Philippe Chemin

Philippe Chemin


Philippe Chemin


La France
L'agent de liaison
During the First World War, Camille (Sylvie Testud), a young woman whose husband is away fighting at the front, receives a short letter of break-up from him. Distraught, she decides to go to join him, but is driven back by the rule of the time which forbids women to move around alone. She has no other recourse than to dress herself up as a man so as to be able to take to the road on foot. As she lives near the Western Fromt she hooks up with a passing group of French soldiers without too much trouble. But there's something a bit odd about these stragglers, and it's not just their habit of bursting into song at every opportunity.
La mort de Molière
A collaboration in which Robert Wilson and Heiner Müller let Molière die, imagine his death in tableaux with text passages recited by Müller himself. "Cinema watches Death at work." Wilson's actors watch Molière die: their vigil is hard work. Müller's comment: "The poem watches a dying man at work, his name is Molière. The poem is not a film. The film watches an actor playing a dying man called Molière."
Algunos agentes de la KGB altamente entrenados son enviados al oeste para asesinar a varios disidentes soviéticos. Para detener la trama diabólica, un agente estadounidense debe infiltrarse en la inteligencia soviética y obtener información de una computadora rusa.
Werner / Le jeune homme
A troubled young woman who lives alone in a rundown house meanders around and one day reveals a hidden talent when she goes into a bar, plays magnificently at the piano, and leaves as mysteriously as she came. Meanwhile, an unidentified man is on her trail and eventually tracks her down to the bar she had visited. As the dragnet around her closes in, it becomes apparent that the young woman's stepmother is behind the effort to locate her. But questions over why she is hiding out and what she is hiding from begin to take on more importance as the history of the young woman starts to surface.
Video 50
An extraordinary video sketchbook; A highly original, visually dramatic and frequently humorous collection of one hundred abbreviated "episodes" produced for television. Unfolding as a series of thirty-second vignettes, this enigmatic essay in style is characterized by a deadpan theatricality, symbolist imagery, surrealist juxtapositions and repetition of key visual motifs.
The Theatre of the Matters
The fortunes of a small theatrical company based in the Paris suburbs.
Dentro de cien años todos calvos
Cuatro amigos insatisfechos en plena cuarentena cronológica. Bouly, el "donjuan" del grupo, separado de su mujer y a punto de contraer matrimonio con otra separada, tan bien provista de hijos como él mismo, se ve atropellado por la llegada de su ex mujer y del ex marido de su amante. Etienne, el más reposado de los camaradas, teme haber sido engañado por su mujer, Marthe, y empieza a espiarla. Daniel, el homosexual, descubrirá en su naturaleza una nueva vía de relación amorosa, y Simon, siempre cercado por su madre, tendrá que recurrir a la seducción de sus clientes en su propio consultorio médico. Secuela de "Un elefante se equivoca enormemente". (FILMAFFINITY)
Le prostitué belge
After years of poverty, Carrier, a repairman, inherits a large sum of money upon his brother's death in an accident. Now rich, he decides it is time to make his mark and be known at any cost. Becoming more and more mentally unstable, he begins to threaten police and the government signing his tracts, "Armaguedon". A detective from Interpol heads the investigation and prepares a trap at an international conference of world leaders in Paris.
Jean Genet: Saint, martyr et poète
Poetic wandering in the work of Jean Genet.
The Garden That Tilts
Un asesino a sueldo que liquida a sus víctimas sin el menor remordimiento entra en el tranquilo mundo de una mujer y se enamora, con trágicas consecuencias.