Ronald Wong


The Goldfinger
In 1970s Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was formed to bring down the corruption syndicate led by British government officials. One of its top investigators is Senior Investigator Lau Kai-Yuen, who brought down countless corrupted officials. Just as he thought stability and prosperity are within reach, a new era of greed and riches takes him into a new battlefield of corruption.
I Am Somebody
A young man travels from his hometown to Hengdian, the place where the country's biggest movies are filmed. Like many others, his dream is to become a movie star. However, the life of an actor proves to be very harsh, and only a select few will ever be anything more than extras.
The Silent War
Un thriller de espionaje ambientado en los años 1950 que adapta la novela "Year Suan/Plot Against" de May Jia. Tony Leung Chiu Wai interpreta a un hombre ciego que trabaja para un afinador de pianos. Jake ha sido reclutado para una misión de espionaje debido a su excepcional sentido de la audición.
The Lost Bladesman
Durante el periodo de los Tres Reinos combatientes la antigua China se encuentra en crisis. Para unificar el país, el general Cao Cao (Jiang Wen), el verdadero gobernante tras el Emperador, intenta reclutar al más grande guerrero del país, Guan Yun Chang (Donnie Yen). Sin embargo, Guan Yun Chang es un leal aliado del enemigo de Cao Cao, Liu Bei. Para convencer al poderoso guerrero de luchar a su lado, Cao Cao toma como rehén a su amada, Qi Lan (Betty Sun). Tras llevar a las fuerzas de Cao Cao a la victoria, Guan Yun Chang emprende un viaje junto a Qi Lan para reencontrarse con Liu Bei. Pero Cao Cao le considera una amenaza demasiado grande para vivir y mandará a todas las fuerzas del Emperador para acabar con él.
Once a Gangster
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful chain of restaurants, his loving wife, and his two children. So when Kerosene wants to promote his trusted right hand man to the top of the organization as a way to take on his financial debts, it's understandable why Roast Pork would want to refuse. Roast Pork comes up with an intricate scheme with his men that would take himself out of the running, but Kerosene's intervention causes it to fail. When all hopes appears to be lost, lifelong gangster Sparrow is released from jail after serving a 20-year sentence for committing a gang-related murder that earned him a guarantee for the leader spot. However, Sparrow has made his own plans to stay out of the gang, setting off a battle of wits between the two men.
Associate Producer
Dos policías de la unidad de vigilancia descubren un plan de estafa financiera, destapando así todo un entramado de negocios sucios. Los policías no son inmunes a la tentación del dinero fácil, y no tardan en hacerse con las acciones gracias a la información privilegiada de que disponen.
Infernal Affairs 2
Coordinating Producer
El oficial de policía Chen Acaba de ser infiltrado en la triada más peligrosa de Hong Kong. A su vez uno de los miembros de la tríada, Lau acaba de infiltrarse en la policía. Pero un nuevo jefe mafioso se interpondrá entre ellos, un enemigo común que no esperaban... Juego sucio 2 vuelve atrás en el tiempo para descubrirnos como empezó todo y cuáles fueron los acontecimientos que hicieron que Chen y Lau acabarán en diferentes bandos de la ley en el aclamo film Juego sucio.
Juego sucio (Infernal Affairs)
Production Manager
Ming es un topo infiltrado en el departamento de policía. Se hizo policía a los 18 años siguiendo las órdenes del jefe de una sociedad secreta de carácter criminal. Por su parte, Yan es un topo de la policía infiltrado en la banda desde hace ya diez años. Ambos se sienten cada vez más atrapados en esos mundos a los que no pertenecen.
CIA Agent Harry is bitten by a man who was part of a deadly experiment involving the ability to withstand pain. The bacterium has a virus, causing the victim to become a zombie. Upon Harry's arrival in Hong Kong, after rejection from his ex-girlfriend, the virus begins to take effect. He kills a call girl and is arrested after a gang fight. When he is in prison, Harry transforms into a Zombie King and transforms nearly an entire Triad gang into his personal horde. Soon, the police department becomes a House of the Dead. It's up to a police officer named Marco, Harry's ex, and a Triad member named Cheap to stop them before it's too late.
