Dan Beirne

Dan Beirne


Dan Beirne


Cuando la adolescente Priscilla Beaulieu conoce a Elvis Presley en una fiesta, el hombre que ya es una superestrella meteórica del rock and roll se convierte en alguien completamente inesperado en los momentos privados: un enamoramiento emocionante, un aliado en la soledad, un mejor amigo vulnerable.
I Used to Be Funny
Sam is a young stand-up comedian and au pair struggling with PTSD, who is weighing whether or not to join the search for Brooke, a missing girl she used to nanny.
I Like Movies
Socially inept 17-year-old cinephile Lawrence Kweller gets a job at a video store, where he forms a complicated friendship with his older female manager.
Maybe You Should Be Careful
Meet June and Alistair, a long-term couple whose spark is starting to dim. Determined to heat things up, June has planned the perfect at-home date night. The only problem? Alistair is preoccupied with the sudden news of a neighbourhood attacker who just so happens to have an eerie similarity to June. Paranoia and tension ensue as they both try to figure out what game the other is playing. Is this the key to spicing up their sex life or is Alistair in real danger?
Tras un suceso global repentino que acaba con todos los dispositivos electrónicos y con la capacidad para dormir de la humanidad, el caos comienza a consumir el mundo rápidamente. Solo Jill, un exsoldado con un pasado problemático, podría tener la clave de la cura en su propia hija. La cuestión es ¿podrá Jill entregar a su hija de manera segura y salvar al mundo antes de que ella misma pierda la cabeza?
The Women's Hour
Rival film actresses Ruth Wescott and Norma Eastbrook are cast opposite each other in a campy, dramatic thriller. But, as competition and jealousy brews between the two stars, the line between the silver screen and reality starts to blur.
The Twentieth Century
Mackenzie King
Toronto, Canadá, 1899. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) cree fervientemente que está destinado a convertirse en Primer Ministro, pero para conseguirlo deberá luchar primero contra sus obsesiones personales y vencer los muchos obstáculos que encontrará en su tortuoso camino hacia el poder.
Mentira Piadosa
Sam Blumenthal
Katie Arneson está fingiendo un cáncer. El diagnóstico falsificado de Katie y la recaudación de fondos falsos la han convertido en una celebridad del campus rodeada de la comunidad de apoyo con la que siempre había soñado: un grupo de amigos muy unido, seguridad en sus actividades académicas y una relación afectuosa con su novia. Dependiendo de una beca para estudiantes enfermos para mantener su artimaña, Katie se entera de que la financiación está en peligro a menos que pueda proporcionar copias de su historial médico en el plazo de una semana.
American Hangman
Un hombre sin identificar sube a Internet un post en el que explica que ha secuestrado a dos extraños y que pretende asesinar a uno de ellos antes de que termine el día. Su intención, aclara, es la de realizar un juicio online. Mientras que las autoridades tratan de entender lo que está sucediendo, a medida que pasan las horas se hace cada vez más evidente que el público que está conectado a la red tendrá que convertirse en juez y jurado por unas horas.
The Dark
Officer Stevens
La zona se conoce como “la guarida del diablo”... solo que el monstruo que la habita no es otro que Mina, una adolescente que convierte en su víctima a cualquiera que se acerque. La llegada de Alex, un chico ciego que acarrea sus propios traumas, despertará en Mina un sentimiento que creía olvidado, el de la empatía. Como Déjame entrar, The Dark explora la tumultuosa época de la adolescencia a partir del terror.
Great Great Great
Lauren simultaneously starts an affair with her boss, rents a bachelor apartment, and asks her boyfriend Tom to marry her.
Suck It Up
Ronnie lost her brother, Faye lost her first love. These two best friends take off on a debaucherous road trip to the mountains to get over the death of the guy they both loved.
Jeremy and Margot Make a Baby
Jeremy and his boyfriend Cruz want to have a baby. Their friend Margot, who may or may not be in love with Jeremy, is going to be their surrogate. What could possibly go wrong?
Three Night Stand
Aaron Berg
A man's plans for a romantic weekend go awry when he learns that his ex-girlfriend, whom he still secretly loves, manages the ski lodge where he and his wife are staying.
