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Terra Sonâmbula
Joseldo Bastante
En un Mozambique arrasado por la guerra civil, el joven Muidinga sueña con reencontrarse con su familia. Le acompaña el viejo Tuahir. Su viaje les convertirá en sonámbulos de un paisaje devastado por la guerra. (FILMAFFINITY)
In a Time of Violence: The Line
Pedro dos Santos
This controversial political thriller, which provoked mass demonstrations and nine deaths in South Africa when it was first shown, gives dramatic form to the African National Congress's basic program of reconcilliation within a non-racialist, democratic society. A train massacre by an Inkatha militant causes the sole witness to the crime to flee the Soweto townships to take refuge in Johannesburg; but the violence follows him when his ANC comrades try to buy guns for a retaliatory raid against Inkatha supporters.