Anna Lyons


Call Girl
Cuando en España aún estábamos a vueltas con esa droga misteriosa llamada píldora anticonceptiva y el divorcio era cosa innombrable, los progresistas y enrollados suecos ya iban por la liberación de la mujer y la revolución sexual. La sociedad modelo de la Suecia de los 70, sin embargo, escondía una buena montaña de mugre bajo la alfombra. Call Girl cuenta una trama policíaca -basada en un caso real- en la que altos cargos políticos se ven envueltos en un escándalo de prostitución que seguimos a través de Iris, adolescente rebelde que termina enredada en el “negocio” mientras la policía hace la vista gorda.
Janna & Liv
Two pregnant women with completely different personalities meet at a health center.
Bus to Italy
Choir leader Ylva and her choir are on a bus bound for Italy. Some of the members on the bus are looking forward to meeting the local mayor, others are just hoping for a free vacation, and yet a few more are still thinking that they're headed to Italy to sing. Common to them all is that they are more than happy to jump on this chance to escape their every day lives. Ylva too is one them. She wants to get away as soon as possible because she caught her husband in bed with the babysitter. She'll find that the young Erik and Ruben who join the choir for her are more than willing to offer her an adventure. The rest is made up of a sex-crowded pair, the couple who have not been with each other for years, the divorced woman who long for a man and the lesbian who did not dare come out.