Giulio Albonico


Una notte, un sogno
Director of Photography
Silvia, who lives in a villa in the hills, has a quarrel with her ​​husband and his friends and then goes away down to the city, where she has the bad luck of being attacked by a group of misfits. At her rescue is a photographer who, in turn, is in trouble for having witnessed a murder by the Chinese mafia...
Race to Danger
Director of Photography
A sailor who landed on the ground only for a bank deposit found himself involved in a spin of misadventures and vicissitudes. He will have to retrieve his ten thousand dollars (to invest in the opening of a Tahiti bar) before the ship resumes.
The Shatterer
Director of Photography
Following the opening of a Japanese auto factory in Sicily, the head of the company is kidnapped by Sicilian mobsters. This was a co-production between Italy and Japan's Toho Studios.
L'ultima mazurka
Director of Photography
Senza scrupoli
Director of Photography
Silvia belongs to a respectable family, the wife of a jeweler in Turin, but charming woman bored by marriage. One night she is alone at home and unwisely opens the door to a stranger trying to rob her and eventually decides to rape her. The police and her husband try to convince Silvia not complain, but she starts looking for the man who raped her for revenge. When he finds, however, is attracted by humiliation and violence suffered and she becomes his lover with anything.
Por favor, ocúpate de Amelia
Director of Photography
Marcello vive en Roma y trabaja en un club privado. Su padre siguió el camino de la mística y llegó a ser obispo. El protagonista heredará la fortuna de su madre tan pronto se case, por lo que decide inventarse un matrimonio en vista de sus crecientes problemas económicos.
Cuernos con salsa picante
Director of Photography
Savino descubre que su esposa le es infiel con un arquitecto. Aunque tiene una historia con Elvira, la mujer de un juez, decide contratar a un asesino a sueldo para que mate a su mujer. Entretanto, ésta organiza una fiesta de cumpleaños para Savino, y todo empieza a complicarse...
Savage Breed
Mario lives in Turin with his sister Michelina. He works in the factory. He meets a young Turin man running a night club frequented by unsavory people related to drug trafficking.
The Gun
Director of Photography
Un día, Luigi ve a un policía matar a un delincuente, menor de edad y desarmado. Se le mete en la cabeza tener una pistola, pero es incapaz de matar una mosca. Acaba siendo asesinado por un justiciero fanático.
Forza Italia!
Director of Photography
Much-censored documentary encompassing thirty years of Italian politics under the steady supremacy of the Christian Democracy (DC), with satirical intent.
L'agnese va a morire
Duepersette - Dove va la poesia?
Geometra Prinetti, selvaggiamente Osvaldo
Director of Photography
Italian comedy about a man who gets shiqwrecked on a lonely island.
La madama
Director of Photography
In the slang of the underworld or "mala" there is a special term for cop: "Madama". But if word were to get around that the "Madama" is Vito (Christian De Sica) they might even start to like the guy. Vito is a funny sort of a cop. For a start he doesn't like the uniform (he never wears it). Things might even go smoothly for him, if it weren't for an incredible number of beautiful girls who always manage to get in his way. Especially one girl Angelo (shouldn't that have been Angela? No, the girl's name really is Angelo). Problems arise too, with his direct supervisor, who also happens to be a relative. But Vito puts up with it all and manages to stay his usual calm and polite self, even when he risks getting killed.
Furia homicida
Director of Photography
Ovidio Mainardi es un empleado de una gran empresa de electrónica. La monotonía del trabajo, la soledad, el hecho de que su mujer tenga una carrera más prometedora que la suya y otras circunstancias lo van empujando a desahogarse junto con dos amigos con actos de vandalismo cada vez más crueles.
Lucifer: El ángel maldito
Un chico es poseído por el demonio y mata a su madre tirándola por las escaleras. Su hermana es una monja, y con ayuda de un sacerdote, intentan sacarle el diablo del cuerpo. Pero ella no se imagina que su vida correrá peligro.
El Zorro
Director of Photography
Tras el asesinato de su amigo Miguel, Don Diego, un noble con fama de ocioso, toma posesión como gobernador de la provincia de Nueva Aragón. Decidido a combatir la injusticia, se transforma en un aventurero, conocido como El Zorro, y lucha contra la tiranía del coronel Huerta. Un sombrero de ala ancha, capa negra y antifaz ocultan su verdadera identidad.
The Suspect
Director of Photography
Fascism has forced the leadership of the Italian Communist Party to settle in Paris. In Italy arrests of militants are decimating the organization, so Emilio is sent on a mission in the area of Turin, to put out of harm whistleblowers.
Un hombre con amnesia sufre el acoso de un grupo de hombres que le aseguran que posee algo muy valioso que les pertenece a ellos. Tras recuperar la memoria y la identidad perdidas, trata de averiguar, con la ayuda de su esposa, qué oscuros negocios tenía con ellos antes de perder la memoria...
La colonna infame
Director of Photography
Milán, 1630. El comisionado de salud de la ciudad es acusado por dos mujeres de haber propagado la peste.
The Guest
A forty year old woman, who has been in an asylum, goes to live with her brother's family. She proves incapable of adapting herself to family life, takes refuge in the country alone with her memories, and is later returned to the asylum.
Conjugal Love
In a well appointed villa in Bagheria, near Palermo, a couple, Silvio and Leda Pataneo, spend their days attempting to complete a novel, making love, and caring for a citrus grove that the local townfolk want to acquire. All framed against a political backdrop of class and cultural differences.
The Year of the Cannibals
On the streets of a damp metropolis lie the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. No one can give them a resting place because of a law enacted by a repressive State. But the young Antigone, with the help of a foreigner, Tiresias, violates this rule in the name of pietas, undermining the established order.
Dead of Summer
Director of Photography
A woman left alone in Morocco by her architect husband begins to lose her mind.
Le Sorelle
Diana is divorcing her husband, and decides to spend winter at her younger sister's home. Adultery and saphic love will enter her life, amidst sad remembrances and with unsuspected consequences.
Director of Photography
Tommaso, vestido de forma extravagante y anacrónica, llega a su universidad de Londres y se ve mezclado en una revuelta estudiantil.
La più bella coppia del mondo
Camera Operator
Walter and Paola, presenter and godmother of the sixth Cantagiro, are involved in a misunderstanding: to dismiss a suitor, the presenter pretends to be married to Quattrini.
Hermitage, defined by Bene as "a rehearsal for lenses", beyond any literal rendition - its narrative trace comes from one of his anti-novels, Credito Italiano V.E.R.D.I - displays his immediate attitude to thinking a cinematic language completely based on actor's movements and actions, and more specifically, on his presence and his schemes. Camouflaged or naked, still or moving, his body seems to play and be played at the same time, shifted by objective and subjective tensions, both metaphorically and visually speaking.
Encuentros en las galaxias
Unos alienígenas de la constelación Hydra se estrellan en la isla de Sardinia y toman como rehenes a un científico y su hija, a unos jóvenes técnicos y a un par de espías orientales para que les arreglen la nave dañada. Cuando lo hacen, los extraterrestres planean volver a su planeta natal, llevando a los humanos con ellos. No obstante, estos planean hacer un motín que deje la nave perdida en el infinito.