Gabriele Dossi

Gabriele Dossi

Nacimiento : 1947-07-07, Munich, Germany


Gabriele Dossi


What Matters Most
Ingeborg Gruber
The lawyer Ella Wolf and her childhood friend Florian come from the same place but live in different worlds. He stayed in idyllic Bad Friedlingen and continues to run the organic farm of his deceased parents. For him, the modern milking machine means maximum change. Ella, on the other hand, is about to take the next step in her career in a renowned Munich law firm: one more test and she will become the youngest junior partner of all time! At her best friend's hilarious wedding party, the two meet and get closer than ever! When Ella returns to her home village six weeks later, she has two serious issues in her luggage: Firstly, she is pregnant by "Flo", which nobody but her knows yet, and secondly, she is supposed to push through a destructive construction project for an important client, which of all things is fought by Florian as the leader of a citizens' initiative.
Manche mögen's glücklich
Ada Baumann
Pizza und Marmelade
ältere Kassiererin
Mord in aller Unschuld
Direktorin Wienhold
Liebe hat Vorfahrt
Frau Krätzner
A misfortune rarely comes alone: ​​First caught the charming Munich wine merchant Sonja Franke her husband in red handed, then she gets in her state of shock even in a traffic control. She arrives promptly in court because of excessive speed, where the meticulous judge Alain Mayer withdraws her driver's license. So Sonja must travel by train to her most important winemaker. But in the course of the extremely turbulent journey, Sonja realizes that her "merciless" judge can be a thoroughly sympathetic and loveable man.
El cuchillo en la cabeza
Schwester Emilie
Alemania Federal, el doctor Bertholi se ve involucrado por la mala fortuna en una acción terrorista y resulta herido de gravedad en el cráneo por la policía. Las secuelas le dejan parcialmente inútil física y psíquicamente, sin motricidad y con el juicio nublado por el shock sufrido. Cuando empieza a recuperarse despierta en él un sentimiento de venganza hacia la policía.
Une femme fatale
Elisabeth Korber
A young, easygoing pilot discovers the mutual attraction between his chief pilot's wife and himself. The two become lovers, and are nearly discovered on several occasions. However, when the wife becomes pregnant, her husband has reason to believe he is not the father and, indeed, that the culprit is the young pilot. He arranges for the young man to have an unfortunate accident, and all proceeds as if nothing had happened.