
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
The New Land
El Don apacible
La película retrata, siguiendo la novela de Mijail Sholojov, los destinos de los cosacos del Don durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Civil en el Imperio Ruso. Grigory Melejov vive en una aldea de Veshenskaya. Está enamorado de Aksynia, pero debido a la insistencia de su padre, tiene que casarse con otra chica. Al descubrir su amorío con Aksynia, su joven esposa le abandona. Poco antes de la guerra, Grigory y su amada dejan también la granja. Mientras está en el frente de Austria, Grigory se entera de que el zar ha abdicado y se ha terminado la guerra. Se pone en camino para volver a casa en donde Aksynia le está esperando.