Zihni Küçümen

Zihni Küçümen


Zihni Küçümen
Zihni Küçümen


Hunting Time
During the year of the repressive military regime, a Turkish writer gets disillusioned by the loss of a dear friend and retires to his hometown on a remote island where he feels safe from the political turmoil. There he escapes to the world of memories, having imaginary conversations with his dead friend. However, the news of a new murder alerts him to the dangers lying ahead. Shot in Turkey following the years of military regime, Av Zamani carries autobiographical elements as the director Erden Kiral also had to flee the repressive regime of his country to be an exile in Germany. The weakness of the film is that the director is not able to take enough distance from the events to give the story a more universal appeal. Av Zamani was screened at the Montreal World Film Festival 1988.
A civil servant in a small town, shunned by his family and his friends due to his lack of ambition, hits the jackpot in the national lottery. Not trusting anybody around him, he gradually starts to lose his mind.
The Woman Whom Must Be Hanged
The film tells the story of an old husband Hüsrev and Melek, who was first a servant and then his wife. With this marriage Hüsrev’s subconscious hidden passions are revealed.
Hodja from Pjort
Inspired by tales from "Arabian Nights", with many a touch of magic, but primarily based on a book by Denmark's Ole Lund Kirkegaard, a master of the baroque stories for children, this adventurer takes the boy Hodja on a flying carpet outing. The boy wants to see the world and asks his girl-friend Emerald along. But an evil Sultan has his own designs on the carpet. Shot on Turkish locations with an extensive use of special effects.
Naked Citizen
A family man, driven to the edge by his inability to financially support his family, is found running about on the street naked. Suddenly, he turns into a nationwide celebrity and an inspiration for millions of people in poverty.
The Honest One
Müdür Necati
When an incorruptible government pay clerk, who isn't taken seriously by anyone including his family, get robbed while carrying huge amount of work money, he becomes popular because people believe he faked the robbery and kept the money.
Naylon Leyla