Alain Bonnot


Un père inattendu
Cécile adopted Benjamin at the age of two and has managed over the years to create a harmonious balance with the young boy. She is considering marrying Marc, a divorced engineer and father of two, when she receives a call from Francis Haudrant, her son's biological father. Panicked at the idea of losing him, Cécile agrees to meet him. He tells her that Benjamin's mother died when he was two months old and that he served five years in prison before going to live in Africa. Now a suburban mechanic and about to become a father again, he feels the need to know what happened to his son.
The Gifted
A story about twelve years old Vincent Leblanc whose brilliant mind often helps his family, but sometimes causes a lot of problems...
The Gifted
A story about twelve years old Vincent Leblanc whose brilliant mind often helps his family, but sometimes causes a lot of problems...
La treizième voiture
A Scottish woman with her nephew travels to Russia in the Paris-Moscow express. On the same flight in the 13th carriage, the old icons are returning from France to Russia. Thieves try to replace real icons with fake ones.
Eaux Troubles
Liste noire
Jacqui, David and Nathalie are persuaded by a barely known little criminal to do a hold-up in a bank. But they're squealed on, just used as diversion while a group of professional criminals gets away with lots of money. The three youths manage to escape with a hostage and hunt down the gangsters -- but are welcomed with bullets.
Une sale affaire
Novak is a police inspector to whom any means is fair in getting evidence on criminals - especially drug dealers. He is after a drug ring that includes a city official and desperately needs evidence to bring the corrupt politician to trial, and to close down the ring. To that end, he involves Helene, the politician's secretary, causing her intensive emotional stress as he destroys her home life and unintentionally costs the life of her sister. By the time events have completed their course, the inspector has a chance to help Helene back to normalcy, and to reflect on the ultimate worth of his methods.
Assistant Director
En los años 20, la escritora norteamericana Lillian Hellman conoce a Julia, la hija de una acaudalada familia escocesa. Entre ellas surge una profunda amistad, pero se ven obligadas a separarse en plena adolescencia. Mientras que Julia se va a estudiar a Oxford y Viena, donde es discípula de Freud, Lily se convierte en una famosa escritora, pero añora la amistad de Julia, por lo que decide ir a verla a Viena. Pero corren malos tiempos para Europa, pues el nazismo está en pleno apogeo.
Eróticos juegos de la burguesía
Assistant Director
Pignon y Melville son dos inspectores de policía encargados de investigar la violación y el asesinato de una joven a las afueras de una ciudad al sur de Francia. El curso de la investigación les lleva a la residencia de un rico industrial, cercana al lugar en el que ocurrió el crimen. (FILMAFFINITY)
Assistant Director
La OAS, un grupo ultra francés, contrata a un asesino profesional, cuya verdadera identidad nadie sabe, conocido como Chacal para que acabe con la vida del general De Gaulle, Presidente de la República Francesa. La policía francesa descubre el plan e inicia una operación contrarreloj para localizar y detener al asesino.
El conformista
Assistant Director
Cuando tenía trece años, Marcello Clerici le disparó a Lino, un adulto homosexual que intentó seducirlo. Años más tarde, Clerici es un ciudadano respetable, profesor de filosofía y va a casarse con Giulia. Pero ideológicamente Clerici es fascista, tiene contactos con el servicio secreto y se muestra dispuesto a combinar su luna de miel en París con un atentado contra un exiliado político italiano que había sido profesor suyo.