Josef Bierbichler

Josef Bierbichler

Nacimiento : 1948-04-26, Ambach, Bavaria, Germany


Josef Bierbichler is a German stage, film and television actor, writer and director.


Josef Bierbichler
Josef Bierbichler
Josef Bierbichler


Martha and Betty have known each other for twenty years and they have decided to breakthrough. But while Martha realizes that her father has only faked his death wish in order to see the great love of his life again on Lake Maggiore, Betty mourns her stepfather Ernesto, who supposedly died years ago.
Horst Seehofer
Apenas una semana después de la apertura sin precedentes de fronteras, Angela Merkel, el ministro del Interior De Maizière, el canciller Altmaier, el ministro de Economía Gabriel, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Steinmeier y el primer ministro bávaro Seehofer, idearon una controvertida solución que jamás llegaron a poner en práctica, pues nadie quería asumir la responsabilidad política que su ejecución hubiese comportado. Los sucesos que tuvieron lugar durante estas nueve semanas de 2015 han continuado influyendo en los procesos políticos en Alemania y Europa hasta nuestros días.
Zwei Herren im Anzug
Zwei Herren im Anzug
Zwei Herren im Anzug
Zwei Herren im Anzug
Pankraz / Seewirt
Don't Look at Me That Way
Hedi is the new neighbor of Iva, who raises her daughter Sofia by herself. The two women start a relationship and Iva is desperately in love with Hedi. Suddenly Iva's father appears. Hedi feels strongly attracted to him. It seems that only one world exists for Hedi. Her own.
Kurt Landauer
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
Destino Marrakech
Ben, un chico de 17 años (Samuel Schneider), va a pasar las vacaciones de verano con su padre (Ulrich Tukur), un célebre director de teatro que se encuentra en un festival en Marrakech. El lugar le resulta tan extraño como su progenitor, al que apenas ha visto desde que se divorció de su madre. Como la distancia entre ambos va en aumento, Ben se deja arrastrar por el exotismo del país. Así es como se enamora de Karima (Hafsia Herzi) y la sigue hasta su remota aldea, en el Atlas. Tras varios días sin tener noticias de su hijo, Heinrich empieza a buscarlo.
Brand, an author, who falls in love with Angela, his terminally ill wife's nurse and blunders into a dangerous spiral of passion and jealousy. A vindictive husband, an insistent chief inspector, a farsighted priest and a proud wife entrap Brand in a maelstrom of persecution, destruction and obliteration which can only end in life or death. It's a quest for redemption, the force which drives us all.
La cinta blanca
The Steward
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
Germany ’09 – 13 Short Films About the State of the Nation
Beintl (segment "Fraktur")
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
The Bone Man
Set in a sleepy Austrian mountain village, ex-detective Simon Brenner has grown weary of his job repossessing cars and embarks on an extended getaway to the countryside. But before long he becomes embroiled in the convoluted world of the locals of a supposedly quiet town.
A Year Ago in Winter
Max Hollander - Maler
Narra el drama de una familia tras el suicidio de Alexander, su hijo menor. Un año después, la madre (Corinna Harfouch) contrata al prestigioso pintor Max Hollander (Josef Bierbichler) para que haga un retrato del hijo perdido y de la hija mayor (Karoline Herfurth). A partir de ese momento empiezan a salir a la luz diversos y dolorosos problemas familiares que hasta entonces habían permanecido ocultos.
The Architect
Georg Winter
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
Documentary about actor Josef Bierbichler.
Ohne einander
Dr. Spitz
Winter Journey
Franz Brenninger
Despite advancing age, rural businessman Franz has remained fit and energetic, but serious mental illness and financial problems mean that this hitherto ordinary man one day finds himself on a journey to Nairobi to get his money back, and perhaps his human dignity as well.
Außer Kontrolle
Jörg Broichenbaumer
Wedding Shower
Karl Fürnkranz
The film is based on the figure of the police inspector Simon Polt of the Austrian author Alfred Komarek.
A Birthday to Remember
Lene Thurner is standing on a train platform in Munich. She has to decide: back to Berlin where she lives, or toward the south, where at the foot of the Alps her family lives on the lonely farm “Hierankl”.
William Shakespeare
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Ein Dorf sucht seinen Mörder
Dr. Haake
Mann in Milchladen
Código desconocido
Una serie de acontecimientos desencadenados por un evento nimio conecta las vidas de los protagonistas de esta película: una inmigrante rumana, un profesor de música, una actriz y su novio que es fotógrafo de guerra, así como el hermano de éste, que intenta por todos los medios no heredar la granja de su padre.
The Farewell
Bertolt Brecht
A portrait of a single day in the late summer of 1956, toward the end of Bertolt Brecht's life, as he prepares to leave his lakeside home, surrounded by the women who form his extended family.
Failure as a Chance
Feature documentary about Christoph Schlingensief's political party/art project "Chance 2000".
Neue Freiheit - Keine Jobs Schönes München: Stillstand
5. Polizist
Chancellor Helmut Kohl is to blame in Germany and has to go away without violence. The homeless Hick takes up the idea and demonstrates the abolition of Kohl.