The Duel
Dragon 6
The sword saint requests a duel with god of sword at the apex of the forbidden city to determine the worlds best. As the date of the duel nears troubles befall the imperial town until everything is revealed at the climactic fight.
Troublesome Night 6
Bar waiter
Four reporters from a tabloid magazine stalks a model for their gossip column. The model, having breaking up with her rich boyfriend, later commits suicide to escape all the pressure. The reporters relentlessly post the photos of suicide aftermath in their tabloid magazines. Years later, the reporters begin to fester and die violent deaths, and an inspector is assigned to track down the perpetrator. In addition, the inspector claims he has seen the model at the crime scenes, even if it has since been four years after her death!
Un hombre llamado héroe
La saga episódica de la primera mitad del siglo XX sigue al héroe Hua desde un mal día de junio en su juventud hasta un enfrentamiento 17 años después con un miembro descontento de su escuela de artes marciales, un japonés llamado Invincible. Las tensiones entre chinos y japoneses, más el racismo estadounidense, marcan la historia. Hero se casa con Jade, la deja en China cuando va a Estados Unidos como sirviente por contrato, se rebela contra las condiciones laborales crueles y se le une en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde tiene gemelos. Avance 16 años: su hijo Sword llega a Nueva York buscando a su padre. Allí, Sword escucha muchas historias de su padre, que vemos en flashbacks, y el escenario está listo para la batalla con Invincible.
Sex and Zen III
Wong Lin
The plot follows new prostitutes Susan (Karen Yeung), Fanny (Tung Yi), and Chinyun (Chung Chun), who are inducted into the Fragrance House brothel where they are trained in the ways of lovemaking by their veteran madam Tall Kau. Eventually all three enter circulation where Susan is crowned the top prize and becomes enamored of budding scholar Chu Chi-Ang. Fanny is jealous beyond all means and though she's bought by famous horse trader Sir Lui (Category 3 staple Tsui Kam-Kong), she still plans her revenge on Susan. Eventually the typical “torture the innocent naked girl for cheap thrills” stuff happens, while Chu learns various wacky sexual positions to get Susan back.
Raped by an Angel 2: The Uniform Fan
A dentist obsessed with young women in various uniforms stalks two sisters. The oldest sister is romantically pursued by a thug that was just released from prison. The dentist also has the hots for her and the two paths eventually cross
Young and Dangerous 5
Although Chicken does not make an appearance, Chan Ho Nam finds a new love interest in the form of Mei Ling (Shu Qi). Meanwhile, Tung Sing returns to cause trouble again for Hung Hing, in the form of new leader Szeto Ho Nam (Mark Cheng). Young and Dangerous 5 occurs during the transfer of Hong Kong sovereignty to China, with the "boys" becoming "men", as they develop and mature into more business-like dealings.
The Demon's Baby
A general's bride becomes pregnant with a demon baby. A Buddhist priest comes to rescue. Things get messy.
Best of the Best
Tung Tung just graduated from the police academy, encountering a Vietnamnese assassin on his first day on work. Tung in order to break through obstacle in his mind decides to join SDU. Among the teammates, Coolman feels resentment toward Tung, which he doesn't understand. Later he discovers Coolman is actually his step brother. Tung actively tries to get close to Coolman, but is rejected. When training reaches its last stage, Coolman and Tung's team reencounters the Vietnamnese assassin on a deserted island.
Ghost Lantern
A gang member is pursued by a ghost who was his lover in a past life.
Thou Shalt Not Swear
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
Angel of the road
Max Mok plays a truck driver who falls in love with an innocent school student (Loletta Lee). Everything seems to be perfect for Max Mok and his colleagues but conflicts with the local Hong Kong triad will soon appear.
