An unexpected encounter with an unfamiliar woman rouses Marlene, a young single mother, from her unsatisfying routine. Inspired by the provocative verve shown by her new friend, Marlene takes a plunge into the unknown. Is this what a life without children and obligations could look like? But during Marlene’s quest for freedom, piecemeal images from her childhood begin to intrude more and more, reawakening a repressed childhood trauma.
Senta and Thomas are dying to fall in love - just not with one another. Still, when two people - a hopeless romantic and a system analyst - meet, an unexpected amour fou ensues.
After turning away from her Turkish family, young Ayla works as a kindergarten teacher and enjoys the liberties of being single. When she meet photographer Ayhan, she ignores all qualms and falls head over heels in love with him. Then Hatice, the mother of one of the kindergarten kids, is desperately seeking Ayla′s help: Hatice is living in fear since she has decided to divorce her husband, thereby enraging her strict Muslim family. Ayla takes her and the kid in, only later realizing that Ayhan is one of Hatice′s brothers.
Los hermanastros, Hammer y Hart aceptan una comprometida herencia: El taller de su madre, Roswitha. Heart, apostador de las Vegas, quiere vender inmediatamente el taller porque sólo está lleno de cachorros inservibles, y así poder disfrutarlo con su novia, y bailarina Gina. Pero el entrenador de boxeo de buen corazón, Hammer, quiere quedarse con el sitio porque le ha cogido cariño a Yuskel, el ex-mecánico de su madre. Pero cuando se enteran que su favorito enemigo, Don Leone, se ha empeñado en el auto-paraíso de Roswitha, los dos hermanos intentan transformar el taller en un próspero negocio.