Author Jonathan Stack, who has been so obsessed with trying to pen his magnum opus that he’s let his marriage to Samantha, who is also his agent and editor, break down to the point where she announces she’s leaving him for her business partner.
Executive Producer
La vida de Mark marcha perfectamente: está a punto de convertirse en multimillonario y va a casarse con el amor de su vida, Connie. Pero no todo es lo que parece en la perfecta vida de Mark. Connie ha trazado un plan para robarle sus millones. Para que no le tome por idiota, Mark rápidamente contraataca con un plan simplemente para comprobar hasta dónde es capaz de llegar Connie para conseguir ese dinero.
Executive Producer
A US criminal profiler (of sorts) is sent over to Queensland to help catch a serial slayer, who leaves biblical scriptures behind at the scene of his crimes.
Executive Producer
The public facade and private life of an aspiring politician and his wife. This film reveals the little white lies that lead to revenge, blackmail and a fight for life.
Executive Producer
Verena Steynton is holding a party for her daughter. All the aristocratic families of Strathcroy in the Scottish Highlands are attending, with all their guilty secrets...
Executive Producer
Kate Fletcher has the perfect apartment. Everything is computer controlled. It is the home of her dreams until a psychotic man begins to execute the violent orders he hears from his long dead sister.
Co-Executive Producer
Fall from Grace describes the war of the young English-French Catherine, her mother is killed in 1940 during the German campaign against France, Catherine escapes to England where she eventually volunteers to become a spy. The Movie is based on a book by Larry Collins.
Executive Producer
Praga, 1900. Milan es un hombre soltero, conquistador. Toca el piano y canta aceptablemente. Mantiene una agradable amistad con Franz, director del Balneario de Karlovy Vary, donde Milan pasa temporadas descansando. Franz está casado con una bella mujer llamada Teresa. Milan asedia la fortaleza de Teresa. Diez años después, Milan y Franz se encuentran de nuevo y los recuerdos se apoderan de ellos. Milan se conmociona al enterarse de que Teresa ha muerto. Tuvieron una niña a la que Milan ama desde ese momento como una hija, pero la niña padece una grave enfermedad. (FILMAFFINITY)
La vida de tres parejas, de diferentes clases sociales, que gira alrededor de una anciana de carácter irreductible, le sirve al director para realizar un fiel retrato de la sociedad británica de la época.
A short comedy by Mike Leigh about the romance between a young woman and a man who communicates only through jokes and humor...
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.