Red Vine Lady #3 (uncredited)
Inspirada en una historia real, Al Pacino interpreta al envejecido rockero de los 70 Danny Collins, que a pesar de su edad no puede renunciar a su vida llena de excesos. Pero cuando su manager le descubre una carta sin entregar que le escribió John Lennon 40 años atrás, decide cambiar de rumbo y embarcarse en un inspirador viaje para redescubrir a su familia, encontrar el amor verdadero y comenzar un segundo acto.
Ms. Mueller
En el colegio católico de Santo Tomás, el representante de los alumnos pronuncia un discurso inesperado que se oye por el altavoz de todas las clases.
Paula Bean
Parodia de películas como "Paranormal Activity" o "The Devil Inside", sobre una joven que vuelve a la casa donde se crio, lugar en el que su padre mató a todo el reparto de la película "The Artist" durante un exorcismo.
The Story follows Troy, a young man whose beloved wife passes away. The movie opens at her funeral, and Troy, ill-equipped to deal with this kind of grief at this stage in his life, just shuts down. Lost for direction, he receives in the mail a letter his wife wrote him while she was sick, which asks him to build his Aunt Hilda a porch. With nowhere else to turn, Troy drives to where his aunt lives in the desert. There, he meets with his Aunt Hilda, a supporting cast of crazy fun old ladies, and Bobby, a kind of wise cowboy, all of whom make it easier for Troy to find the place within to deal with his grief and move forward, and help open Troy's eyes that his pain is not unique. In the Process, Troy also learns the Difference between "true love" and "love at first sight".