Weakness of Man
Gam Sui is a naive and traditional wife whose sailor husband, Lik, is rarely home. Lik receives a letter from Sui with the wonderful news that she is pregnant. Lik is outraged, as he has just been told he is sterile. Lik first plans to secretly return home and kill Sui, then he suspects his best pal Mo Mo, so he decides to do them both in. To further complicate matters, an airheaded pregnant mainlander named Baby shows up and moves in. She claims Lik is her man. Lik's efforts to remain hidden and carry out his plans are frustrated by a local madman who follows him around. Questions arise. Could Mo Mo really be the father ? Though a dispirited cripple, Mo Mo has secretly been in love with Sui for over a decade and, given the turn of events, this could be the time to tell her.
The Ultimate Vampire
"Vampire Buster" Lam Ching-Ying returns as Master Gao in this vampire-filled adventure. Here, he joins forces with his colleagues in ridding the world of restless ghosts, and he, himself, does battle with dozens of jumping Chinese vampires and creepy-looking zombies. Meanwhile, he must also deal with his corrupted senior colleague and a beautiful female ghost, who befriended his two pupils.
God of Gamblers II
Michael 'Little Knife' Chan, discípulo de Ko Chun, el 'God of Gamblers', deberá unir fuerzas con Cho Chung-Sing cuando descubren que un jefe mafioso planea hacerse pasar por el verdadero discípulo y arruinar su reputación.
Family Honor
Tao's sidekick
Norman Law directed this Hong Kong gangster film about siblings joined by a common enemy. Tao is a ruthless loan shark, whose brother, Fu Sai Hang, is the captain of the local police. When the mob guns down Tao, his brother becomes a vigilante out for revenge. Aided by his capable girlfriend, Hor-Yee, the captain brings down the villains in an explosive finale.
God of Gamblers
Ko Chun es el rey de los jugadores. Su fama de ganador rompe fronteras y no hay ningún jugador que consiga ganarle. Por azares del destino sufre un gran golpe en la cabeza que le hace perder la memoria y le devuelve a sus años de infancia. Knife, un apostante de poca monta, le acogerá en su casa y se hará cargo de él hasta que recupere su memoria y se vengue de las acciones acontecidas en su ausencia.
Crocodile Hunter
Fink Fai
Two cops are partnered together and decide to protect two beautiful women who are actually rivals--one, a woman released from prison, the other, an actress who's been targeted for rape--while in search of escaped murderous convicts.
Casino Raiders
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
El fluir de las lágrimas
Ah Sai
Dos hermanos están introducidos en el mundo de las mafias chinas. Uno, el hermano menor, es incapaz de evitar los líos por su impetuoso temperamento. Por su parte, el hermano mayor, al enamorarse, decide abandonar el oscuro entorno en el que se mueve, pero antes tendrá que volver a ayudar a su hermano pequeño...
Double Fattiness
Chi's thug
Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.
Wonder Women
Brigitta's colleague
This is an outrageous comedy about seven days in the life of two girls Leung and Ling, who want to skyrocket to the top by entering a beauty pageant. Both girls are ballyhooed as the hottest contestants, but at the end neither can make it to the top 5! What's more, Ling is dumped by her boyfriend, and gets fired at the same time. Being afraid of going home to get along with her father. Leung gives her a hand, inviting Ling to stay with her in her roof-top bungalow. Then they begin their days of similar conscious degradation, which force them to become best friends. But their friendship becomes short-lived when they run into a handsome and well-built young man Wong. They start to vie for his attention and his sex. However, before the climax of their war comes, they find out that he's a dawdler. Shattered by the fact, the two girls eventually come to team with one another.
People's Hero
William Wong (Boney)
Ex-gangster Sonny Koo finds himself in the middle of a bank holdup by two inexperienced crooks. The robbery goes awry, but before order can be restored, Sonny assumes control. He proceeds to turn the hostage situation to his advantage, and uses the bank's customers and personnel as leverage to free his girlfriend from prison. On the outside, sympathetic cop Ah Sai debates with his captain over how to handle the situation.
The Owl vs Bombo
Chan Chi Ming / Chan Chee Ming
Dos ladrones retirados son chantajeados por Chung, un expolicía, para que den clases sobre respeto en un centro de menores. Sin embargo, su pasado como maleantes no tardará en resurgir.