Javier Martín Del Campo


La Revo...Sing A Song Of Love
The Revolution of Emiliano Zapata was a mythical Mexican rock band that began as a project among friends, without knowing the destiny that it had prepared. In a short time, the group becomes a national event and its music begins to cross borders. But the Festival of Avándaro was in charge of burying the movement that was developed in most of the rockers. This fact, together with the excesses and egos of its members were present and ended with the success that those who have heard in Europe. A La Revo will only have one last attempt to return to fame, a door that will open and for many more betrayal.
La verdadera vocación de Magdalena
Emeterio, "Eme"
El sexo y la clase media son los temas principales en "La verdadera vocación de Magdalena". Hermosillo muestra el matrimonio como una cuestión de intereses (económicos y sociales) en la sociedad moderna, haciendo hincapié en la educación, la pérdida de la tradición y las costumbres en la generación de la brecha de la juventud de los años sesenta y sus padres. Angélica María, interpreta al mejor personaje de su carrera, siendo una niña amable y vulnerable criada en una educación moral dura