Ibrahim Koma

Ibrahim Koma

Nacimiento : 1987-11-05, Paris, France


Ibrahim Koma
Ibrahim Koma


As far as I can walk
Una recreación de una película épica medieval y tradicional en la que migrantes africanos contemporáneos ocupan el lugar de héroes nacionales serbios. Urgente y atemporal al mismo tiempo, la adaptación plantea cuestiones de identidad, tradición, raza y amor.
OSS 117: Desde África con amor
La tercera entrada en las aventuras de espías paródicas del agente secreto OSS 117.
Under Pressure
Justine, 40, is struggling to reconcile her family life and her job as a police officer in the serious-crimes squad. Then she's accused of stealing money during a raid that goes wrong.
El gran baño
Pool technician
Un grupo de hombres cuarentones, todos sumidos en una profunda crisis existencial, deciden romper con los moldes y crear el primer equipo local masculino de natación sincronizada. Los primeros esfuerzos no resultan ser muy beneficiosos para este equipo: los integrantes sufren todo tipo de insultos y escepticismo y, además, sus primeros resultados no salen de la forma esperada. Con el objetivo de subir el nivel, el equipo comienza a ser entrenado por una ex campeona de natación, caída en desgracia. Los nadadores deberán superar todo tipo de retos increíbles para demostrar al mundo, y a sí mismos, que tienen lo necesario para triunfar.
Ady, a 13 years old boy, no longer listens to his father who raises him alone. The latter, running out of resources, decides to entrust Ady to his uncle Amadou for the summer. Uncle Amadou and his family live on the other side of the Mediterranean sea... in Burkina Faso! There, at 13 years, one must become a man but Ady, persuaded to go on holidays, understands things differently.
Malian-French director Daouda Coulibaly's auspicious debut is a pulse-pounding political thriller. Wùlu tells the unsettling tale of a man's rise from the bottom rung of the social ladder to the heights of criminal power.
Le crocodile du Botswanga
Leslie Konda
Leslie Konda young talented French footballer spotted in his teens by Didier , a small-scale agent who was able to take under his wing , has signed its first contract striker in a large Spanish club . At the same time, his growing reputation and its origins Botswanga , small, poor state of Central Africa, earned him an invitation by the President of the Republic in person Babimbi Bobo , a football enthusiast, freshly installed in power after a coup military state. Leslie therefore went for the first time in the country of his ancestors accompanied by Didier to be decorated by the President Bobo which quickly turns out, despite his great humanist discourse be a megalomaniac and paranoid dictator under the bad influence of his wife .dropoff window Hardly have they landed Bobo enters into a sordid deal with Didier put pressure on his player so that it plays for the national team : Crocodiles of Botswanga ...
Gare du Nord
Former G2N
Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...
Asphalt Playground
Mitraillette is 12 years old and lives in Rose City, a housing estate he would not leave for anything. His whole world comprises his family, especially his 16 year-old cousin Isma, who has taken a fancy to Narcisse, the local crime boss. His older brother Djibril is 22, a student at the Sorbonne who dreams of becoming a lawyer. As for Mitraillette, he has his eye on Océane, the most beautiful girl in his school...
Beur Blanc Rouge
Le match France - Algérie vient chambouler le train-train de Brahim et Mouloud. Cet évènement va diviser les deux amis : Brahim revendique son identité algérienne, Mouloud fustige son refus de la France, pays qui les a vu grandir.
Les P'tits Lucas
After the departure of their parents, the Lucas kids are on their own. Amandine, the eldest who is only 15 years old, takes care of her little brothers and little sister. So that their family are not separated, taken by social services, they hide to everyone they were abandoned. Nicolas, a new student, arrives at school and falls for her. Gradually she will trust him, they all come out and admit it all.
We Need a Vacation
It is the end of the school year for the children of a dormitory town. Most of them leave the place for a vacation with their parents but not Lucien and Adama whose parents can't afford the expense. While the big brothers of the housing estate are busy breaking the law Lulu and Adama manage to sneak into their neighbors' trailer. The two stowaways are elated until they reach their destination: a nudist camp...!