Rui Poças

Rui Poças

Nacimiento : 1966-12-04, Porto, Portugal


Rui Poças


Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Director of Photography
Lennon, a new back-country ranger, travels alone through the dangerous wilderness, hoping to uncover the origins of a tragedy that has haunted her since she was a child.
Associate Producer
Marina Lenk is an experienced Ornamental Jumping athlete. However, an attack of Tinnitus — an unbearable ringing sound in the ears — drags her from the top of her game to the edge of madness.
Marina Lenk is an experienced Ornamental Jumping athlete. However, an attack of Tinnitus — an unbearable ringing sound in the ears — drags her from the top of her game to the edge of madness.
Director of Photography
Three generations of women plagued by the civil war, Lelena (the grandmother), Nayola (the daughter) and Yara (the granddaughter). The past and present interweave. Nayola goes in search of her husband who disapeared during the war. Decades later, the country is finally at peace, but Nayola hasn't returned. Yara has become a rebellious teenager and subversive rap singer.
Director of Photography
Amadeo: a mysteriously restless and indefatigable man as if always sensing brevity of the time he had left. An artist out of definition, whose painting questions the painting itself, indomitable, scandalous and misunderstood. For being «Infinitely» according Almada, is someone who never had the time within him. How many lives are there in Amadeo de Souza Cardoso’s brief life?
Alma Viva
Director of Photography
Like every summer, little Salomé returns to her family village nestled in the Portuguese mountains for the holidays. As the vacations begin in a carefree atmosphere, her beloved grandmother suddenly dies. While the adults are tearing each other apart over the funeral, Salomé is haunted by the spirit of the one who was considered a witch.
The Club of Angels
Director of Photography
Over the years, the monthly meetings of the Stew Club – a fraternity that has gathered seven long-time friends for decades – has gone from rituals of power to melancholic failure assemblies. The end would be its only worthy fate. Until a mysterious cook appears, and starts serving them magnificent feasts. The bonds of friendship are back, gluttony as a celebration of life. But there is a catch: after each dinner, a member of the brotherhood is found dead the next morning.
En su lecho de muerte, su alteza real Alfredo, rey sin corona, regresa a lejanos recuerdos de juventud y a la época en la que soñaba con ser bombero. El encuentro con el instructor Afonso, del cuerpo de bomberos, abre un nuevo capítulo en la vida de los dos jóvenes inmersos en el amor y el deseo, y suscita su voluntad de cambiar el status quo.
Where Is This Street? or With No Before or After
Director of Photography
From our window one can see a set of the film The Green Years, directed by Paulo Rocha in 1963. This was our starting point: guided by Rocha's gaze, we look back at the places of that film. The successive geological, urbanistic and social strata of Lisbon, besieged by the pandemic that interrupted the shooting, are drawn out in front of our camera, like a contemporary jazz impro from a score written in 1963.
A Little Love Package
Director of Photography
Viena, 2019: el final de una era. La prohibición de fumar en lugares públicos significa que una parte de la cultura de los cafés ha desaparecido. En este contexto, Angeliki decide comprarse un departamento con la ayuda de su amiga diseñadora de interiores.
Si yo fuera el invierno mismo
Director of Photography
Carmen, una artista, se instala en una antigua casona del siglo XIX junto con sus colegas a ensayar una obra hecha de fragmentos de puestas emblemáticas de los 60. Hace poco cortó con su novio, y sus pensamientos se ven invadidos por apariciones del joven Valentín. Los planos en los que lo vemos son de una intimidad brutal, conmovedora y atemorizante, y no permiten que los espectadores determinen si se tratan de recuerdos o alucinaciones. ¿Podrá Carmen, la joven artista obsesionada con el pasado, atravesar su duelo?
Director of Photography
Tres familias se enfrentan a una experiencia que amenaza con cambiar sus vidas para siempre. Este inusual evento se produce un día de vacaciones en la región de Sintra, en Portugal, una ciudad histñorica conocida por sus densos jardines y sus palacios y edificios que parecen sacados de un cuento de hadas.
Acts of Cinema
Cinema and affections from life in images and what goes on outside the frame. 'Snapshots' of shootings and the present-day memory of directors, actors and technicians.
Introduzione all'oscuro
Director of Photography
Gaston Solnicki plays himself in this cinematic tribute to his friend Hans Hurch.
Hilda Hilst Pede Contato
Director of Photography
Documentary about the poet, writer and playwright Hilda Hilst, considered by critics as one of the most important voices of the Portuguese language of the twentieth century. Through the use of personal sound and image files, interviews, meetings and fictional interventions, we will seek the memory and the presence of Hilda Hilst in her daily life at Casa do Sol, the farm where she lived in Campinas.
