Marie Wankelmut, once successful comic artist, lives among the prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Nowadays drunken and bold, she gets into one conflict after another. A gruesome sobering event at her neighbors, forces her to take action.
When Marius retires, his son drops his father in a home for the elderly. Marius has too much energy to accept the rules of the institute's management. Marius and other oldies lock horns with management.
Rotterdam, mayo de 1940. El joven panadero (y aspirante a boxeador) Vicente de Graaf conoce por casualidad a la rica Eva von Heerle. Ella es hija de notables refugiados de Alemania. Está a punto de contraer matrimonio con el rico industrial Dirk Lagerwaard. Vicente quiere ir a Estados Unidos para encontrar una cura para su hermano enfermo. Los dos se enamoran cuando las tropas alemanas invaden Holanda, pero sólo un milagro podrá unirlos. O el destino...
An elderly man pines away in a nursing home. His family calls on him out of a guilty conscience, but they try to get away from the stuffy atmosphere as soon as possible. The old man obliges them and behaves unresponsive. But as soon as everybody is gone, he smiles contented while softly speaking to his canary Arie. The human form the bird suddenly assumes is the kick-off for an adventure.