Benoit Beaulieu


North of Albany
Director of Photography
Annie frantically flees Montreal for the US with her young son, Felix and teenage daughter, Sarah, fearing the repercussions after Sarah severely injures her school bully. When their car breaks down just outside a small town in the Adirondacks, the family is stranded. Paul, a single father and the town's lone mechanic, isn't able to fix the car until the following week. Annie's stubborn insistence to leave town at all costs comes head-to-head with Paul's unwillingness to give in. When Sarah realizes that her secret is out in the open, she runs away, forcing Annie and Paul to join forces to find her. When Paul's traumatic past is revealed, Annie realizes that she is not the only one running and comes to terms with facing the music.
North of Albany
Annie frantically flees Montreal for the US with her young son, Felix and teenage daughter, Sarah, fearing the repercussions after Sarah severely injures her school bully. When their car breaks down just outside a small town in the Adirondacks, the family is stranded. Paul, a single father and the town's lone mechanic, isn't able to fix the car until the following week. Annie's stubborn insistence to leave town at all costs comes head-to-head with Paul's unwillingness to give in. When Sarah realizes that her secret is out in the open, she runs away, forcing Annie and Paul to join forces to find her. When Paul's traumatic past is revealed, Annie realizes that she is not the only one running and comes to terms with facing the music.
The 12 Tasks of Imelda
Imelda, a larger-than-life character inspired by the director's grandmother, sets herself on a quest to settle old scores before celebrating her 100th birthday.
Director of Photography
In the near future, when getting an abortion has once again become a criminal offense, Kara is confronted by a grim and brutal reality. Even though obvious dangers are at play, she seeks out the services of an illegal mobile abortion clinic. Once inside the meanders of this morbid clinic, she is confronted with the consequences of her painful decision. Not only are her life and freedom in danger, but Kara is unprepared to face the emotional repercussions that her decision will have on her and those around her.
La magia del chocolate
Tras el bombardeo de la fábrica de chocolate de su padre, un refugiado sirio intenta adaptarse a su nueva vida en un pequeño pueblo, atrapado entre la persecución de sus sueños y la conservación del legado familiar.
Director of Photography
The Gentle Art of Violence
Director of Photography
In the intimacy of a confessional, a priest is unusually coerced into confessing to a mysterious woman, their true nature will be revealed as the situation spirals out of control.
Our Own
OUR OWN is a social suspense about Magalie, a teenager who will have no choice but to take back the reins of her own life. Against all odds.
Emociones, escalofríos y comedia deslumbrante se encuentran con pequeños bikinis y un desmembramiento sangriento, en estos misteriosos asesinatos empapados en cloro y sangre.
Zona mortal
Liam se despierta de un accidente de coche sin recordar quién es. Mientras se dirige a la ciudad para buscar ayuda, sólo encuentra cadáveres, todos con extraños ojos pálidos. La primera evaluación de Liam es que un virus está presente en el aire, pero pronto descubre la horrible verdad: cualquier persona que se encuentre dentro de un radio de 50 pies de él muere instantáneamente.
Game of Death
Executive Producer
Siete amigos deciden probar el Juego de la Muerte, descubriendo que el titulo es literal y que ahora estarán condenados a asesinar indiscriminadamente, en caso contrario, sus cabezas explotarán.
Co-Executive Producer
While she was under the supervision of her big sister, Olivia got lost into the woods overnight and got back with something different. She didn't come back alone.
While she was under the supervision of her big sister, Olivia got lost into the woods overnight and got back with something different. She didn't come back alone.
Clara attempts to reconnect with her partner and their children after having her brain transplanted into an artificial body.
Turbo Kid
En un futuro post-apocalíptico, el agua es un bien muy preciado y en todo el mundo solo hay una ley, la del más fuerte. The Kid es un joven que se ha criado solo en un mundo duro y cruel, gracias sobre todo a la ayuda de cómic retro y otros objetos de tiempos pasados que se han convertido en su particular obsesión. Con ayuda de compañeros que irá encontrando a lo largo de su camino deberá luchar contra Zeus y su grupo de salvajes que se han autoproclamado los jefes de todo el territorio.
