Yip Fei-Yang


Shanghai 13
Siu San
A patriot finds evidence that the government is collaborating with a foreign power. If the people knew about the deception, they would revolt and overthrow the corrupt government. One patriot in office steals the proof and must make it out of the country. He gets assistance from a local rebel leader who is in charge of a motley group of fighters called the Shanghai 13. Not all of them can be trusted, as some of them will turn in the government official. Our weak protagonist must run a gauntlet of the who's who already mentioned.
The Dragon and the Tiger Kids
Tiao Erh
Two young kung fu experts are terrorized by an evil warlord whose weapon is known as the Hell's Wind Staff. With the aid of an old rival of the warlord, they train in the Dragon Hands and the Rowing Oar to face off against the deadly Hell's Wind Staff.
La Conexión del Frasco de Jade
Una delegación rusa llega a la corte manchú para mejorar las relaciones diplomáticas, sin embargo un grupo de oficiales cree que la verdadera intención de Rusia es conseguir una salida hacia el mar por el este, invadiendo Manchuria. La corte envía a un espía para investigar si tienen algún contacto en China que les apoya, lo cual es confirmado cuando los rusos ayudados por las tropas del gobernador de la provincia asesinan al espía. Un agente especial (Jhon liu), es designado para descubrir a los traidores y poner fin a la conspiración