Director of Photography
Tati and Renet were already trading pics, videos and music by their cellphones and on the last school trip they started making eye contact. However, what could be the beginning of a love story becomes the end.
Sandra Calling
Director of Photography
A reflection on loss, pain, sex and breathing.
Director of Photography
Narra la historia de Don Diego de Zama, un oficial español del siglo XVII asentado en Asunción que espera su transferencia a Buenos Aires. Es un hombre que espera ser reconocido por sus méritos. Pero en los años de espera pierde todo. Decide atrapar un peligroso bandido y recuperar su nombre... Basada en la novela existencial de Antonio Di Benedetto escrita en 1956.
Al Berto
Director of Photography
1975, soplan vientos de cambio en la Portugal posrevolucionaria. Al Berto, ahora un aspirante a poeta, regresa a su pueblo natal de Sines. Se instala de forma ilegal en una mansión expropiada a su familia durante la revolución, y frecuenta a vecinos que comparten su interés por las artes y sueñan con una vida diferente. Pronto consigue un amante, João Maria, mientras provoca la ira de los residentes más conservadores.
Good Manners
Director of Photography
Clara, una enfermera solitaria de la periferia de São Paulo, es contratada por Ana, una mujer misteriosa y pudiente, que precisa de una niñera para su hijo nonato. Contra todo pronóstico, las dos desarrollarán un fuerte vínculo, hasta que una noche fatídica lo cambie todo.
My Only Earth Is in the Moon
Director of Photography
Sergio answers 36 questions to make Gabriel fall in love. Did you know Glauber was a Pisces?
El ornitólogo
Director of Photography
Fernando decide enfrentarse a la naturaleza contaminada de Tras-os-Montes en busca de cigüeñas negras, una especie en vías de extinción. Mientras observa a estos animales salvajes a bordo de su canoa, vuelca debido a los rápidos. Salvado milagrosamente por dos turistas chinas que se perdieron recorriendo el camino hacia Santiago de Compostela, escapa al bosque a la espera de encontrar la senda de regreso. El bosque, salvaje y misterioso, no tarda en mostrar su lado oscuro, sembrando a su paso obstáculos y encuentros cuanto menos inquietantes. El suyo será un viaje iniciático hacia la búsqueda de sí mismo, de una iluminación mística pasoliniana, de lo pagano a lo divino.
Director of Photography
A small group of artists travels the Brazilian backlands presenting a show. Upon arriving in a small village, they find an abandoned city with houses, a church, and a fountain spouting clean water, like a miracle of a biblical desert. Tired of and battered by their life as wanderers, the artists decide to settle in the village and start a new community, assigning themselves different roles from those they have played throughout their lives. This new arrangement, however, will reveal these artists the worst vices of the civilian life.
Campo de Víboras
Director of Photography
In a small Portuguese village, a tragedy occurred. An old lady is found dead in her garden, surrounded by snakes, while her 40 year-old daughter, Lurdes, fled without telling anyone. The gossips in town about the mysterious destiny of this house are spreading fast...
Los puentes de Sarajevo
Director of Photography
Lo curioso de esta película es el hecho de que hasta trece cineastas van a aportar su pequeño granito de arena con la intención de mostrar varias perspectivas acerca de Sarajevo, exhibiendo con ello una serie de lecciones sobre los aspectos más ilusionantes pero también más crueles de dicho territorio en el viejo continente. La trama arranca en el desarrollo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, siguiendo a continuación con muchos de los sucesos ocurridos en uno de los puntos más destacados en lo que se refiere a la evolución histórica de Europa en el siglo XX.
Morning of Saint Anthony's Day
Director of Photography
Tradition says that on 13 June, Saint Anthony’s Day (the national holiday of Lisbon’s patron), lovers must offer small vases of basil with paper carnations and flags with popular poems as a token of their love.
As the Flames Rose
Director of Photography
On the phone in his dark bedroom, a man relives the end of a turbulent affair, while across town, the city burns.
Director of Photography
Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Pilar, una piadosa mujer dedicada a causas sociales, mantiene una peculiar relación con su vecina Aurora, una temperamental anciana obsesionada con el juego que vive atormentada por un misterioso pasado.
A Vossa Casa
Director of Photography
Indefatigable worker and in multiple artistic fronts, the architect Raul Lino (1879-1974) left us a fundamental work for the understanding of the Portuguese ways of being and inhabiting. The film approaches that legacy starting from texts published by the architect, which place the problematic of the House in a much wider context than that placed by the problems of construction itself. Imagined and drawn for people, being so mirrors of their personalities, tastes and memoires, Houses are the meeting-point between Man, Art and Nature. Therefore, the tremendous responsibility of Architecture: of those who make it and those who uses it.