Guerra de los Garm: El Ultimo Druida
Director of Photography
La película tiene lugar en un mundo que vive una guerra conocida como Annwn, Garm Wars es el escenario tenemos soldados clonados a partir de 3 tribus militares, en una batalla sangrienta y perpetua por el aire, la tierra y la tecnología. Un clon, Khara, se ve separado de batalla y de pronto se encuentra con extraños compañeros. Al tratar de saber más acerca de su existencia de forma conjunta, los fugitivos en lugar de encontrar una verdad implacable encontrarán la mayor batalla de su vida.
A year after the death of his paternal grandmother at the age of 101, filmmaker Martin Villeneuve brings her back to life using a special talent.
A year after the death of his paternal grandmother at the age of 101, filmmaker Martin Villeneuve brings her back to life using a special talent.
Mars and April
In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing instruments inspired by women's bodies, designed by his friend Arthur. A love triangle develops when Jacob and Arthur both fall in love with Avril, a young photographer. Enter Eugène Spaak, Arthur's father, an inventor and cosmologist who unveils a new theory about man's desire to reach Mars and helps Jacob find the true meaning of life and love.
Mars and April
In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing instruments inspired by women's bodies, designed by his friend Arthur. A love triangle develops when Jacob and Arthur both fall in love with Avril, a young photographer. Enter Eugène Spaak, Arthur's father, an inventor and cosmologist who unveils a new theory about man's desire to reach Mars and helps Jacob find the true meaning of life and love.
Aullidos: El Renacimiento
Director of Photography
En la víspera de la noche de graduación, Will Kidman finalmente conseguirá captar la atención de la chica que siempre le ha gustado: la solitaria Eliana Wynter. Sin embargo, no tardará en descubrir un oscuro secreto de su pasado… que está a punto de convertirle en hombre lobo. Ahora, deberá luchar contra su destino, salvar su amor y sus vidas… Ellos deberán luchar contra la sed de sangre que comienza a crecer en Will así como escapar de un ejército de bestias que quiere acabar con ellos…
Hidden 3D
Todo comienza cuando la madre de Brian Karter muere, él se sorprende al enterarse de que ha heredado un sanatorio convertido en centro experimental de tratamiento de la adicción. Durante un recorrido por el decrépito edificio con sus amigos y un misterioso socio de su madre, se hace evidente que algo siniestro se encuentra en ese lugar. A pesar de sus dudas, el grupo sigue un pasadizo secreto y llega a un descubrimiento terrible: la madre de Brian construyó una máquina revolucionaria en que las personas son curadas de sus adicciones, pero, como efecto secundario, causa que las adicciones se materialicen en forma de niños mutantes hambrientos de carne humana, que ahora vive en las entrañas del edificio abandonado. Con los niños mutantes de cazadores, Brian y sus amigos luchan por mantenerse con vida en contra de lo inconcebible y pronto se dan cuenta que algunas cosas es mejor dejarlas escondidas.
A formerly modest neighborhood, St. Belmont, is changing. But as the recent appearance of prosperity, poverty and social injustice lurk in dark corners of this borough of Montreal. It is this reality that haunts Francis, a young lawyer of good family new owner of a condominium. Comfortably installed in front of his home theater equipment, Francois can’t even imagine the night he is about to experience. In the sky, a full autumn moon without forgiveness. In the streets, things start moving silently.
In the idyllic town of Mills falls, a daring group of kids stumble upon a dark secret at a farmhouse that left one dead, and the rest forever scarred. Ten years later, Melissa is released from a metal institution and back into town, where she must face the returning darkness, and ultimately find out of the evil is real, or simply descends from the wretched corners of her mind.