Roland, an art store employees, day is interrupted by a man needing to use the store's washroom. This simple request is complicated by the store's strict 'employee only' washroom policy. A full bladder, an irrational man, and some company red tape suddenly has Roland's day take a dire turn.
The Good Escape
Lunky Man
Famous 30s gangster John Dillinger will be dead in 5 minutes. Where does America's Most Wanted decide to go the night he dies? To see Clark Gable in Manhattan Melodrama. An unusual move for the savvy bank robber... unless, of course, that's how he wanted it to go.
Impulso asesino
Detective Mason
Una serie de horribles asesinatos estan ocurriendo en la ciudad de Boston. La detective Karyn Mitchell, encargada de la investigacion, descubre que los todos cadáveres tienen un extraño símbolo.
Sorry, Rabbi
Josh is a young secular jewish professional living in Montreal's Mile End Neighborhood. One night he's confronted by a group of Hasidic men who accuse him of having thrown a rock at them and of anti-semitism. Josh's first thought is 'what would my mother think?' Trying to resolve the misunderstanding, Josh agrees to an impromptu tribunal with the Hasidic men and their Rabbi.
Beat Down
Beat Down is an irreverent comedy about wrestling, family and following your dreams no matter how painful that can sometimes be. Fran Whiteway (Marthe Bernard, Republic of Doyle) is eighteen and a real firecracker. More than anything, Fran dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. Her single-father Whitey (Robb Wells, Trailer Park Boys) is a former-pro, aka White Lightning, with broken dreams of his own and is dead set against Fran wrestling. Fran is determined though and when Whitey's old rival Dark Thunder (Tony Nappo, Saw II) comes to town, she runs away to join his tour. Whitey is devastated and while he tries to get his daughter back, Fran learns the ropes of the wrestling game and of life itself.
I Heart Doomsday
Dr. Maximillian Von Max
A scientist builds an android to reconnect with his amnesiac lover.
The Future Is Now!
Young Man
A journalist (Liane Balaban) meets “Man of Today” (Paul Ahmarani) who, while a responsible citizen, is disengaged from greater society. He believes once he’s dead nothing more matters. As an experiment to see if she can turn his pessimistic view around, the journalist sends him on a journey of enlightenment to prove that the future does matter. Travelling the globe, he finds himself in surprising encounters with great minds in the arts and sciences. Starting with an unexpected poetry reading and conversation with experimental poet Christian Bök, Man of Today engages with architect Shigeru Ban, activist Francis Dupuis-Déri, philosopher Alain de Botton, artist Marlene Dumas, novelist Rivka Galchen, leading scientists and a ghost. Will the journalist succeed in turning a cynic into an optimist? Will it matter? What can one person do?
Nev, un fotógrafo de 24 años que reside en Nueva York, es contactado un día por Abby, una niña de 8 años que vive en el Michigan rural, que le pide permiso, a traves de MySpace, para pintar una de sus fotografías. Cuando Nev recibe el cuadro de la niña, que resulta ser fantástico, éste empieza una amistad con la familia de Abby. Con el tiempo, esta amistad se convierte en algo más cuando Nev desarrolla un romance con Megan, la hermana mayor de la niña. Impulsado por algunas revelaciones sorprendentes acerca de Megan, Nev y sus amigos se embarcan en un viaje por carretera en busca de la verdad.
The Trotsky
En un colegio de Montreal, un joven estudiante llamado Léon Bronstein (Jay Baruchel) encarna al líder ruso en una comedia que reproduce la revolución rusa. Después de ser despedido de la fábrica de su padre por emprender una huelga de hambre, a Léon su familia lo castiga a educarse en un escuela pública. Pero el joven no se amedrenta y, convencido de ser la reencarnación de Trostky intenta reproducir en la escuela la revolución socialista. Lo malo es que tropieza; por una parte, con la apatía de sus compañeros, dominados por el hedonismo y la falta de compromiso; y, por otra, con el gelido y estricto director del centro (Colm Feore).
A rag-tag group, led by the eagle-eyed Steve, take to Montreal's chilly rooftops under cover of night. They're on the prowl for the perfect peep desperate to glimpse a "hottie hookup," a "panty party" or a "big booty buffet" through unshuttered windows. But their lives are about to change. Enter Annette, a brazen academic who turns the tables by setting her sights on the peepers themselves. Soon it's a battle royale for rooftop supremacy will these die-hard obsessives manage to defend their turf, or will peeping as they know it never be the same?