Line Producer
The lives of a couple turn into a nightmare, as dark forces lie in wait beneath the shadows of the haunted bungalow in which they have decided to stay.
Jay is a former daytime TV star whose life has hit rock bottom until he meets his dream girl. Hannah is bright, beautiful and hates modern life. There's just one problem. How does Jay tell Hannah about the leaked sex tape which made him an internet sensation?
Jay is a former daytime TV star whose life has hit rock bottom until he meets his dream girl. Hannah is bright, beautiful and hates modern life. There's just one problem. How does Jay tell Hannah about the leaked sex tape which made him an internet sensation?
Rahul is a college-going boy who has always longed for the attention and love of his parents, which he feels deprived of. When he meets sexy Sohini, his forgets his loneliness and his mind gets obsessed with her thoughts. A new desire to live works within him. But that Rahul loves her remains unknown to Sohini, the results of which are strange or mysterious events occurring in her life. Whether Rahul is able to win the heart of Sohini or not, forms the climax of the story.
Dos hermanos, los dos magníficos chefs, se enemistan de manera catastrófica. En el clímax de su disputa, rompen en dos el libro de recetas familiar: un hermano se queda con los primeros platos y otro con los segundos. Montan dos restaurantes rivales, uno enfrente del otro, y pasan los siguientes veinte años de su vida tratando de superar al otro. Hace falta una hija para reunirlos. Ella planea su boda y está decidida a que los dos cocinen juntos, pero ¿podrán enterrar el hacha de guerra?
Dos hermanos, los dos magníficos chefs, se enemistan de manera catastrófica. En el clímax de su disputa, rompen en dos el libro de recetas familiar: un hermano se queda con los primeros platos y otro con los segundos. Montan dos restaurantes rivales, uno enfrente del otro, y pasan los siguientes veinte años de su vida tratando de superar al otro. Hace falta una hija para reunirlos. Ella planea su boda y está decidida a que los dos cocinen juntos, pero ¿podrán enterrar el hacha de guerra?
La película está ambientada en un "alternativo" año 1944 donde Rusia ha caído frente a la Alemania nazi y los desembarcos del Día D han fracasado. Con Gran Bretaña ocupada en parte por fuerzas alemanas, un grupo de la mujeres de Gales se despierta para descubrir que sus maridos han desaparecido misteriosamente... Basada en la novela de Owen Sheers “World War II”. Sheen interpreta a un agente del servicio secreto.
La película está ambientada en un "alternativo" año 1944 donde Rusia ha caído frente a la Alemania nazi y los desembarcos del Día D han fracasado. Con Gran Bretaña ocupada en parte por fuerzas alemanas, un grupo de la mujeres de Gales se despierta para descubrir que sus maridos han desaparecido misteriosamente... Basada en la novela de Owen Sheers “World War II”. Sheen interpreta a un agente del servicio secreto.
Executive Producer
Kamal is a spoiled, selfish young woman with a grandiose sense of entitlement and the maturity of a four year old. She lives with her father and uncles, and has never heard the word no. During a family wedding, she meets Gurjyot, who is immediately smitten. Their marriage is arranged, and they are promptly engaged. Kamal's father decides to take her to Bangkok to visit her invalid mother, and there she meets Jyoti and Karan. Despite her upcoming nuptials, she falls head over heels in love with Karan, and grows up immediately. She has already committed to someone else, and family honor is not a game she can win.