Christian Dior


El hombre que yo amo
Sound Editor
Martin está enamorado de Lucas, monitor de la piscina en la que trabajan. Pero no lo tendrá nada fácil, ya que éste es muy introvertido, vive con su novia Lisa y no reconoce su condición de gay. A pesar de todo Martin no se desanima, pues para él el tiempo y el amor son demasiado preciosos.
The Eyes of Asia
Nakaura of Julian (Julião Nakaura), a priest of the Society of Jesus, was one of four young ambassadors sent to Rome by the Jesuits in 1538, as proof that Japan had converted to Christianity. Fifty years after the mission, which so fascinated European royalty, Julian was forced again to prove his faith, only this time before a Shogun, who wanted to force him to abandon his religion. Julian resists, as does Miguel Chijiwa, a fellow at the embassy to Rome, who become a martyr. Betrayed by Cristóvão Ferreira, who cannot bear the torture, Julian suffers an inglorious death ... or maybe not.
La reina Margot
Sound Editor
París, Reino de Francia, 18 de agosto de 1572. Con el propósito de evitar el estallido de una guerra religiosa, la princesa católica Margarita de Valois, hermana del débil rey Carlos IX, se casa con el rey hugonote Enrique III de Navarra.
The End of the World
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter..
A young girl is deprived of her baby: her descent into hell begins.
In the Country of Juliets
Three young female prisoners become friends while stranded in a provincial train station.