James Pusztay


InSpectres takes place in a world where ghost, ghouls, and goblins are commonplace. The InSpectres are the only exterminators capable of eliminating these supernatural pests! After a brief run-in with a homeless zombie, Lucas joins the InSpectres as an Agent-in-Training. He, his mentor Tracey, and the rest of the InSpectres team embark on an eerily funny adventure aimed at recapturing entities freed from a government holding facility by a corporate saboteur.
Sister Mary
Father O'Bleary
Homophobic detective Mark Rima must "partner" up with the very gay and flamboyant Detective Chris Riant to stop a serial killing Nun from offing 5 band members otherwise known as "The Ex Choir Boys." But when it is determined that the detectives can't solve the case on their own, expert F.B.I. profiler Agent Peccant (comedian Ant) is assigned to the case. As the details of the case slowly emerge the police determine that that the "nun" may only be a silent witness to the grisly murders. The task force then turns its attention on the Catholic Church and a suspect group of Priests that have had a propensity for "cleansing the souls" of innocent young choir boys.
Paranormal Calamity
Jack Longfellow
What happens when an average suburban home is built atop the charred remaines of a 1970's brothel and lusty spirits invade your quiet, no-nonsence life?
Satanic Panic
Cult Leader
En 1980, los gemelos de diez años Toby y Cindy Richards fueron secuestrados por un grupo de adoradores del diablo. Cindy consiguió escapar, pero Toby nunca fue encontrado. Veinticinco años después, un grupo de seis amigos realiza un viaje en canoa para fortalecer su amistad, pero se encontrarán en graves aprietos cuando se topen con los lugareños de un pequeño pueblo que forman parte del mismo culto que cogió a Toby anteriormente