Un joven amnésico en estado ebrio está vagando por la nieve cuando divisa a una pareja de jóvenes haciendo el amor. Tras fotografiarlos, les roba el coche y tiene un accidente con un labrador local que no sabe que en su remolque se ha escondido su hija, la cual queda malherida. A partir de ese momento, se entrecruzan las relaciones entre todos los personajes.
Freier Fall
Edgar Wurlitzer
A thriller directed by Christian Görlitz.
Picasso in Munich
Dr. Brösel
In this surrealist film director Picasso can awaken from the dead. He steals a paintings painted by himself of a couple of wealthy psychiatrists. When Picasso meets Takla Bash, a patient of the psychiatrists, Picasso falls in love. Although it is his own daughter, he remembers an incredible love affair, in which a film with a blue cow plays a role. In the majority of the paintings shown in the film are works of Herbert Achternbusch.
Dicke Freunde
Franz-Josef Strauss
Deadly Maria
Marias Father
40-year Maria is living in a monotonous and deadlocked marriage with her husband. In addition, she has to take care of her ill despotic father. One day, she falls in love with her sensitive neighbour Dieter. But her attempt to leave her gloomy everyday life behind leads straight into tragedy.
Hamburger Gift
Harry G.
A docu-drama about tetrachloro-dibenzo dioxin, later known as 'Sevesogift', sprayed on thousands of tons of vapor in Vietnam 'Agent Orange', and the involvement of the later Federal President, Richard Karl Weizsäcker, who was hiring manager when production was moved to another plant because of massive health problems of the workers, but claims to be unable to remember anything, in these crimes.
Der unsichtbare Freund
Wilhelm Tell
Wilhelm Tell
Several comedy situations are strung together for this offbeat satire. An unassuming businesswoman is discovered to be the mastermind behind a terrorist organization, and a disgruntled waitress has looks that can kill, literally and not figuratively speaking. In another tacky passage, played as a reoccurring gag, an official is infected with the AIDS virus after suffering a bite from the businesswoman.
Triumph der Gerechten
Triumph der Gerechten
Triumph der Gerechten
Triumph der Gerechten
Der Affe
Heilt Hitler!
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Die Olympiasiegerin
The Ghost
Roman Soldier / Farmer
Jesus (played by the director) returns to present-day Bavaria, walks around Munich in a somewhat dazed manner and strikes up an affair with a nun, arguing that they are married anyway. Therefore, he refers to himself as "Ober" (waiter), obviously the male form of "Oberin" (Mother Superior). He occasionally transforms into a snake when being afraid and is finally carried up into the sky by the nun, who transforms into a bird of prey. (IMDB review)
Freddy Rupp
Mein Freund der Scheich
Toni Ramsauer
Der Neger Erwin
Herbert Achternbusch wrote, directed, and starred in this comedy that pokes fun at the German way of subsidizing the art of creating movies and documentaries. He is a filmmaker playing the role of a filmmaker in a film he is making, and as a result, the film jokes might be a little abstruse for some of the viewers. The story centers on a "film" man just out of prison (Achternbusch) who has to make a living with his craft again. He is followed by a reporter who wants an interview, and winds up at an inn called "Zum Neger Erwin," run by a woman whom he convinces to be the leading lady in his planned production. As the story continues, the filmmaker finds ample excuses to pan the financial powers that be, and to paint the beknighted and talented seekers after funds as Neger Erwins, slaves to the funding process.
Der Komantsche
Drum Major
Después de haber engendrado un hijo ilegítimo con su amante, Marie, el soldado infeliz Franz Woyzeck toma trabajos ocasionales en su pequeño pueblo para proporcionarles dinero extra. Uno de ellos es voluntario para experimentos realizados por un médico local, que pone a Woyzeck en una dieta de guisantes. Esto sirve para llevarlo a la locura, y el descubrimiento de que Marie está involucrada en un romance con el tambor local mayor exacerba la situación. Empujado demasiado lejos, Woyzeck recurre a la violencia.
Der junge Mönch
El segundo despertar de Christa Klages
Tres miembros de un pequeño grupo terrorista atracan un banco para solventar los apuros económicos de un colegio infantil. Christa es la única que consigue huir de la policía, pero es perseguida tanto por el atraco como por su condición de terrorista. Pero lo peor es que el colegio no acepta el dinero que les ofrece y sus correligionarios no parecen dispuestos a ayudarla. Inesperadamente, encuentra comprensión y refugio en una joven que tomaron como rehén durante el atraco.
Beer Chase
Herberts Schwager
A man who is dissatisfied with his senseless existence in his family-life and social status steals the uniform of a policeman and then enters the Oktoberfest. Now he is somebody, he is important, he can help, people respect him, etc. His wife, other relatives and some friends start to follow him while he gets some new acquaintances. (IMDB review)
Corazón de cristal
Un pequeño pueblo de Baviera es famoso por su "Cristal de rubí" con el que elaboran diversos objetos. Cuando el maestro artesano muere de repente, sin haber revelado el secreto del cristal a su aprendiz, la ciudad cae en una profunda depresión y el propietario de la fábrica de cristales se obsesiona con el secreto perdido.
The Atlantic Swimmers
Munich Heinz and Herbert wants to escape the torturous confines of their home by swimming across the Atlantic.
Der Brandner Kaspar und das ewig' Leben
Sieben Erzählungen aus der Vorgeschichte der Menschheit