The story of the legendary wits who lunched daily at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City during the 1920s. The core of the so-called Round Table group included short story and poetry writer Dorothy Parker; comic actor and writer Robert Benchley; The New Yorker founder Harold Ross; columnist and social reformer Heywood Broun; critic Alexander Woollcott; and playwrights George S. Kaufman, Marc Connelly, Edna Ferber and Robert Sherwood.
Un grupo de jóvenes cantantes y bailarines que busca triunfar en Broadway decide participar en un musical con el propósito de recaudar fondos para los niños pobres. El entusiasmo que ponen en todo lo que emprenden les ayuda a lograr sus sueños.
Cécile, Annette, Yvonne, Émilie and Marie, the Dionne Quintuplets, turn five years old and have a private birthday party in their garden. Other than the five little French-Canadian princesses-of-the-world, the attendees at the party for the sheltered sisters are their doctor-and-mentor Roy Dafoe; a priest and two nurses; radio's "Town Crier" Alexander Woollcott; and RKO-Newsreel cameraman Harry Smith.
A ruthless, cynical, hated publisher is killed in a plane crash, doomed to be a "restless" spirit for being unloved. A heavenly power gives him a month on Earth to find one person to shed a tear for him before his fate is sealed.
Un actor de teatro de reconocido prestigio ve como su hermana, también actriz, cambia totalmente de personalidad cuando se reencuentra ésta con su marido, al que creía muerto.
As the rather fussy 'Mr. W' is dining in a restaurant, the waiter introduces him to an attractive woman, who sits down at his table. She asks him to take her to the theater, but he declines, indicating that he would prefer to relax at the restaurant. To entertain her, he teaches her a word game called the 'Minute Game'.
Aventuras de un solitario buscador de oro en Alaska, donde se topa con varios personajes rudos, y se enamora de la hermosa Georgia, a la que trata de conquistar.