Tino Wong

Tino Wong


Tino Wong


The Champions
3rd Master
Ah Biao interpreta a un país acrobático que debe huir de la ciudad después de herir a una rica sociedad durante una competencia inocente. Mientras explora el área, se encuentra con un equipo de fútbol que descubre su talento.
Blood Money
Action Director
A family of stuntmen in 1980’s Hong Kong suffer the waning of the kung-fu movie industry, relatives from the mainland in HK without papers and the general disregard for safety from the HK film industry.
Blood Money
A family of stuntmen in 1980’s Hong Kong suffer the waning of the kung-fu movie industry, relatives from the mainland in HK without papers and the general disregard for safety from the HK film industry.
The Miracle Fighters
One of Sorcerer Bat's men
Dos ancianos sacerdotes taoístas, Chi Men (Leung Kar Yan) y Dun Jai (Yuen Cheung Yan), que aprenden su magia del mismo maestro, siempre se pelean entre sí. Brindan alegría y conocimientos de kung fu al joven (Yuen Yat Chor), quien se presume erróneamente que es el príncipe heredero de la Corte Imperial, desaparecido desde la infancia. El emperador envía un eunuco con los poderes mágicos para detener al joven. Pero primero debe tratar con Chi Men y Dun Jia, que son los protectores del joven.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Shan Hao (Uncle Hsian Ha)
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
The Butterfly Murders
Thousand Hands Li Kim
A journalist attempting to solve a mystery in "Martial World" enlists the aid of a master fighter and a woman named Green Breeze. They go to a mysterious castle where they come across poisonous butterflies and a black-leather-clad killer.
The Dragon, the Hero
Dragon Lee fights foreign devils who are stealing antiquities from China.
El mono borracho en el ojo del tigre
Jerry Li
Wong Fei Hung es hijo de un gran maestro de Kung Fu de la cuidad. Pero, aunque es bueno, en lugar de estudiar Kung Fu se pasa el día haciendo el payaso, hasta que por culpa de una gamberrada suya resulta herido el sobrino de un pez gordo de la zona. Entonces su padre decide recurrir a la ayuda de su tío para que le enseñe un poco de disciplina.
La serpiente a la sombra del águila
Three Provinces Champ
Un anciano profesor de artes marciales conserva la tradición de la lucha de la cobra, y consigue formar un discípulo que además, observando la lucha entre una cobra y un gato, incorporará el estilo garra de gato.
The Battle Wizard
Poisonous Moths Clan member
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
Duelo a muerte
Japanese in Hei Sha Clan
Se considera que el tercer maestro es el mejor maestro de la espada del momento. Sus demostraciones de habilidad y fuerza atraen a ejércitos de rivales a su puerta, buscando el título para sí mismos. Para no ser derrotado, el Tercer Maestro lucha contra el mal, salva a las damiselas en apuros y lucha a muerte contra espadachines rivales.
La armadura invencible
Sheng Yu
El General Chow Wu Fung es acusado injustamente de asesinar al Ministro Lu. Por ello emprenderá la búsqueda del verdadero culpable, Hu Lung. Tras él envían al habilidoso luchador Shen Yu para capturarlo y llevarlo ante la justicia.
Rivales secretos 2
Shen Ying Wu
El hermano gemelo de Zorro Plateado intenta vengar la muerte de su hermano y obtener un tesoro escondido.
Mr. Funny Bone
Molester in the park
The beloved cartoon character Master Q gets a hilarious live-action adaptation in the side-splitting comic adventure Mr. Funny-Bone! Join Master Q for a series of comic vignettes as he attempts to win the heart of the lovely Li Jing. Along for the ride is Master Q's loyal sidekick Potato, a stout fellow who's forever getting into silly mishaps. The pair get involved in plenty of shenanigans and gags, including pratfalls, low-brow bathroom humor, and even some fun fighting sequences.
The Oily Maniac
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
Bruce Lee and I
A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress.
The Young Rebel
Snatch thief
When Ti Lung and David Chiang left Shaw Brothers, they returned a year later after learning directing and defied their former studio heroics making films with social leanings. Directed by Ti, The Young Rebel is one such film. Fatherless as a child, Hsiang (Chiang) supports his mother. When gangsters kill his mother, he kills in revenge. Unlike his swordplay heroes, Hsiang admits guilt, expresses sorrow and is imprisoned
Shaolin Martial Arts
Wang Jing-He
Después de la destrucción del Templo Shaolin, los Chings estan en el control y envía a sus mejores estudiantes para borrar a todos los especialistas de Shaolin restantes. Ellos casi tienen lo logran, pero dos estudiantes se fugan (Fu Sheng y Chi Kuan Chung). Ellos aprenden varios estilos de Kung-Fu de profesores diferentes para combatir a los luchadores de Ching
Kung Fu contra los 7 vampiros de oro
Hsi San (Sword Twin)
El guardián del culto de Los siete vampiros de oro viaja desde China hasta Transilvania para pedir ayuda al Conde Drácula, que adopta la apariencia de un oriental y se traslada a China. Algunos años después, en una universidad china, el profesor Van Helsing pronuncia una conferencia en la que defiende la existencia de los vampiros ante las bromas inmisericordes de los alumnos. Pero no de todos. En el auditorio hay un joven, Hsi Ching, que procede de Ping Kwei, aldea que es periódicamente asolada por una secta de vampiros, la de los siete vampiros de oro. El joven convencerá a Van Helsing para organizar una expedición para aniquilar a los vampiros y salvar al poblado de tan terrible maldición. La expedición, financiada por una viuda rica, estará integrada por el joven estudiante y sus hermanos, todos ellos expertos en artes marciales.
The Pirate
Pirate Chang Pao-Chai springs a leak after an otherwise successful raid on a foreign ship. He goes ashore to get materials to patch his ship up, where he encounters corrupt Qing officials and poor, oppressed peasants. Being a good man at heart, he decides to help out and becomes an even bigger outlaw in the process.
The Magnificent Boxer
A top martial arts champion returns home after winning a contest only to find his family have been sucked into a feud with a Japanese bushido expert forcing the champ to take on the entire gang.
The Delinquent
Lam's bodyguard
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.