Director of Photography
Jorge, a very shy young man, works as bellboy in a Lisbon hotel and lives in a guesthouse where he is constantly harassed by the owner’s daughter. As he tries to resist her charms, the boy dreams of one thing only: to incarnate the singer Tony de Matos. This obsession leads him to sign up for an unique karaoke contest, where he will finally be able to give life to his longtime hero. And it’s amid a group of strange characters that Jorge will understand that, after all, he is not alone.
Two Women
Director of Photography
Joana, 40 years old medical phychiatric, is married to Paul, an executive of a large financial company. Paul hopes that Joana fulfils her role and follows his constant social influences demonstrations. But the marriage is profoundly altered when Mónica, a young model, enters Joana´s life. Irresistibly attracted, they involved romantically, in a world of liberating experiences and feelings. But this will be a short trip, since the revelation of this affair forces Paulo to take drastic measures... ~ FICA
To Die Like a Man
Director of Photography
A transgender woman attempts to rehabilitate her younger, drug-addicted boyfriend while also dealing with her ne’er-do-well son, a solider who’s gone AWOL.
O Tapete Voador
Director of Photography
Our Beloved Month of August
Director of Photography
In the heart of Portugal, amid the mountains, the month of August is abuzz with people and activity...
Álvaro Lapa: A Literatura
Director of Photography
When he was 16-years-old, a young man was so impressed by the paintings of an obscure painter, that he did his best to get acquainted with him, as an artist, and a painter. Eventually, the artist started writing, and impressing the cultural world of his country to the point he became an established artistic name, and a college teacher. So, too, did that young man grow to be a theater and film writer, producer, and director.
Fernando Lopes, Provavelmente
Director of Photography
Fernando Lopes in the first person: through his words and films, from the village where he was born until Lisbon of present time, we discover the themes and emotions of the work of one of the main authors of portuguese "Cinema Novo".
From Now On
Director of Photography
Dora divides her time between her work as a beautician, her policeman husband António, and her involvement in left-wing politics. A tale of love and how we must learn to cherish it against all odds in the pursuit of happiness.
China, China
Director of Photography
China walks towards the Lisbon district of Martim Moniz. In its wake, the children shout: China! China! China will leave at dawn, will fly away. Just wants to be happy. But drinking her own poison without leaving a drop. Sometimes the air is laden with iniquity and purgatory is a kindergarten...
Carlos de Oliveira: Upon the Left Side
Director of Photography
Carlos Oliveira's literary universe is re-enacted in a studio using the writer’s personal objects and manuscripts, and with the help of Luis Miguel Cintra and Fernando Lopes. Shot with the purpose to document his work in the same way Carlos de Oliveira documented his hometown in Gândara, the film uses all the creative liberty that new digital technology allows in order to recreate the visual and sound records that were also present in the writer and poet’s own work.
Cántico de las criaturas
Director of Photography
El “Cántico de las Criaturas”, luminoso y pletórico poema, fue escrito por San Francisco de Asís en 1224, cuando estaba a punto de quedarse ciego. Poema que mueve a un trovador que recorre hoy las calles de Asís, y que empieza a nacer en los bosques de Umbría en 1212.
Two Drifters
Director of Photography
En la entrada de una discoteca en Lisboa, dos chicos, Pedro y Rui, se besan apasionadamente. Pedro coge el coche de vuelta a casa y Rui entra en la discoteca donde trabaja. Minutos más tarde, Pedro tiene un accidente mortal. En otra parte de la ciudad, Odete sueña con tener un hijo, pero su novio no quiere compromisos y la abandona...
Director of Photography
In a remote island where mourning was settled, a man decreed that there will never be sex or children anymore... The island gets desolate and he decided to send his daughter, Adriana, to the mainland to form a family by natural methods.
The Face You Deserve
Director of Photography
Francisco, behave! I Know it's your birthday, you are thirty now, it's carnival, you've dressed as a cowboy for the school party and you are surrounded by kids you hate. But that's no reason to be so annoying... Francisco, repeat after me: "Up to your 30s you have the face God has given you. After that, you get the face you deserve".
Conversas com Glícínia
Director of Photography
A documentary about the actress Glicínia Quartin on her 80th birthday. Her family, the anarcho-syndicalism, readings at his parents' house, prisons, experimental theaters, surrealists, the encounter with José Ernesto de Sousa on the unfolding of Cinema Novo with “Dom Roberto”, Italy, fantasy, Beckett, Genet, Vitor Garcia, the encounter with Luís Miguel Cintra - a life in motion.
Andre Valente
Director of Photography
An authentic and convincing story of a small boy, son of a disrupted young couple, with all the typical hostile reactions about his mother's new love relationship and a behavior showing a mixture of love and resentment towards her, ending in a curious and somewhat moving friendship between the child and a Russian migrant worker who in a certain way replaces his estranged father.
