Wendy Polland

Wendy Polland


Wendy Polland


Man on the Moon
Little Wendy
Cuando Andy Kaufman era un niño ya le gustaba organizar espectáculos de variedades, aunque no tuviera público. De adulto empieza a destacar como humorista y es descubierto por el cazatalentos George Shapiro, que le consigue un papel en "Taxi", una famosa serie de televisión, en la que, gracias a sus dotes cómicas, alcanza una gran popularidad. A pesar de ello, se plantea nuevos retos: con su colega Bob Zmuda crea el personaje de Tony Clifton, su "alter ego"; además, organiza espectáculos de lucha libre entre mujeres que le ocasionan numerosos problemas.
Andy's Funhouse
Herself (as Little Wendy)
This special was taped in 1977 but did not air until August 1979, on ABC. It featured most of Andy's famous gags, including Foreign Man/Latka and his Elvis Presley impersonation, as well as a host of unique segments (including a special appearance by children's television character Howdy Doody and the "Has-been Corner"). There also is a segment that included fake television screen static as part of the gag, which ABC executives were not comfortable with, fearing that viewers would mistake the static for broadcast problems and would change the channel—which was the comic element Kaufman wanted to present. Andy's Funhouse was written by Kaufman, Zmuda, and Mel Sherer, with music by Kaufman.
Stormy Justice
Tony Clifton, one of Andy Kaufman’s many alter-egos, presides over some totally clueless plaintiffs and defendants in this brilliant and absolutely freaked out take-off on The People’s Court.