Mads Reuther

Mads Reuther

Nacimiento : 1991-08-16,


Mads Reuther


In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
Remembering His Touch
A grieving lover searches for answers beyond the beaches of New York, two betrayed strangers find comfort in their shared pain, and a teenage friendship stirs up hidden feelings, pushing the boundaries of their relationship. Discover 5 stories that question the fate of lost love and the longing for answers. When you fight to hold on to the past, is it ever truly worth it?
Out of The Darkness
Aksel Skov
This Danish movie "Out of The Darkness" ( in Danish 'De Forbandede år 2' ) is a continuation of the popular WW II drama "Into The Darkness" ( in Danish 'De forbandede år' ) and it portraits the Danish Resistance movements fight. This movie takes place after 1943 where the official politic of 'corporation' comes to an end, and the Danish Resistance movement is gaining traction. The movie follows the Skov family from 1943 to the end of WWII. The growing opposition to the occupation and the increased brutality of the Germans have fatal consequences for the family.
El efecto Marcus: los casos del departamento Q
Cuando Marco, un niño gitano de 14 años sin hogar, es arrestado en el control de fronteras danés por posesión del pasaporte de un funcionario público desaparecido, el inspector de policía Carl Mørck y su equipo del departamento Q tienen la tarea de encontrar la conexión. El caso anterior contiene varios elementos sospechosos: el servidor público fue acusado de pedofilia poco antes de su desaparición, y su caso se cerró inusualmente rápido. Pero el silencioso y traumatizado Marco se niega a hablar con ellos y no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que esté huyendo de aquellos que pretenden matarlo por lo que él sabe.
Tiempos de Oscuridad
Aksel Skov
Dinamarca, 9 de abril de 1940. Un industrial danés coopera y se beneficia de la ocupación alemana de Dinamarca. Mientras que su familia se encuentra en lados opuestos del conflicto.
Steen is a clairvoyant psychic who has dedicated his life to his work. He has helped many families finding their missing loved ones, but he is estranged from his own adult son. His grandson’s birthday is coming up, a last possibility of reconciliation. Nothing must go wrong. But on his way there, he is approached by a desperate woman whose son has gone missing. She seeks out Steen as her last resort.
Steen is a clairvoyant psychic who has dedicated his life to his work. He has helped many families finding their missing loved ones, but he is estranged from his own adult son. His grandson’s birthday is coming up, a last possibility of reconciliation. Nothing must go wrong. But on his way there, he is approached by a desperate woman whose son has gone missing. She seeks out Steen as her last resort.
The Alien
A mysterious encounter between a woman and what appears to be an alien, reveals itself as a play, a prison our protagonists are doomed to live within forever.
Nerd Cave
An avid computer gamer lives with his mom. One day the power fails, and his world collapses. In a desperate attempt to get the power back, his mother tries to reconnect with him.
I blodet (In the Blood)
Cuatro estudiantes compran un apartamento en Copenhague, y se mudan a vivir todos juntos. El film sigue sus vidas de veinteañeros, con sus momentos buenos y malos, y la soledad que alguno de ellos tendrá después de que se separen. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pinde & Pistoler
La comuna
Dinamarca, principios de los años 70. Un matrimonio muy unido formado por dos jóvenes académicos decide irse a vivir a una comuna en Hellerup junto a su hija pequeña. Allí Erik y Ana descubren las peculiaridades de esa vida, que en principio parece idílica, pero que cambia cuando la joven amante de Erik se muda también con ellos.
The Elite
Before their youth is definitively over, a writer and his artist friends move into a mansion in the countryside where they begin a seemingly endless party which pushes their art and friendship to the limit.
Welcome to Paradise
Harald has grown up in an alternative church movement and the day has come for his confirmation ritual. But what the head of the church doesn't know is that he has a secret, which could be devastating for his entry into the family.
En samtale
Julie visits her father Nicolas after her parents’ divorce, to meet Nicolas’ much younger boyfriend, Christian. Christian tries to use her visit to resolve a fight with Nicolas in his favour.
Death of a Boy
Early spring 1951. Søren has dissapeared from his own engagement celebration. His fiancée finds him pale and gloomy, sitting on a jetty. She confronts him with his constant absence. In return she gets to witness Søren revealing a most fatal secret.
The Reunion
Party servant
Tres amigos de la escuela secundaria, Niels (Nicolaj Kopernikus), Andreas (Anders W. Berthelsen) y Thomas (Troels Lyby), quedan para celebrar el aniversario de su graduación. En realidad, Niels y Andreas no querían participar, pero Thomas ha organizado un gran fin de semana con bebidas, mujeres y baños de vapor. ¿Sobrevivirán a la vida nocturna de Copenhague? (FILMAFFINITY)
Truth About Men
Mads 17 år
El joven Mads (Lindhardt) tiene una buena casa, un buen trabajo y una novia (Novotny), con la que espera tener hijos. En el fondo no sabe muy bien qué es lo que realmente quiere. Un día encuentra una carta que se escribió a sí mismo a los 17 años, en la que se preguntaba si había hallado el amor verdadero. Lleno de dudas, decide tomarse un tiempo de reflexión lejos de su novia para averiguar qué es lo que realmente quiere y si alguna vez ha sido verdaderamente feliz.