Michel Poniatowski
Maravilloso biopic protagonizado por Emmanuelle Devos que cuenta la historia de la mujer que consiguió sacar adelante, contra viento y marea, la Ley del Aborto en Francia. Otoño 1974, el Presidente francés Valéry Giscard d’Estaing le encarga a su Ministra de Sanidad, Simone Veil, una sobrecogedora tarea: sacar adelante la ley del aborto. Durante tres días, deberá defender su texto delante de los parlamentarios con una tenacidad ejemplar. Diane, una joven periodista, hace de este hecho el sujeto de su primera investigación, y en el transcurso de la misma descubrirá un cambio considerable en el estatus social de la mujer.
L'agent immobilier
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
En un pequeña localidad francesa, un niño de 12 años es arrollado por un coche cuando iba en bicicleta. El conductor, un vecino sin escrúpulos, se da a la fuga y abandona al muchacho en la cuneta...
A resort for individuals who want to lose weight is helps several women discover friendships, acceptance with body image and hard truths.
Chef restaurant
Camille limpia oficinas por las noches y dibuja con arte en sus horas libres. Philibert es un joven aristócrata amante de la historia, tímido, sensible y solitario que vive en un espacioso piso, propiedad de su familia. Franck un cocinero duro y a la vez tierno, quiere muchísimo a su abuela Paulette, una frágil anciana muy "sui generis". Los tres aprenden a vivir juntos y a superar juntos dudas y penas a fin de materializar sus sueños. (FILMAFFINITY)
Charles Watrin
After World War II, a small French village struggles to put the war behind as the controlling Communist Party tries to flush out Petain loyalists. The local bar owner, a simple man who likes to write poetry, who only wants to be left alone to do his job, becomes a target for Communist harassment as they try and locate a particular loyalist, and he pushes back.
Mac Gregor
Jeanne Quester is a psychologist-on-the-airwaves in a radio station. She got a raw deal when she was a child.
le concierge de l'hôtel
A tired and alcoholic police investigator has lost his wife to a hotel owner, and former pimp, but befriends a young woman which isn't at all who she claims to be.