Maria e as Outras
Director of Photography
Maria, an executive from Oporto, lives in the search of the right man for her. On the other hand, her two friends, Joana, a doctor that has fallen in love to a co-worker, and Isilda, a hairdresser with an open hart and an adventurous spirit, seem to be happy with their lives. One day though, everything changes. Maria is forced to take care of her father, victim of a brain accident. During these days of turbulence, Maria thinks she has found the perfect man, a mysterious Star, an habitué of chat channels on the Internet. The three friends find out that cense of humour can be the key for a happy life. Internet, romance, a bachelor party; marriage, dates and some adventures are Loving Maria. A film where love shows himself with the most different looks. Love arrives when you don't expect it and goes away when you think it is safe. It can even appear in the light of a mobile computer.
Alexandre O’Neill - Tomai lá do O’Neill
Director of Photography
A personal tribute to the poet Alexandre O'Neill by his dear friend Fernando Lopes.
O Rapaz do Trapézio Voador
Director of Photography
One bad thing never comes alone, says the people. The village Estrela is threatened by the waters of the new Alqueva dam. It will become an "island". But, as one bad thing never comes alone, the daily lives of the inhabitants of this small mountain village are changed by the death of Adriano. "In order to create, I destroyed myself; I have so much externalized within myself that within me I exist only outwardly. I am the living scene where various actors perform various plays." (from Livro do Desassossego by Fernando Pessoa), as Adriano liked to quote Adriano. He committed suicide on the day of the village feast, hanging himself in the main square. For Adriano, the main square of the village has long been the center of the world. Adriano felt surrounded, depressed, unable to escape his destiny. "No one can stop a man who travels with suicide on his lapel" Adriano repeated to Lisete, always to the point of exhaustion.
Rádio Relâmpago
Director of Photography
A man who grew up in the '80s, in the midst of the pirate-radio scene, works now at a big, modern radio station, but still holds on to his love for a mysterious female lead singer of a now long gone band. He sets himself to start another pirate-radio, now unlegalized, trying to find her.
A Morte do Cinema
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Short film.
Christmas Inventory
Director of Photography
A family gathers to celebrate Christmas.
Another Country
Director of Photography
The Portuguese Revolution (1974-75) seen through the eyes of some of the most important photographers and filmmakers that witnessed the event. Their dreams and expectations and what came out of the revolution. With outstanding historical footage.
El fantasma
Director of Photography
Sérgio, un atractivo y solitario joven recolector de basura, sin mayor compañía que la de su perro Lorde, recorre las calles de Lisboa con la intención de tener encuentros sexuales con hombres anónimos. Una noche se obsesiona con perseguir al que cree es el fantasma de sus sueños, y se mete en un juego que al final él no controla...
Entraste no jogo, tens que jogar assim na terra como no céu
Director of Photography
Boris and Jeremiah
Director of Photography
Early morning and everybody leaves home to work. Jeremias, the gardener, hears the telephone ringing in the house. The front neighbour has a message. Conceição, the maid, called: she won’t be able to come today, Jeremias has to make lunch for Boris. Water falls from the window. the washing machine is not working properly. Boris arrives from school. Jeremias doesn’t have the key
Joaquim Bravo, Évora 1935, Etc. Etc. Felicidades
Director of Photography
Joaquim Bravo (Évora, 1935 - Lisbon, 1990) exhibited for the first time in 1964, inaugurating what would become one of the most decisive Portuguese galleries, the 111 in Campo Grande. Its doctrinal influence and its enormous capacity for enthusiasm would mark in the early sixties Évora's group of painters (Lapa, Palolo) and, in the 80's, artists such as Xana and Cabrita Reis. At his death, a moving tribute was paid to him by a huge and varied group of artists ranging from João Vieira to Miranda Justo. His work is scattered in a large number of private and institutional collections.
Director of Photography
A love triangle between two boys and a girl who drift through life from a rugby game, to a pool party, to the beach.
A. Palolo: Ver o Pensamento a Correr
Director of Photography
The film's starting point was an exhibit at the Centre of Modern Art (Gulbenkian) in Lisbon. By evoking a time in the past and the adventures of the artist's generation, Silva Melo is able to depict the oeuvre and the artistic persona of António Palolo.
Camera Operator
L'amour en latin
In an enclosed space of a café for an entire night, a set of characters try to verbalize their thirst for love and their fear that love will overwhelm them.
Nunca Mais de Livras de Mim
Director of Photography
Enterre Seus Mortos
Two animal road corpse removers end up finding a dead woman and decide to collect her body clandestinely.