Mendel Samayoa


La Vaca - Holy Cow
When an eccentric millionaire dies, his two former lovers travel to Guatemala to claim their inheritance. But there are a couple catches. The two old flames have never met each other and, the Will stipulates that nobody receives any money until they can get the millionaire's favorite cow to mate. What ensues is a comedy of escalating hilarity as relatives, friends and strangers jockey to get themselves in line for a big payday. All the while the placid cow keeps her own council, waiting for the "right" bull to come along
Donde acaban los caminos
The story of Monteforte Toledo - the film's Doctor Zamora - who comes to San Pedro La Laguna (Guatemala) as a young man during the military dictatorship in the first decades of the 20th century. Zamora sets out with great idealism and dedication to eradicate illness among the Indians, even if his work is disapproved by the military commander in town. Zamora falls in love with María, a young Indian girl from a village, and he invites her to come live with him in the town of San Pedro. However, other young women have noted the charm of the elegant of Zamora, and even the young idealist doctor cannot escape the conflict between Ladinos (Mestizos or non-Indians) and Indians.