Hal Alpert

Hal Alpert


Hal Alpert


Good Mourning
Grandpa Ray
Piper's efforts to give a touching eulogy at her grandfather's funeral are thwarted when her loose cannon ex-boyfriend, Gavin, shows up in his work clothes.
Old Man Stan
On his first day working at small-town paper, The Arkippiana Gazette, Stan Neely interacts with the locals; crazy townies, sociopath cops, and some very opinionated greeting cards.
Based on the life of author, war veteran, one-time franciscan priest and unconventional evangelist Brennan Manning. A stranger agrees to give Brennan a ride home to New Orleans in order to save his marriage.
Nunca es tarde
Night Club Fan
Inspirada en una historia real, Al Pacino interpreta al envejecido rockero de los 70 Danny Collins, que a pesar de su edad no puede renunciar a su vida llena de excesos. Pero cuando su manager le descubre una carta sin entregar que le escribió John Lennon 40 años atrás, decide cambiar de rumbo y embarcarse en un inspirador viaje para redescubrir a su familia, encontrar el amor verdadero y comenzar un segundo acto.
Un lugar para soñar
Zoo Patron
En “Un lugar para soñar” conocemos a Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon), un columnista de prensa y escritor de artículos de aventuras que, como padre viudo, se enfrenta al desafío de criar a sus dos hijos pequeños. Con la esperanza de que partir de cero y llevar una nueva vida restablecerá el espíritu familiar, Mee deja su empleo y compra una vieja casa rural situada en un terreno de unas ocho hectáreas fuera de la ciudad que incluye una irrepetible particularidad añadida: un zoológico denominado el Parque de Animales Rosemoor, residencia de docenas de animales encomendados al cuidado de la jefa de guardas Kelly Foster (Scarlett Johansson) y su entusiasta equipo. Sin experiencia, con poco tiempo y reducidísimo presupuesto, Mee se propone, con el apoyo de su familia y de la gente de la localidad, reabrir el zoo. Ahora, Benjamin ya no cuenta una historia de aventuras, sino que vive la suya propia.
Second Cousins Once Removed
On a road trip, distant cousins Naomi and Jo-Jo are left alone in a motel room. Without permission, the girls venture out into the night in search of soda, playing cards, and mischief.
House of Flesh Mannequins
Older Gentleman
A loner artist with a history of abuse meets a beautiful woman who takes an interest in his life and work; leading to a chilling path of tragedy.
Bobby Fischer Live
Spassky's Russian Chess Coach
A bio about the life of Bobby Fischer.
The Abominable...
Jimmy O'Shea
Rumored Abominable Snowman is captured by ruthless hunter Jacko. Animal rights leader Ally tries to protect snowman from exploitation by the San Francisco zoo. Creature breaks free and rampages through golden gate bridge, destroying all that tries to stop it. Only Jacko, the one who captured it in the first place, can stop its onslaught!
The Life of Christ
The Angel of the Lord appears to Mary, announcing the birth of a child, which shall be called the "Son of God." Led by the light of the strange new star, the three wise men of the East journey to Bethlehem in search of the holy child, whose birth has been foretold to them. They are followed by a large retinue of servants and a train of camels, donkeys, sheep, etc., forming in all an impressive caravan. The wise men and the shepherds enter the lowly stable and kneel at the feet of Mary, who holds in her arms the new-born babe. Joseph stands near and watches the touching scene. ...